The Fate of Mankind
Chapter 24
The terrestrial human being's realisation of cosmic consciousness
As the physical body of the terrestrial human being constitutes the one of his six bodies of manifestation that is the most developed – it therefore being able to correspond to the greatest extent with physical energy, while the other bodies in relation to this are more or less latent – the physical plane of existence becomes the plane on which the same being is most conscious, and the other planes, that is, the spiritual, become those on which he is least conscious. Indeed, the spiritual consciousness of the terrestrial human being is sometimes so small in relation to the physical consciousness of this being that he even believes only the latter exists and that all spiritual or cosmic consciousness is imagination or superstition. Later in evolution, when the individual reaches the last planes of existence in a spiral zone, the situation is reversed. Then it is the spiritual planes of existence of which he is most conscious, and his physical perception that is latent. The physical world is thus temporarily the most real for terrestrial mankind, which therefore also believes to a great extent that the latter world is the only reality, just as the same is of course also the case with regard to the perception of physical bodies of the individuals.