Christmas in Heaven
by Martinus

1. "Birth 1" and "Birth 2"
Death, as millions of people believe or imagine it, absolutely does not exist. And for this reason almost all these people are more or less afraid of dying. They are, therefore, victims of one of life's greatest superstitions or errors in thinking. Death does not exist and absolutely cannot exist. The term "death" will therefore be omitted from the language in the new world culture. Just as the little baby's birth into the physical world is in reality a transition from its existence on the spiritual plane to the physical plane, so too is "death" merely the being's transition from the physical plane to the spiritual plane, that is, to the true domicile of its eternal life. For this reason the term "death" will gradually be omitted from the language and expressed as "birth 2", while the birth of a child or the birth to the physical world will be expressed as "birth 1". People's terror of "birth 2" (death) is as a rule due only to their total ignorance about what happens after "birth 2" (death), which is not any death but, as previously mentioned, is a birth. Some people believe that it is a total wiping out of life and thereby the end of their existence. Others are afraid that they will be punished for their "sins" or "be burned in the eternal fires of hell". There are many different ideas about "death", that is "birth 2". This is true both in heathenism and Christianity. These ideas are mainly due to the fact that people's senses are not yet sufficiently developed for them to be able to see their present true situation in the gigantic process of creation in which they are situated in order to become "the human being in God's image after his likeness".
2. The immortal being behind the physical organism
So death is merely a process whereby the living being's experiencing of life is transferred from the world of darkness to the world of light. This means from the physical world to the spiritual world. The process is carried out by the liberation of the living being from its physical organism. After this liberation this body lies lifeless. And this is quite natural, since it in itself has never been alive. But this does not alter the fact that it consisted of living micro-beings of various sorts. Every kind has its world of life in which it could experience its physical existence. We express these small worlds of life as our physical organs. They are constructed and adapted in such a way that they together form our physical body, which in turn constitutes our physical instrument for life on the physical plane. But it is not a condition for our appearance as a "living being"; but it is built so that the possibilities for the functioning of its structure demand that it is possessed by our I and its superconsciousness. These two objects together constitute a unit that comprises the really living, eternal being behind the perishable physical organism. And so our physical body is possessed and kept alive by our eternal I. By virtue of this possession of our physical organism we make it an instrument for our existence, experience and creation on the physical plane. But this instrument, like all other instruments, can become old and frail, worn out and unusable. In such cases it is automatically separated from the I or the living being of which it was possessed and whose physical instrument it had been. Without this liberation from the physical organism when it is worn out, injured and destroyed, and without our automatically getting a new organism after that, we could not possibly become the perfect human being in "God's image". How could this occur when we consider how many people have their physical organisms destroyed in war, accidents and through illness? If the rebirth of a new organism did not take place every time the old organism totally failed, the evolution of the being in question would have to cease totally, since real evolution cannot take place on the spiritual plane. But imagine what good things we are witnessing here! We see that all the accidents and sufferings, all the darkness that the being, during its many physical lives on Earth, has to go though in order to attain the ocean of experience necessary for it to become God's image, cannot in any way whatsoever reach the I or the real living being behind the organism. It is liberated from every defective or destroyed organism but keeps the knowledge or experience, light or darkness it attained through the organism. And the being now, into the bargain, gets a pause in the light in that sphere of the spiritual environment it is, for the time being, prepared or sufficiently mature to be able to bear until it is again prepared or sufficiently mature for a new physical rebirth.
We have here "the kingdom of Christ" that was not of this world, that kingdom which is the true spiritual or cosmic domicile of all living beings. It is in order to be able to experience and manifest oneself in the highest flood of rays of this kingdom that the living beings must be reborn again and again on the material, physical plane. So they are here in order to be formed so as to experience and create in the spiritual world, which is totally liberated from all black or dark thought-material. A world totally liberated from all black thought-climates can be only a manifestation of the eternal light of universal love, which is also culminating all-wisdom and omniscience. We are here in "the kingdom of God", the flood of rays of the eternal light in its purest form. God's creation of the human being in his image after his likeness is complete. We are at a "Christmas party" at the home of the eternal Father of all living beings.
With this little very limited glimpse from the new world epoch I would like to wish you a very merry Christmas and a blessed New Year...
With most loving greetings Martinus (Christmas 1976)
Original Danish title: Jul i Himlen. A Christmas letter from 1976. Translated by Mary McGovern, 1991.
Article ID: M0910 Published in the English edition of Kosmos no. 6, 1991
© Martinus Institut 1981, www.martinus.dk
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