Terrestrial Mankind's Number One Guardian Angel
by Martinus

1. Our organism is a universe
In the old days people believed in "spirits" in the same way that they believed in angels, but this kind of belief is denounced by most people nowadays as "superstition". People only want to believe in realities or in what they can experience directly with their physical senses. But what is it that actually lies behind what we experience with our physical senses? Physical science can demonstrate for example that a human being's physical body is something other than and something more than what we can see. We know that such a body is made up of a whole series of organs, each having its own particular function in relation to the whole, and as long as the human being is healthy all these organs work well together. The functioning of the organs is useful and logical and each of them is built up of smaller parts that have a useful and logical function within the whole that is the organ. Organs, cells, molecules, atoms and even smaller units together make up an organism for a living being, which, when seen in a microcosmic perspective is like an entire universe made up of particles and empty space. The empty space is not just empty; beaming through it are electrical forces, rays and waves. We are not used to thinking of our physical body as a universe and of our organs and smaller physical particles as milky ways, solar systems and globes, but human beings again and again over the course of evolution on gaining new experience have had to allow old habitual prejudices to be replaced by a new and greater perspective, and this is also about to happen in our time.
2. Macro-, meso- and microcosmos
What is about to happen, among other things, is that human beings, who have become materialistic and can no longer believe in spirits, will gradually understand what spirit is, and that no combination of matter whatsoever, whether it appears as a micro- or a macrocosmic universe, can exist without being some form of movement, and thereby an expression of life, consciousness and will, an expression of a spiritual force. As well as the familiar terms macrocosmos and microcosmos, I also use the term mesocosmos in my analyses. This covers the world that we normally experience through our physical senses and that we call reality, that is to say Nature and other living beings. In mesocosmos, however, we experience reality only in one way, or as seen in one perspective. Science tells us that in microcosmos everything is movement; even in stone or inorganic, so-called dead matter there is movement, and all matter is, when seen in the microcosmic perspective, particles and empty space with forces streaming through it that we call rays and waves. In macrocosmos we know that there are also rays and waves behind the macrocosmic particles that we call globes, suns and milky ways, and that there is a purpose to their radiation and movements. It has long been recognised as a fact that our entire physical life on this globe is created through a cooperation between the sun and our globe. How could the life and the appearance that we now represent have come about and continue to be maintained without the light and warmth of the sun? It would be impossible. But at the same time, we know that the sun is the centre of a complete solar system that together with other similar systems makes up an even bigger universe-unit that we call a milky way-system, and this exists alongside other similar systems. All these milky ways, stars, suns and globes release cosmic forces or energies, and these phenomena are just as necessary and just as logical and useful as the release of forces in our own organs, cells and even smaller micro-units. They are all, whether in macrocosmos, microcosmos or whether they are ourselves in mesocosmos, life-units, that is to say, living beings. Living beings in turn means spiritual beings, and spiritual beings are beings that make use of the ray-formed energies that make up their consciousness to form – with their longing and will as the driving force – matter by attracting and gathering together the units of matter into organisms, and in this process these units of matter, which are at the same time life-units or living micro-beings, are given a universe in which to live. The living beings in macro-, meso- and microcosmos therefore constitute universes and matter for one another, and at the same time each of the three categories has its own mesocosmic sphere of experience.
3. Purposefulness and usefulness in the cosmic perspective
Streaming through the entire universe is spirit, which is the same as life and consciousness and thereby thought and will, desire and the satisfaction of desire. It would be illogical to believe that the immense forces that the suns and milky ways represent should be sailing through space for millions of years of no use to any world, while the beings on one particular globe find purposefulness behind all the functions in their organism and behind all the functions in Nature right down into microcosmos. Of course what is meant by purposefulness and usefulness in a cosmic perspective is not only what is of use to human beings seen from their own temporary, local standpoint, but what is of benefit to the whole body of living beings within a great cosmic unit. One such unit is the Earth, which we call "our" globe. It is a life-unit or a living being, and if anything it is rather we that belong to it, as we are micro-individuals in its physical organism. Our belonging to the Earth globe as a living macro-being is, however, not a relationship based on possession, owing to the fact that a living being can never possess another being, not even its micro-beings. The relationship that exists between the Earth as a macro-being and terrestrial human beings as micro-beings is not one based on possession but one based on neighbourly love, in fact the relationship is so significantly one of neighbourly love that the Earth globe in the cosmic perspective is human beings' number one guardian angel.
