The Fate of Mankind
Chapter 5
World redemption
What then is this great solution? It is so simple and straightforward that it has already been expressed through millennia in the form of the divine words "Everything is very good". But as this analysis cannot be accepted by modern generations except in the form of science, it will therefore be the calculation of this solution, in intelligent coherent chains of thought, that will be the central feature in a new creation of fate, elevation of culture or world redemption for mankind. But as such a logical, coherent chain of thought cannot come into existence except in the form of a revelation of the eternal laws of life, the immortality of living beings, the identity of the universe as a "living being", as "a true Godhead" and in the form of a revelation of the great commandment "Love one another" as the source of the harmony of life, then the desire for scientific analysis of these problems will thus in reality constitute the "religiousness" that the great hosts from science and irreligiousness and of free-thinkers today unconsciously represent.
      As regards modern science, it is still far from being able to give scientific support to the great solution "Everything is very good". Its area of research is still far too limited or local to allow the whole world plan to be viewed through it. Within this area nothing will therefore in reality be absolutely complete but, on the contrary, will constitute only local areas or links in the great, all-embracing plan on which the structure of the entire universe and the ability of living beings to experience life are based. But, since science cannot yet see beyond this limit and cannot therefore see the world plan, neither can it see the details within its own area of research as links in this plan but must regard these as independent, as complete in themselves. But to judge unfinished things as finished must without doubt give rise to a false conception. As a false conception constitutes the opposite of reality, science will at its present stage of necessity argue that "Everything is not very good". As this reasoning is in opposition to the absolute fact or the eternal truth, which can only be expressed through the divine words "Everything is very good", the life of mankind today is thus to a great extent based on an illusion. It believes itself capable of judging and analysing everything within its present area of perception, while the reality is that on the continents of the earth there is absolutely nothing that is what it seems to be to the physical senses. But to live in an illusion must of course lead to the opposite of the meaning of life, which means to suffering instead of to bliss. And we have here arrived at the basic cause of the state of suffering or dark fate of terrestrial mankind.
      Can mankind then come to see the world plan and be brought to act in accordance with it and thereby come into harmony with life? Yes, it is, in the absolute sense, on the way to doing so. The "religiousness" that demands the solution of life supported by a logical, coherent chain of thought acceptable to developed intelligence and feeling has already led science, and thereby mankind, to the limits of the physical world.