The Fate of Mankind
Chapter 18
Why the individual does not remember his eternal past
Why does the terrestrial human being not know his eternal past? As not knowing one's past is the same as not being able to remember it, the answer to this question is to be found in the analysis of the faculty to remember. And in the terrestrial human being this faculty is almost completely at its latent stage in its cosmic cycle. He cannot even remember the beginning of his present physical body and so the beginning of his present physical life. He thus does not know the first years of his life. He cannot possibly remember all the details in his experience of the day before. But since the area for the individual's faculty of memory does not even span his present physical life, but already excludes many years of its first period from his conscious realisation, it is simply a matter of course that he does not at all remember events and details that he experienced at a point lying even further back in time. That the individual does not remember his past or his previous lives is thus not a proof that this or these have not existed but is rather evidence of an inadequate memory. But this of course does not mean that the memory of the terrestrial human being is abnormal. On the contrary it is in full accordance with the natural laws of the universe.