In times to come it will be the principal task of science to study the psychic or spiritual aspects of life, and one will then experience that it is not life that is bound to the physical organism but the physical organism that is bound to life. Life itself is what is eternal, while the organism, with all its combinations of matter that are constantly in movement and under transformation, is a temporal or temporary phenomenon.
4. Spirit and matter
We know from the functioning of our own lives how we use our will and our thoughts to regulate the way we manifest and to direct our physical body. The materialist believes that it is merely the brain that directs and regulates; to anyone used to electrical regulators and transformers it is just a question of "technology". But there exists no technology in the universe behind which there is not a technician who has set the technical functions in motion and who is also responsible for them. Our brain is certainly the main technical tool, sending and receiving the power of the will, but it is nothing more than a tool. But a tool for what? – For a "something" that is the originator of the organism and that maintains and renews it, but at the same time for a "something" that is not tangible and that materialists are therefore apt to believe is a "nothing". Even extremely intelligent human beings can hold this belief without seeing that in so doing they are more superstitious than so-called naïve human beings who believe in spirits. These intelligent human beings do not say, "Nothing will write a letter", neither do they say, "My brain will write a letter", they say, "I will write a letter", and in this everyday speech they are speaking the truth, namely that their I, a spiritual force, feels compelled to write a letter and uses its will and its abilities to set its whole physical structure in motion, so that the wish becomes physical reality. Spirit is psychic or ray-formed power that emanates from a power centre or an I. It is will and consciousness, and without this intangible or ungraspable reality absolutely nothing tangible or graspable would exist, nor any urge to grasp or understand. But is it possible for a spiritual being, which is the same as a psychic or ray-formed being, to exist without a physical body? It certainly is, for as it is the originator of the body it existed before this self-same body was created, and it will also exist even though it dies, which all bodies do sooner or later. As we have already mentioned, the physical body is connected to life; it is a temporary tool built up of living micro-beings, which cannot die either but which, when the time comes for the body to decompose, will go over to the psychic or ray-formed plane, just as their macro-being did, from where they will once again incarnate onto the physical plane when the time is ripe. All beings in micro-, meso- and macrocosmos live for periods on a totally spiritual or ray-formed plane and for other periods they, as spiritual beings, experience life through a physical organism, but they are therefore still nevertheless spirits. The difference between what are commonly called "spiritual beings" and "physical beings" lies in the fact that physical beings are temporarily bound to a combination of solid and liquid material substances that form a particular organism, while the spiritual beings no longer have such an organism, but experience life through ray-formed bodies. Absolutely all spirits in existence have at some time, whether a longer or a shorter time ago, had a physical organism. No being can be spirit or a living spiritual being without it having been through incarnations in physical matter, just as no being can be a physical being other than by virtue of the fact that behind its physical organism it exists as spirit.
