The Road to Paradise
Chapter 12
The so-called "dead" live a fully active life on the spiritual plane of existence
We thus see here that the living being has two sensory areas and thereby also two areas for experiencing and creating. It has the spiritual area for experiencing and creating, and it has the physical area for experiencing and creating. The being can fully experience and create in its spiritual area for experiencing and creating independently of the physical, but it cannot possibly experience and create in the physical area for experiencing and creating without its connection to the spiritual. It thereby becomes evident once again that the spiritual area for experiencing and creating is the absolutely primary one in the living being's existence and appearance. It can thus always experience and create in this area for creating, even if it is unconscious on the physical plane, indeed, even if it has no physical organism whatsoever and is, on this plane, regarded as being among the so-called "dead". These so-called dead are thus certainly not dead, even if they are completely unmanifested on the physical plane of existence, but live a fully active life in the processes of experience and creation on the spiritual plane, just like the beings on the above-mentioned physical plane. Indeed, here there are entire, vast planes of existence, where the beings live in a permanent spiritual state of experiencing and manifesting. All the beings that belong here are beings that are finished with being born on the physical plane and no longer need to incarnate in physical matter before they have completed one of the cosmic spiral cycles referred to in Livets Bog, which are absolutely essential to the maintenance of their eternal faculty to experience life and create. Unfortunately we cannot go into these advanced cosmic analyses in more detail here but must refer the reader to the above-mentioned work.