In the Shadow of Superstition
by Martinus

1. Human beings today have no knowledge of the "something" that experiences and the "something" that is experienced, with the result that they live on ideas built on fantasies
Every living being is faced with two realistic facts, namely the "something" that experiences and the "something" that is experienced. What does the ordinary human being know about these two phenomena, which are in turn the same as the mentality that we carry within ourselves and the world we live in? Literally nothing, apart from the fact that they exist. This ignorance becomes fact through the circumstance that from the time when human beings live at the ape stage until they reach their spiritual initiation or "great birth", they live on a great many fantasies or ideas that are based on fantasies. That these ideas are "fantasies", which in turn means that they are not based on a real and absolute knowledge of the two previously mentioned reality's real and absolutely true identity, becomes fact due to the way in which terrestrial human beings build and organise their lives together with their fellow human beings. The great, bloody world dramas that periodically rage over the Earth, leaving human beings' cultural monuments in ruins, at the same time as millions of human beings are either destroyed or made into invalids, show, in no uncertain terms, the truth in the old saying that "the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak". Human beings want to create a democratic civilisation with individual freedom, but owing to forces they cannot control they are forced to create a society in which this democratic freedom is still an illusion. The world civilisation is still like an enormous zoo, in which every country is a section in itself. That it is necessary to keep the individual beings bound in such an organisation of society becomes a real fact wherever the "animals" break out of their "cages". Can we not see "greedy sharks", "cunning snakes" and other reptiles in the form of black marketeers, speculators in large sums of money and downright criminal elements that make use of every possibility to acquire objects of value at the cost of other people?
2. The imperfect dispositions in human beings are their own worst enemies
But as long as there have to be restrictions as well as a legal and judicial systems in a society, it merely proves that an extremely large part of this society have still not become perfect human beings, but are on the contrary human beings that have in themselves dispositions that are a danger to their surroundings. Since these dispositions at the same time lead to imprisonment and the loss of physical and mental freedom, we can see that these human beings are unwittingly their own worst enemies. Thanks to the imperfect aspects in their dispositions, they undermine and persecute their own freedom.
3. The laws of the animals do not apply to human beings
What is the deepest cause of a human being counteracting himself in this way? Quite simply ignorance of the laws of life and consequently an all-ruling superstition concentrated in the idea of "everyone for himself". In animals this belief is an unfailing instinct. It constitutes the very law of their existence. The animal that does not fulfil this law is physically lost. But life shows in no uncertain terms that this brutal law is not the law of human beings' existence. Have we not expressly experienced that those who want to conquer the world and make everyone else slaves have been forced to succumb either by committing suicide or at the war crimes tribunal? Human beings desire freedom and democracy. Human beings desire a world free from aggression and fear, or in a world that is practically the opposite of the one that animals live in. Why do they not have such a world?
4. Human beings have the animals' unrestrained egoism in their blood, and yet they are no longer pure animals
Is not the answer to this the fact that terrestrial human beings are still not fully evolved beings? Do they not still have in their consciousness dispositions that constitute a direct obstacle preventing them from fulfilling their deepest desires? Are they not, despite their superior physical knowledge, still ignorant beings that are not nearly as free as the wild animals that gallop over the plains enjoying unlimited freedom? Human beings live in the shadow of authorised and unauthorised physical and mental prisons, restrictions and measures that all have as their purpose to bind and control their existence. They have the animals' unrestrained egoism in their blood but they are nevertheless no longer pure animals, since they also have contact with human knowledge and capability. But by using this human knowledge and capability to benefit their animal egoism, their civilisation has become even an extremely heavily guarded "zoo". Everywhere we witness how this animal disposition has developed in the form of enormous armies, but we also witness that the price of these armies, these proud forces "on the land, on the sea and in the air", has been an even sharper segregation between human beings, it has been even more concentrated mental prisons, with even more fear and anxiety of each other than ever before.
5. The truths revealed by Christ form the very foundation of human existence
To understand that human beings' greatest goal is not a "zoo", or a mental and physical confinement or deprivation of freedom, but on the contrary a human existence in which everyone serves everyone and where mental liberation is just as much a matter of course as mental lack of freedom is today, is in reality the same as raising oneself out of the middle ages with its last great remnants of superstition or animal infected fantasies. It is to understand that the truths revealed by Christ, which are often described as "pure superstition", in reality constitute the very foundation of human existence that evolved human beings today dream about. With a clarity that is above criticism life has shown human beings that wherever they themselves wanted to enslave others, persecute and imprison them, they themselves have been deprived of the very freedom that they want to take from others. The sword has not solved a mere fraction of the problems it has created.