5. The Earth's I and the kings of the past
Behind every physical organism, whether it be a globe, a cell or an ordinary mesocosmic, flesh and blood organism, there exists a spirit directing it, and this is also the case with the globe that we call our Earth. The spirit of the Earth globe, that is to say its I in connection with its will and consciousness, is the highest authority within the Earth's field. All other power-possessing factors, such as superpowers, presidents and kings have in no measure the authority that one usually assigns to them. The Earth's I, along with its spiritual forces, is the Earth's absolutely sovereign, true king. Whether a so-called superpower should fall or rise, whether a race should evolve in this direction or another, whether the frontiers should be positioned here or there, whether the nations should be united into one world or whether they should go on being split up and at war with each other, are questions that are resolved by the Earth's true king, the spirit of the Earth or the Earth's I. It was this I of the Earth that to a large extent possessed with its spirit the royal autocratic rulers of the old days. When it was said that they were "sons of God", it was in actual fact the spirit of the Earth that they were closest to. They were thus centres for the physical talent kernels of the Earth's I, and through these kings the Earth's I could regulate the physical and spiritual course of its most highly evolved physical micro-beings, that is to say mankind. Through these "talent kernels" or "kings of divine grace" the Earth's I transmitted its will, which, through the king's dictatorial display of power, was turned into mesocosmic events. The royal being differed from the ordinary beings in that it was an "initiated" being, which means a being that has reached such an outstanding level in evolutionary development that the Earth's I could send its willpower directly through this being. The dictatorship that was therefore imposed was in contact with both the desires, will and longings that the Earth's I had at that time and the evolutionary level of mankind at that time, because the people in the kingdoms that were under the power of the kings were primitive, ignorant beings that were unreceptive to direct impulses from the spirit of the Earth's I. Kings and dictators were therefore for long periods the only beings that possessed a psyche that could receive directly the impulses from the Earth's I. But it was not to continue to be so.
6. The ongoing transformation of the Earth and human beings
Both the macro-being and its micro-beings are of course subject to the concept of evolution and transformation, and this is what caused the period of the dictators on Earth to gradually come to an end. The Earth's micro-beings, the great mass of human beings, began to develop the ability to think more independently. Very gradually they began to have the same attributes as the kings. In addition, royal authority began to degenerate, so that eventually there was less and less difference between kings and ordinary people. There even began to be beings whose ability to think stretched beyond that of the degenerate king, and dictatorship began to be felt as a restriction. There arose civil disobedience and revolt against the royal authority and in certain places progressive thinking provoked revolution that led to experimenting with new forms of government. At the same time, power struggles arose because ambition and thirst for power are some of the first things to come into play when relatively primitive human beings begin to develop culturally. They all wanted to be petty kings, or preferably a mini god. With the advance of evolution there is therefore more and more unrest among terrestrial human beings or the most highly evolved physical micro-beings of the spirit of the Earth, and we have seen how this change has taken place over the last centuries creating greater and greater strife, at the same time as terrestrial human beings are advancing in physical, scientific thinking and technical ability.
At this point one may well ask, "But why does the Earth's I not intervene and prevent these wars and revolutions, why does it not stop this entire Armageddon in its own organism?" And the answer is that the Earth being is in the highest degree possible in the process of sorting and clearing out its organism, and very great changes will take place in the coming centuries. We must not forget that the concept of time is quite different for terrestrial human beings than it is for a macro-being, which like the Earth globe has its day consciousness in a higher evolutionary spiral. What to the Earth globe being is only a comparatively short time is to terrestrial human beings several centuries. But evolution has taken enormous strides also with respect to terrestrial human beings' experience of time. Can we not see that in our own century much more has happened than in many previous centuries put together? Where previously there were small wars between states, there are now world wars. Where previously primitive guns and cannons were the most sophisticated murder weapons, we now have atom bombs that, in a short space of time when dropped from aeroplanes or when launched as a rocket, can bring death and destruction to the so-called enemy's most important centres of war, and where before there were many warring factions, there are now in fact only two extremes that the warring factions group themselves around. The formation of the groups may change but the two extremes, which we now call the East and the West, will remain until the dispute has come to an end, by which is meant not the destruction of the Earth, but quite the opposite, the evolving of a "new" Earth in which there is peace and neighbourly love, that is to say a new mentality which can be described or symbolised as "a new heaven".
