The Fate of Mankind
Chapter 34
Science and "the Holy Spirit"
As already stated, science is identical with the penetration of a higher energy into the physical plane. This higher energy constitutes the fourth basic energy, "the energy of intelligence", and forms the basis for the human being's ability to define and thereby realise the analyses of his experiences of pleasantness and unpleasantness or his sensation of feelings. In other words, the above-mentioned energy forms the basis for what we call the "intellect". Science thus represents the collective "intellect" of mankind. But, since the energy of intelligence, as previously stated, is the fourth basic energy in the spiral zone, and since the terrestrial human being in evolution is primarily still situated in the culmination zone of only the second basic energy, it will be understood that the energy of intelligence to a great extent will still be considered as relatively latent in this being. The collective "intellect" of terrestrial mankind will thus – despite all the light that, as previously mentioned, in the form of science has spread out over the world – be considered primitive compared to what it one day will be. But this is also consistent with its identity as "the unborn embryo" of "the Holy Spirit". The faculty of knowledge or the intellect is thus in reality still not the most pronounced factor of consciousness in the terrestrial human being. There will therefore be other characteristics that are of an older date in this being and that therefore to a corresponding degree are more pronounced than the intelligence. These other characteristics consist to a particularly high degree of faculties that are promoted by the second and third basic energies of the spiral zone, which in "Livets Bog" are respectively expressed as "the energy of gravity" and "the energy of feeling".