6. If one wants to be a pioneer, one must liberate oneself and leave the flock
What can the individual human being himself do to free himself from the mental confinement that life today is for the flock? "You just have to be like the others", most people would say, "otherwise life would be unbearable". But does it have to be so? Just because you speak to a murderer or a thief you do not have to be a murderer or a thief yourself. On the contrary, you would have a greater influence in a beneficial direction if you were not such a person's equal. Is it not precisely through one's demonstration of one's divergence from the flock in a beneficial direction that one becomes a pioneer for its development? If no one dares to do anything other than the will of the flock and lives under its superstition, the flock would never achieve salvation or liberation. If no one dares to be the first to leave the jungle of physical ideas, fantasies and pure superstition that the flock lives by, no one will ever find their way out of it. And life certainly shows that many people do dare. Everywhere we witness human beings that represent a totally different world than the world of the flock. Human beings that due to their own development and resultant insight and understanding have had the courage to break with the habits and ideas of the flock and acquire new and far more humane views. These human beings have understood the truth in the words "to give one's life for others". Through their way of being and their spiritual emancipation they have become representatives of the pioneer spirit that is the very prerequisite of the mental liberation that will guide human beings out of the "zoo", that the world, in the form of all its boundaries and enclosed nations, is today. To the extent that these human beings increase in numbers and gain influence in the respective countries, the mental structure of these countries will be altered.
7. One should have in mind every man for his neighbour and be prepared to serve this neighbour
The issue is therefore not how can one have a good life oneself in a world full of miserable human beings, but on the contrary, how can my neighbour have a good life. If one tunes one's mind onto this "wavelength" one will unfailingly come into contact with the universe's own mentality, with the world's soul, and will thereby be "one with the Godhead". To have in mind every man for his neighbour, and be ready to serve this neighbour in all circumstances, is therefore the only way out of both one's own "zoo" and the "zoo" that the world civilisation of today is an expression of. Since in the same way that the nations are bound by their own undeveloped dispositions, so are also the individual human beings. Not until the day that this is recognised seriously will the process of liberation begin that will finally lead every single human being to a state in which, with its own way of being, it will take part in making God's spirit shine and in making the world into the revelation of mental freedom and beauty that is its divine, highest aim and destiny.
8. Most of human beings' everyday ideas are currently based on superstition, or on their ignorance of the cosmic laws and principles of existence
The concept of "superstition" is therefore far more dangerous than most people imagine, since it far less comprises the ideas that most people think come under the concept of superstition than those they all actually live under. Innumerable people today live under the idea that in the future the world will also be divided up into small, enclosed nations and that human beings' nutrition will consist of such dangerous things as meat, tobacco and alcohol. In the same way the majority of human beings live under the idea that marriage, in the form that we know it today, will continue unchanged, and that money and war are necessary components of our existence. Nevertheless, all these ideas that have been mentioned rest on superstition or pure ignorance of the cosmic laws and principles of existence and constitute through their mere existence a permanent cause of accidents and suffering to such an extent that mankind on a later evolutionary step will look back on it with horror. And yet these ideas are merely a modest expression of the number of mental delusions that today constitute the innermost cause of the state that mankind finds itself in.
9. Human beings' negative belief in death will be replaced by realistic knowledge about their absolute immortality
But since, in its essence, this state constitutes the precondition for the need for the liberation and true spiritual insight that right now constitutes an unfailing fact that mankind is facing a new epoch in its spiritual development from the stage of the animal to an existence that is truly worthy of human beings, my words do not express any kind of attack on the existing state of affairs, but are, on the contrary, merely a clear demonstration of the fact that the domain of superstition is far more widespread than the majority of human beings today imagine. Terrestrial human beings live with by far the greatest part of their consciousness in the shadow of the very ideas the consequence of which is the hell or the culminating anxiety about the future that characterises modern human beings. This hell is absolutely not an expression of a punishment from an angry Godhead, but is on the contrary simply a consequence of a life without cosmic insight into the "something" that experiences and the "something" that is experienced. The day when this ignorance is replaced by an unfailing knowledge of the living being's identity as a "son of God" and the current negative belief in death as the individual human being's definitive cessation of life, has been replaced by realistic knowledge of every single living being's immortality, the long, dangerous age of superstition will have lost its power over human beings and mankind will be united in an attitude to life that, in everything from the smallest to the greatest circumstances, will be in the deepest and innermost contact with the reality hidden behind the words: "Love one another!"
The article is based on a lecture by Martinus given at the Martinus Institute on Sunday 16th February 1947. Manuscript for the lecture edited by Erik Gerner Larsson and approved by Martinus. Translated by Andrew Brown, 2019. First published in the Danish edition of Contact Letters no. 4/1957. Original Danish title: "I overtroens Skygge".
Article ID: M0809.
Published in the English edition of Kosmos no. 2, 2019.
© Martinus Institut 1981, www.martinus.dk
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