The Fate of Mankind
Chapter 44
The United Nations as the embryo of an incipient world government or world authority
Just as there cannot be ordered relations within a society of individuals without a government, equally there cannot be ordered relations within a community of nations as long as this society is without a legal and judicial system and without a government. Evolution has also already begun the formation of the embryo of such a government or authority. This embryo appears to us in daily life as identical with the manifestation of the United Nations. This reality is an incipient international legal and judicial system. But this judicial system is today without a "police force" to safeguard its interests. And a legal and judicial system without police will, as we know, not mean anything to those who break the law. Neither does the power of the United Nations yet mean anything more than a shadow of what it will come to mean for any "criminals" (nations) on which it has to pass judgement today, particularly as these "criminals" have the right to "carry weapons" (army and navy). One can imagine a similar case in the ordinary daily practice of justice: an unarmed judge confronted with a criminal who is armed to the teeth. This can only be a parody of what it should be. But just as the legal and judicial system of the nations will gradually forbid individuals to carry weapons and allow detected unruliness to be settled only by the weapons of justice, so will evolution also result in the legal and judicial system of the world kingdom gradually becoming the only armed power in the world, while all militarism will be prohibited in the individual states. Just as a nation cannot achieve orderly or civilised relations without police, so of course neither can the world kingdom become civilised before it has got its world police.