The Fate of Mankind
Chapter 10
The planes of existence
As regards the six special basic energies, this evolution takes the form of a passage through six special sections, which means one for each basic energy. Each such section will thus represent a form of experience of life differing in essence from the experience of life of the other sections and is expressed by the term "a plane of existence" or "kingdom". There are thus six planes of existence. Of these, the first constitutes what we call "the plant kingdom", the second "the animal kingdom" and the third "the human kingdom". The fourth I have given the name "the kingdom of wisdom", the fifth "the divine world", and the sixth "the kingdom of bliss". Of these kingdoms the terrestrial human being has passed the culmination of the animal kingdom and is well on his way to the next kingdom. He is still not a perfect human being, but he is not a pure animal either. He is a transitional being between animal and man. This is more easily understood when one recognises which basic energies lie behind the kingdoms. People have not yet become acquainted with these basic energies in their true nature as energy but rather as realities that are expressed by the terms "instinct", "gravity", "feeling", "intelligence", "intuition" and "memory". These realities thus constitute for cosmic clearsightedness life's great and absolute basic energies. Everything in existence is made up of these energies. Behind the plant kingdom lies "the energy of instinct"; behind the animal kingdom lies "the energy of gravity". This latter energy is of such a nature that it promotes "the killing principle" or everything that comes under the terms "sorrow", "ill health" and "mutilation". Behind the human kingdom lies "the energy of feeling" or that energy that in its highest form appears as "love". Behind the kingdom of wisdom lies "the energy of intelligence"; behind the divine world lies "the energy of intuition"; and behind the kingdom of bliss lies "the energy of memory".
      It must of course be understood that all the energies are present on each plane of existence, but that the energy mentioned here in connection with each plane of existence is the one that controls and characterises the plane in question.
      As living beings, having passed the six kingdoms mentioned here, go into a new plant kingdom, a new animal kingdom and so on, but of far greater dimensions and of a more elevated nature than the previous kingdoms, this passage or the evolution of the living beings can be further divided into certain great sections. Each of these will thus consist of the previously mentioned six planes of existence. The living beings are thus in an eternally continuing passage forwards and upwards towards greater and greater heights in love, harmony and beauty in the vast kingdom of the Godhead.