The Road to Paradise
Chapter 10
Ray-formed or spiritual matter
We have understood from the above that the physical existence of the beings is merely secondary. The existence of the living beings thus certainly does not stand or fall with it. We have also understood from the above that everything we know of in the way of physical details made by people constitutes copies of thoughts produced in physical matter. Before they were produced in this matter, they existed as thoughts within the psyche of the beings that have manifested them in physical matter. They constitute precisely all the things that human beings and animals, that is to say the living beings, manifest on the physical plane of existence. Thus they express thoughts and reveal consciousness. Are not houses, machines, articles of clothing, means of transport and so on, thoughts that have been manifested in physical matter? They thus constitute physical copies of thought, and, by virtue of this, become visible or accessible to the physical senses. Before they were copied in physical matter, they were inaccessible to the physical senses. But it cannot be denied that they nonetheless existed, even if not physically, then in a substance by virtue of which they could be sensed with other senses. In Livets Bog this substance is called "ray-formed matter". In everyday speech this substance is also called "spiritual matter". All existing thoughts come into existence in this substance. It constitutes the innermost and finest material for the creation of thought and thus of consciousness. Without this substance there would be absolutely no thinking and thereby no consciousness whatsoever, no experience, no knowledge, indeed, in brief, no experience of life whatsoever. In this substance the very first impulses from the living being's eternal spiritual structure are triggered. In this substance the entire activity that constitutes the being's mental activity, psyche or consciousness is triggered.