7. The Earth globe being is facing up to itself
What is the meaning of all the conflicts that are in evidence among human beings on Earth, if we are to try to see them in a macrocosmic perspective? Before we answer this question let us first answer another one, namely, "Why is it that human beings live on the Earth and not on another globe in the universe?" The answer is that human beings as micro-beings are, with the whole of their radiation or psyche, on the exact wavelength of the Earth globe being's radiation. The law of attraction has therefore brought it about that it is only those individuals whose present fate is such that it fits the Earth's fate that are born or incarnate here, and they do so only as long as they have something to learn here and something to accomplish. The reason for this is because terrestrial human beings are, in their evolutionary spiral, on more or less the same evolutionary step as the Earth being is in its spiral, that is to say in a transitional stage from animal to human being. But the evolutionary step that terrestrial human beings are on covers an enormous range from totally primitive, intellectually undeveloped types of human beings that have no qualms about murdering or causing other beings suffering and pain, to intellectual types of human beings who are absolute geniuses at planning crimes and getting others to carry them out, and on to comparatively loving human beings who are nevertheless not particularly able to think things out for themselves, and finally to loving human beings who have also a well-developed intellect and who want to use their abilities so that they benefit the whole. These are the four main types, but of course there are many different combinations and intermediate types, but every single one of all these terrestrial human beings has nevertheless something in common with the macro-being that is the Earth, otherwise it would not have incarnated on this globe. The Earth-being will experience "the great birth" or cosmic consciousness in its present incarnation, but it still lives on the boundary between selfishness and unselfishness, or self-love and neighbourly love, and as long as it is in this sphere of its spiral cycle its consciousness will be partly permeated by selfish thought climates and partly by unselfish and humane spiritual forces. If the Earth's consciousness is permeated by these forces, these same forces must of course fill up those very talent kernels in its physical organism that they match, which means the terrestrial human beings. One can be filled with the Earth I's selfish, spiritual forces to the extent that one is oneself egoistic, unloving and power hungry, just as one is filled with this same macro-being's unselfish and loving energies to the extent that one is equipped to be a talent kernel for these forces. We can therefore see that the "great men" in world politics are in fact merely filled with those impulses of the Earth's I that they themselves are most sympathetic to in their everyday lives. But as these two opposite forces that are opposing one another appear in the Earth's psyche or in the terrestrial mentality, it means that the Earth is in the process of facing up to itself, taking a look at its thinking and its moral attitude, and in this settling of unresolved issues it becomes clear that it is gathering together around one extreme of thought everything to do with dictatorship and deprivation of individual freedom in favour of the group, and around the other extreme everything that promotes greater freedom for the individual in relation to the group or the state in order to arrive at the result that is best for the whole. The Earth is therefore in the process of reasoning something out, and as it is living in a completely different time-track than the micro-track that we live in, its "thinking time" lasts longer than ours does. What to the Earth-being is a second is to us perhaps a year or a decade. We should therefore try to understand that the functioning of thought and the changes in temperament of the Earth pass through mankind as cultural epochs. The Earth is at a crisis, but it is the sort of crisis that always precedes an initiation, and as the Earth globe being set out on this spiritual process centuries ago and will only have completed it in around 3,000 years, at which point "the true human kingdom" will be a reality on the physical Earth, it is therefore the preparations for this state that are now underway here on Earth, and this process of development is very much supported by the Earth globe being's willpower. The Earth being is protecting and taking good care of the humane forces of neighbourly love, but at the same time it is also purging its consciousness and its body, and human beings experience this partly as an expansion of consciousness in the words and deeds of humanistic people who are inspired by the ideals of neighbourly love, partly as new thoughts and a wider view of the laws of life that intellectual, loving people are the tools for, but also as wars, revolutions and catastrophes, whether great or small, that are sparked off by the tools that are adapted for this purpose. The direction of this entire evolutionary process is nevertheless clear, and long before the previously mentioned 3,000 years the united states of the Earth and the work in favour of the good of the whole human race will have come a long way. Much depends on the individual human being; one can learn to cooperate with the positive forces in the Earth globe's consciousness.
