The Judas Mentality
By Martinus

1. Judas was neither a traitor nor a villain in the absolute sense
Over the centuries Judas has been made into a type of human being that would be one of the most wretched and vile imaginable, a villain that, under the pretence of being one of Christ's disciples, betrayed the world redeemer, even selling him or handing him over to be crucified for purely material gain, the thirty pieces of silver that he was paid by the high priests. In this respect, the Christian world that followed has been shrouded in a great illusion. Judas is to this very day from thousands of pulpits the world over, condemned as a villain who has committed an unforgiveable action, and for whom there was in reality nothing other than suicide and eternal damnation ahead of him. In truth, though, Judas is in reality absolutely not a model villain or criminal. It is therefore absolutely not the kind of human being that, in the form of Judas, is revealed to mankind. Judas is neither a traitor nor a villain in the absolute sense, to that he was too interested in the salvation of mankind, in guiding mankind out of darkness and towards the light. How else could he have become Jesus' disciple? Do you not think that the world redeemer had knowledge of human nature? Do you think that he was devoid of psychological sense? Do you not think that he knew who he was dealing with?
If Judas had been a villain, a bandit in the sense that Christian posterity assumes him to be, he would never ever have become Jesus' disciple. What led Judas into misfortune was not in actual fact that he was by nature a bandit that through his acquaintance with Jesus sought to gain advantages, in fact even handing him over to death and destruction merely for the sake of the thirty pieces of silver. No, it was something completely different. He was no longer a bandit by nature. This was actually a condition for becoming a disciple of the world redeemer. Overcoming this is the first overcoming of the guardians of the threshold, and is absolutely necessary in order to take part in the world redeemer's great work. Judas, on the other hand, had too strong leanings to the other side. He was a human being who had an oversized desire to deliver human beings, and in particular the Jews, from their enslavement or the Roman yoke, the Roman occupation of Palestine. He belonged to the group of human beings that today we would call enthusiasts, beings that devote themselves to their cause, with such zeal that they more or less become fanatics. They exceed in their propaganda, that which is normal, what is common decency.
2. Judas wanted to go ahead of Jesus
With regard to Judas, he was in reality so enthusiastic about Jesus' teaching and mission that he absolutely could not wait to have it demonstrated or revealed until it suited Jesus. He was therefore in a far greater hurry than even the world redeemer to stage world redemption. He actually became impatient. He very likely had the thoughts that Jesus was too loving and too patient. It would take too long if others did not intervene. And he felt himself to be self-appointed to set the scene. By setting the scene for the high priests to come to arrest Jesus, it would surely enable them to see who he was. They would realise that he was the Son of God, a being who it was of course impossible to arrest. One should faint or fall dead to the ground by raising a hand to him who awoke people from the dead, enabled the blind to see, the lame to be able to walk, freed people from leprosy and other illnesses. And once they came to experience the greatness of Jesus and had to ascertain their own powerlessness, would Jesus' mission therefore triumph over the greats of this world.
Judas was possessed by this enthusiasm. His intentions were certainly good, but it was just the means by which these should be arrived at that were not the correct ones. Judas wanted to go ahead of Jesus. He went ahead of our Lord and thereby ahead of the events. In this way he learned that God alone decides the day and the hour of mankind's fate and guidance. Therefore, the world redeemer's will had to be in contact with God's will. This was the reason why Jesus always said: Father, not my will but thy will be done.
3. The Judas mentality is that which dominates in all religious movements
But that was therefore not the case with Judas. Here it was not God's will but Judas' will that was to take place. If Judas would have transformed his attitude in a prayer to God, which he did not do, the matter would have appeared like this: Father, not your will, but my will to be done. That is to say precisely the opposite of what Judas' master had in mind. And it was this attitude that was dangerous for Judas, as well as for all later "Judases" in the Christian world. Have there been other beings who have become "Judases" within Christianity? The Judas mentality spread widely everywhere. When all religious sects and communities proclaim that they possess the salvation of the world and that the road to salvation goes exclusively through being enrolled in their particular community or sect, here one has bypassed the Lord God. When one has been able to allow oneself to make the forgiveness of sins into an article of commerce, also here one has bypassed the Lord God. When one wants to convert human beings under the threat of an eternal damnation, an eternal hell, also here one is involved in taking measures that are not God's will, but Judas' will. In fact, is it not the mentality of Judas that has become predominant in all the religious movements of today and is this not the very reason why they all without exception are dying out? Is not Christ's Sermon on the Mount and the other words directly uttered by the world redeemer the true road to salvation and not the threat of hell? It is not war, fighting or punishment that is the true Christianity; these measures were caused by "Judases" inside Christianity. These are beings that have not been able to get conversion or the improvement of human beings to take place fast enough, and they end up setting the scene for a crucifixion. The effects will be the same as those that Judas set in motion for the world redeemer. Do we not have witch-burning at the stake and excommunication to look back on as a crucifixion staged by the Judas mentality – a mentality that is so hasty that it has absolutely no time to forgive or turn the right cheek when one has been smitten on the left cheek.
4. The Judas-led mankind is in the process of committing suicide
So, what about the "Judases"? They will all end up having the mentality of suicide. Is not the Judas-led mankind today in the process of committing suicide? When human beings excel at murdering human beings and this mentality becomes the mentality that overshadows human beings' development of skills and creation, surely it is mankind that is murdering mankind, that is itself. Today human beings very much want lasting peace but they do not want to go the way that the world redeemer has pointed out, namely, that one must create peace within oneself. It is impossible to create peace for others through war, dictatorship and punishment or mutilation. Every human being that in Jesus' name and in the belief that he is creating peace, is waging war, is creating retaliation and punishment, is a "Judas" and will end up experiencing spiritual suicide.
The manuscript concludes with these words:
Explain the salvation in the kingdom of death. How "Judases" can more easily find peace here, whereas real bandits cannot find peace here but have to go back in order to experience the effects of their own killing. Explain how they meet the world redeemer here and hear his voice: "I have come to seek and to save those who are lost."
Suggestions for further reading:
Through Purgatory and Paradise 1 and Through Purgatory and Paradise 2 in the English edition of Kosmos no. 3, 2014 or at martinus.dk
Manuscript for a lecture held by Martinus at the Martinus Institute 6th April 1952. Fair copy and headings by Torben Hedegaard. Approved by the council 9th April 2020. First published in the Danish edition of Kosmos 2022-1. Translated by Andrew Brown 2022. Article-id: M0904
© Martinus Institut 1981, www.martinus.dk
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