The Fate of Mankind
Chapter 38
Society is governed by primitive tendencies of consciousness
The collective intelligence of terrestrial mankind is thus to a great extent still to be summed up as primitive and inferior to the energy of feeling. This means that mankind to a great extent still acts not on real intelligence but on feeling. And as instinct is degenerating and intelligence is still too small or weak to define feeling, it will consequently be undefined. Undefined feeling in turn, besides manifesting itself as superstition or erroneous notions, when it appears as an expression of the borderland of the explosion stage, meaning an area where the energy of feeling is mixed with great quantities of the energy of gravity – without this, however, being powerful enough to produce explosions constantly – will also manifest itself in the form of such primitive thought-climates as hate, jealousy, avarice, envy, dishonesty, lust for power, and intolerance. These thought-climates will thus be an expression of the energy of feeling influenced by slightly suppressed energy of gravity. As these thought-climates or natures are thus an expression of primitive feeling, they are, in the case of the terrestrial human being, older than his intelligence. They therefore together constitute the leading elements of his consciousness in his daily manifestation or existence.
      Since terrestrial mankind as a whole consists mainly of such individuals, it is really these natures that govern terrestrial human society. So this society is still governed not by a real or completely developed intelligence but by primitive feeling. Egoism, thirst for power, ambition and intolerance will thus to a great extent prevail.