8. "Doomsday" and "new times" in the cosmic perspective
In the Earth globe being's consciousness there exist two mutually incompatible factors: selfishness and unselfishness, and these spiritual factors affect the individual human being's consciousness in proportion to how much the human being in question is on a wavelength with them. There was a time in the past when the Earth's spirit was one hundred percent the guardian angel for terrestrial human beings, and this was through the initiated kings who were overshadowed by the macro-being's will. It was divine dictatorship. The dictatorship degenerated because both the Earth being and terrestrial mankind had to experience a much higher state of consciousness and the "new times" that were predicted by prophets, who were also to a greater or lesser extent overshadowed by new impulses from the will of the Earth being. At the same time these prophets predicted terrible conditions to come: "the last times", "Doomsday" and whatever else they called them. Of course the prophets had to paint their visions of the future in their own language of pictures or symbols, and there arose, amongst the people of later times who did not understand that the language was symbolic, a blind belief in these descriptions as something that would come about literally as it had been described. Present-day human beings generally look upon the old prophecies as meaningless ramblings that have nothing to do with reality, but neither the blind believers nor the materialistic sceptics are correct in their view. "The last days", "Doomsday", "Armageddon" etc. are realities that people are about to experience. It is "the last days" of an old form of culture that is condemning itself to death, and the "fire" and "brimstone", which according to the old prophets will "fall from heaven" as "fire-breathing dragons" and other monsters, are being experienced by people as the weapons of modern warfare that have the capacity to destroy everything. But the Earth being is not committing suicide and mankind will not be wiped out, everything that is taking place on Earth at the moment and in the years to come can be explained in the cosmic world picture, and when terrestrial human beings begin to understand the cosmic structure and the interconnectedness of the universe, the Earth globe being and themselves and how these three elements relate one to another, they will – in cooperation with the will of the Earth globe and by praying to and concentrating on the eternal creator of the universe, which the Earth globe being's consciousness is also concentrated on – be able to overcome all the dark, destructive forces and take part in transforming life on Earth so that it becomes a "kingdom of Heaven" or a "true human kingdom".
9. The I's of the organs as guardian angels in an organism
One cannot merely look at a living organism from a physical point of view, in which it constitutes with all its organs, cells etc. a physical unit; to the being with cosmic clear-sightedness it can also be looked at in a spiritual perspective. If one sees a living human body in that perspective, there is, in addition to the human being's I, which is the macro-I of the whole, also an I incarnated in every single organ and behind every single glandular function. These I's are guardian angels directing myriads of micro-beings: cells, molecules, atoms and electrons, which in turn are directed in the case of each kind of micro-being by certain specific I's. The whole organism is therefore an organised world, a universe with living beings, each of which on its own plane is creating and experiencing and has a fate that is formed in such a way that causes it to be attracted to the very world where it can gain the experience that will promote its further development.
Every physical organ in an organism is therefore an inhabited world, in which there lives a community of beings placed under and ruled by a guardian angel. In the case of organs in a healthy terrestrial human organism, these organs are perfect worlds that have long ago found the most perfect form of organisation. The heart for example does not hesitate about whether the circulation of the blood should manifest in this way or that way. There is only one way, the most perfect way; any other way would be an abnormal, imperfect, sickly manifestation that would create disharmony in the whole organism. The physical organs work, with the help of their guardian angels and the social order that they have organised, so perfectly that the macro-I, the owner of the organism, does not need to give these functions a single thought, in fact it is actually quite unaware that it has all these various organs, which from a cosmic point of view are small states or nations with their micro-inhabitants. The reason these organs function so well is because between the inhabitants of these small kingdoms there has arisen a totally humanistic sense of community, a real brotherhood. Here the law of neighbourly love has for a long time been awake day consciousness, and it goes without saying that in practice everyone serves everyone else. They know that if they do not comply with this law their kingdom will come into conflict with the surrounding kingdoms, that is to say with other organs, and the consequence will be that they will all be destroyed. Every single individual in these societies contributes one hundred percent to the survival of the society (and thereby the organ), just as the society makes sure it provides a one hundred percent protection for the wellbeing of the individual. This is therefore a political system that has still not become universally accepted by the people in the societies, states and nations that are found on Earth. This means that in the case of an organism such as the Earth globe there are areas where imperfection still reigns in its organism, because it does so in its consciousness.
