The Fate of Mankind
Chapter 33
Science is already to a certain degree illuminating the world
As a science, in order to be absolute or genuine, must be identical with the analysis of a fact, that part of terrestrial science that is an expression of the absolute facts will thus be the first fundamental or realistic realisation of the truth or the eternal facts, but of course as yet only the physical side or appearance of these factors.
      Before I go further into science, the following quotation from "Livets Bog" section 180, which shows that terrestrial science, even in its "embryo stage", is extremely illuminating, can perhaps be justified. In reads:
      "As science constitutes the first beginnings of knowledge of the universe and existence, it thus forms the periphery of the cosmic or spiritual world. It is the dawning cosmic consciousness. It is the fresh sea air by the sea. Modern science will thus in reality be unshakable proof of the fact that terrestrial mankind is becoming spiritual. Remove science from its consciousness, and all that remains is a primitive animal consciousness receptive only to coarse influences. Mankind would consist solely of beings who could not possibly perceive the clear light of a written book, who could not possibly perceive what an ingenious work of art is saying, who could not possibly harness the material forces in engines or other kinds of machines or means of transport over land and sea, through the clouds and under the water; beings who could not create buildings, clothes and articles for everyday use; indeed, beings who could not even express themselves through a perfect language. Through the achievements of science, the faint ticking of a clock can be heard from pole to pole and all the peoples of the earth can listen to the same lecture at the same time. By means of microscopes and telescopes the terrestrial human being has extended his material sight hundreds of times into the microcosmic as well as the macrocosmic world. From universities, schools and colleges the cosmic light in the form of science radiates out over the whole world. It rests like newly fallen snow in everything, on everything and over everything. Science is thus the first fundamental result of the penetration of a higher spiritual energy into the energy of gravity or the physical world."