The Fate of Mankind
Chapter 13
The mother energy, the superconsciousness and the subconsciousness
As previously mentioned, the I possesses an organism. An organism constitutes a partly eternal and partly created life-promoting instrument connected to the I. By virtue of this instrument the I can create the release and interaction of the basic energies, the reactions of which become identical with "the experience of life". I have expressed the eternal part of the I's instrument for experiencing and manifesting life as the "superconsciousness" of the living being. To this superconsciousness is connected a likewise partly eternal and partly changeable organ for each of the basic energies. Each basic-energy organ is unshakably rooted by its eternal part and is one with the superconsciousness. The changeable parts of the above-mentioned basic-energy organs are combined in a collaboration by virtue of which the I can elicit the final shaping of its experience of life and manifestation or creation. I have expressed this combination of the organs of the basic energies as the "subconsciousness" of the living being. Through special eternal organs in the superconsciousness, which I cannot go into here, a seventh basic energy, which I have called "the mother energy", is released. From the superconsciousness the mother energy is transmitted to the organs of the basic energies, which it maintains in an eternally changing combination. Through these changing combinations of the basic energies and by virtue of the organs of the basic energies, the I is able to create its manifestation and experience of life. As the basic energies in certain combinations form physical matter and in other combinations form spiritual matter, and matter constitutes the material for creation, the I thus becomes able to create and experience in both physical and spiritual matter.