10. The finished areas and the unfinished area in the Earth being
Even though there is still an area in the Earth globe being's organism that is imperfect, there are areas where the most beautifully perfect order and harmony reign. An organ function such as its rotation on its axis takes place with one hundred percent precision, without the Earth being having to give a single thought to this aspect of its nature. The rotation takes place automatically seen from the Earth I's point of view, but this is because this function or this talent is entrusted to an initiated guardian angel that is the Earth's talent kernel for this necessary part of its vital functioning. The same applies to the Earth's blood circulation and its breathing, that is to say, the circulation of water, its evaporation and condensation, and the maintenance of living conditions for the vegetable and animal beings in its domain that is the outcome of this process. Its processes of nourishment and digestion also take place, from the point of view of the I of the Earth, automatically. Its intake of physical food is its accumulation into its material substance of the immense stream of solar matter, the amount of light and warmth, that it receives every day from the sun. This matter is transformed, in connection with the circulation of air and water, into vegetable and animal life. This is the Earth globe's true physical food, the effect of which is to renew and build up in its organism. As we can see, in principle the same vital functions take place in the Earth as in terrestrial human beings; in fact the Earth even has a form of sleep due to the fact that its micro-beings in that part of its organism where there is night and darkness (facing away from the sun) have the conditions they need for rest and sleep. As regards most of the functions in its physical organism, the Earth globe being is a fully developed being, whose talents or abilities have developed to what I call the C-stage, the perfected function. But there is still one area in which this macro-being is not fully developed in its forming of talent kernels, and where the functions have not reached the height of perfection, or "the level of initiation", which means talent kernel functioning that is an expression of total self-dependence, or total, supreme freedom in favour of the Earth's I, but without this I's day conscious assistance. This unfinished area in the organism of the Earth's I is the domain within which its micro-individuals consist of terrestrial human beings.
11. The dictator's talent kernel or guardian angel
As we have already mentioned, there is a close connection between the crisis that the Earth-being is in at the moment, immediately before being initiated or experiencing "the great birth", and the crisis that terrestrial human beings are experiencing. Perfect cooperation, or the perfect sense of community and brotherhood between terrestrial human beings, has still not come about, neither between the individual terrestrial human beings nor between the guardian angels that command their nations and states. As there is no agreement between the guardian angels of the nations, races and peoples, there can be no agreement between the physical leaders and governments, as these are temporary tools or mediums for these guardian angels. The functioning of guardian angels is by nature not physical but spiritual, in other words it has to do with thought. Each of the conflicting ideologies that are now in evidence has its own talent kernel or guardian angel in the Earth I's consciousness, which is where these mental wavelengths originate. So the Earth being has these mental climates in its temperamental disposition and is in the process of making up its mind about, not so much which climate should be in command as, in what way it should be in command. True democracy or perfect brotherhood will be the outcome of the Earth being's spiritual crisis, which is actually a crisis about the way in which this will be established. The dictator's talent kernel is still so much a habitual function that it cannot be put out of action all at once, even though the Earth's spirit is directing its dislike towards it and wants to be rid of it. The dictator's guardian angel is therefore still functioning, and we can see the result of this functioning in the various states on Earth that have governments that call themselves democratic but are in fact a form of dictatorship. The various people in power are animated or overshadowed by the guardian angels that exist behind them, and this is the reason why their appearance can sometimes have an enormous power and intensity. The big problem for human beings is for them to find their way to a form of democracy where there is no state oppression or state persecution of the individual, but, on the contrary, a liberation and state protection of the individual's possibilities to develop, so that the individual gradually understands the significance of cooperation and overcoming egoism and the thirst for power at the expense of others.
