The Fate of Mankind
Chapter 11
The spiral zones
In the previous chapter the reader became acquainted with the fact that the living beings' experience of life takes the form of a passage forwards and upwards through an infinitely continuing succession of planes of existence, and that these planes of existence are identical with the total substance, material or energy of the universe. Furthermore, it has been shown in the same chapter that, owing to the particular organisation of this energy, the planes of existence appear in the form of six different categories, of which the first is known as "the plant kingdom", the second as "the animal kingdom", the third as "the human kingdom" and so on. In the course of evolution all living beings without exception pass through these six planes of existence in an ever-ascending repetition towards perfection. Evolution can therefore be likened to an eternal staircase of which each individual plane of existence constitutes a step, and six such "steps" constitute a greater step, which I have expressed as "a spiral zone".
      The terrestrial human being thus finds himself in such a "spiral zone". This spiral zone with the three zones directly above and the three zones directly below together constitute an inseparable interplay. As this interplay is in turn an unshakable vital necessity for the being in question, it is no coincidence that the basic energies appear in spiral zones. The experience of life of every living being is thus determined by seven spiral zones; that is, an interplay of forty-two planes of existence. It will therefore be understandable that I cannot go into detail here but must refer the reader to "Livets Bog (The Book of Life)". I will, however, point out that the underlying spiral zones are populated by microscopic beings whose planes of existence manifest themselves in our organisms, among other places, while the beings of the spiral zones above are of a macrocosmic nature and provide, in the form of the universe, the "organism" within which we ourselves behold the light of day or "live and move and have our being".