12. The guardian angels of light and darkness
Just as there are in the individual terrestrial human being's consciousness "two temperaments" that we call "evil" and "goodness", there are also two temperaments in the Earth globe being's consciousness, and this is the very reason why terrestrial human beings fit into this macro-being's spiritual and physical structure. "Two temperaments" is the same thing as two main talents in the consciousness, and these main talents have special power centres or talent kernels, which are living spiritual beings. These two living beings in the Earth's consciousness are also guardian angels for mankind, and we can call them "the angel of darkness" and "the angel of light", but it has to be pointed out that it is important for people to leave behind the old, mysterious superstitions surrounding this issue and see instead how natural it is. It is just as natural for there to be two mental organs in conflict with each other in the Earth's consciousness, as for there to be organs in the consciousness of human beings that on the one hand can release hatred and war, and on the other hand, love and humaneness. If we did not have physical as well as psychic micro-individuals in our service with which to form our physical and spiritual bodies we would be totally unable to experience life or manifest any expression of life, and the same applies to the Earth as a living being. The principle of the spiral cycle, according to which the living beings in the universe form space in which to live and also matter or substance for each other, is so fundamental that the interaction between the macro- and the micro-beings exists behind all experience of life and is connected to the other cosmic, basic principles, including the principle of contrast. The living beings' experience of darkness and light is an essential aspect of this principle, and it is connected with the spiral principle in such a way that the macro-beings' and the micro-beings' experiences of darkness and light and their corresponding manifestations are connected with and dependent on each other. The Earth globe being's mental organs for respectively dark and light experiences are two power centres or talent kernels, that is to say two beings, each of which is in its own way a guardian angel for mankind. These have other guardian angels under them, and irrespective of whether they are light or dark guardian angels they constitute "transformers" that enable the dark and light impulses of the Earth globe being to come onto the same wavelength as the vibrations, both dark and light, of the terrestrial human beings' consciousness. The talent kernel or guardian angel in the Earth's consciousness for the principle that, in the mental perspective of so many terrestrial human beings at present, is called darkness is quite clearly incarnated in the Earth globe's physical organism. This guardian angel's physical organism is made up of all the beings on the globe that give expression to the killing principle, from carnivorous plants to terrestrial human beings. Animals are overshadowed by the "dark" guardian angel's consciousness, but its most highly developed talent kernels are the terrestrial human beings who worship the principle of power and in that connection also the killing principle. At one time this principle was one hundred percent in command on Earth, even in the form of a religion with blood sacrifices and black magic. Later more intellectual forces took command, science developed and began to serve the power principle and the killing principle, but it has all been based on impulses from the guardian angel that over tremendously long periods of time has been terrestrial mankind's true leader, due to the fact that it was overshadowed by the will of the Earth globe being. This guardian angel is symbolised in the Bible as "the serpent", and of course it is this guardian angel that in the religions of later times is characterised as the devil or Satan that has "evil spirits" in its service and is battling with God to become the master of mankind.
13. The death of the "dark" guardian angel
It is a question of separating all the old superstition out of this view, yet at the same time understanding what is symbolically correct in it, when seen in a cosmic, that is to say, a universally organic perspective. The cosmic truth about the devil is that he is the guardian angel for power or dictatorship in his capacity of talent kernel in the Earth globe being's consciousness. He represents a principle that the Earth globe being is using its will to abandon, but of course this cannot happen all at once, it takes place as a gradual degeneration that will eventually lead to this guardian angel's "death", which means that it will disappear from the Earth globe being's consciousness and organism. The Earth globe being is now trying to combat consciously in its own mind this form of habitual consciousness represented by this talent kernel or guardian angel. But it takes great willpower and concentration to overcome very old habits that are deeply rooted in the consciousness. This "guardian angel of darkness" is in fact dying in the Earth's consciousness, and the Earth being is in the process of giving another principle pride of place, namely, everything that lies behind the thought climates of neighbourly love, cooperation and democracy. But one may well raise the objection that the killing principle is showing absolutely no signs of dying out among terrestrial human beings at the moment. And it certainly seems so, but the strong display of the killing principle on Earth in our time is in reality the same as the powerful flaring up of a flame shortly before it goes out. Beings that are dying put up a certain fight against death, a fight that can sometimes reveal a powerful display of energy in the form of a kind of convulsion. This is what is happening to the guardian angel of the power principle and thereby to the old "principle of dark world redemption", which over a long period has been absolutely essential for terrestrial mankind's evolution in order that it could learn "to tell the difference between good and evil". But at the same time as one main talent kernel is about to die and leave our macro-being's consciousness and physical organism, there is another that is about to be born, and this means that the Earth's I will experience "the great birth", and the "true human kingdom" will become a physical and spiritual reality among human beings.
14. Terrestrial human beings will become physical talent kernels for the "guardian angel of light"
The "guardian angel of light" is rooted as a talent kernel in the Earth being's consciousness and has begun to incarnate in this being's physical organism, and just as the physical incarnation of the guardian angel of dictatorship is formed of beings ranging from carnivorous plants to animals and terrestrial humans that worship fighting, power and dictatorship, the organism of the angel of light is in the process of being formed of all those terrestrial human beings that in time will quite naturally be able to be its micro-beings, due to the fact that their minds are governed by the vibrations of neighbourly love and understanding. The world redeemers representing light world redemption come from these talent kernels of neighbourly love in the Earth being's consciousness. The essence of the more advanced religions, that is to say, their message of neighbourly love and their teaching about the meaning of prayer or concentration on the Godhead, are impulses that originate in this guardian angel of light, behind which the Earth globe being is more and more concentrating its will. There is in the Earth globe being's spiritual bodies, which are the spiritual worlds that terrestrial human beings experience after death, a host of light beings with cosmic consciousness that belong to the same evolutionary spiral as terrestrial human beings. These spiritual beings are spiritual talent kernels for this guardian angel of light. They have come as bearers of a cosmic impulse from higher worlds, that is to say, globes with cosmic consciousness, and they represent the thought world of Providence or the Godhead itself, which they are at one with. There is no need for us to know the names or identity of these beings, they are tools of the Godhead in the Earth globe being's consciousness, and when we pray to God we naturally come into contact with these beings and their helpers. In fact given time the individual terrestrial human being can itself become one of their helpers. The more that individual terrestrial human beings are animated by the spiritual wavelength of the practical display of neighbourly love, the more their consciousness will be united with the beings of light that are spiritual talent kernels in the growing main talent kernel for Christ consciousness or cosmic consciousness in the Earth globe's mentality. Terrestrial human beings will then begin to be physical talent kernels for this Christ consciousness, which is "the second coming of Christ on Earth". This means that the consciousness of human beings will be united with the thought world of the Godhead itself, in such a way that knowledge of the interconnectedness and significance of all things will stream into the human being's mind, filling it with love for all and everything. This kind of love is not an emotional sentimentality, but a way of being and behaving combined with a practicality that benefits and brings joy to the whole. Through this way of being and behaving the human being will unite its will with the will of the Earth globe being and with the will of the eternal Godhead, and in time it will become a divine tool in the service of love and wisdom, like the guardian angel of light in the Earth being's consciousness. The human being itself will then be, in its everyday conduct and way of displaying life, a guardian angel of light for those living beings that it comes into contact with.
Original Danish title: Jordmenneskenes skytsengel nr. 1. This article is based on a series of three lectures given by Martinus at the Martinus Institute in April 1949. Manuscripts for the lectures edited by Mogens Møller and approved by Martinus. First published in the Danish edition of Kosmos nos. 24-25, 1971. Translated by Andrew Brown, 2007.
Article ID: M0880
Published in the English edition of Kosmos no. 2, 2007
© Martinus Institut 1981, www.martinus.dk
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