Pages from God's Picture Book
by Martinus

Chapter 1
The universe is God's consciousness and organism
All life, be it nature, our environments or ourselves, in its entirety represents a big picture book. In this book God reveals his eternal existence, his omnipotence, his boundless wisdom and his infinite love. This all-encircling, all-enveloping revelation discloses itself as all-pervasive, all-powerful and all-radiant manifestation of light. It is a living revelation of the culmination of all the six energies existent that represent life or consciousness, viz. instinct, explosive force, sensibility, intelligence, intuition and memory. We see, in God's big picture book the presence of all these energies, variegated in the most perfect harmony, and the terrestrial and spiritual results thereof. All that can possibly be observed, all that can be perceived or experienced, all that can be created or produced cannot possibly exist or "be" unless it constitutes one combination or other of the effects of the forces or energies named. If we regard the mineral world, the stones in the fields, the frostwork on our window panes, or we see the plants, the trees or the flowers, or we open our eyes to gaze upon man and upon beast, we see in them evidence of the revelation of the production of the aforementioned special combination of forces. Is not the organism of the living being the culmination of perfection? Does not every detail in an organism bear witness of a one hundred percent appropriateness? Does not this very organ disclose a corresponding technical idea, perfect in its nature, i.e. the expression of a living thought? Organs compounded so ingeniously can only exist as the result of a corresponding purposeful series of thoughts. But a purposeful series of thoughts is the revelation of consciousness or life. As whatsoever we behold in the form of nature's creation bears witness of this conformity or culmination of logical thought, and must thus disclose itself as co-operative ideas or series of thoughts and is thus life or consciousness made manifest, it will be apparent that daily life, nature, our environments and we ourselves, represent a great mental functioning. This mental function, of which each individual's mental unfoldment only constitutes a single cell's essential play in the great whole cannot therefore belong to any single being in nature or in life. It cannot be your consciousness or mine. We are and can only be a fraction or fragment of this aggregate manifestation of consciousness or mind. Thus, an unfoldment of consciousness, a manifestation of appropriate creation, a revelation of a living logical idea and combination of thoughts that cannot be attributed to any single being, or to nature, but is blended in such a way that each individual can exist only as a component part or cell can but be a revelation of one great Spirit, or the all-encircling living being "in whom we live and move and have our being". We are confronted here with the living God. Of what avail this mighty logical process of creation we call nature and which has been able to transform the earth from a glowing liquid substance to a perfect dwelling place for living animals of flesh and blood, beings which have likewise been produced from a glowing mass? If it be not the spirit of God and if all existing organisms combined do not comprise or constitute the organism of God, his means of unfoldment or his body, then verily nothing can exist that represents this phenomenon. God's mentality, as well as his organism, would then be "nothing". But where is "nothing" to be found?
Chapter 2
Our life or existence is a continuous correspondence with divinity.
It is just this nothing that proves the most irrefutable fact that the universe represents not "nothing" but "something" and thus discloses logical creative ability corresponding to reasoning and volition, which is revelation or disclosure of Himself as a living being. Any conception which disputes this his identity with the universe, nature and life is unreal and thus false. To dispute the logical creative power in nature is to dispute the origin of the world, its evolution or gradual transformation of which our own presence on earth is a palpable result. A denial of this evolution would mean that behind nature's logical unfoldment or creation, as well as behind all reasoning and volition "nothing" must be posed as "creator". But an occurrence caused by "nothing" must needs have created itself. "Something" which has created itself must in this way have been created by "nothing". However as "something" cannot emanate from "nothing" just as well as "something" cannot become "nothing", then the old phrase "in him we move and live and have our being" proves to be a scientific and highly intellectual truism. As the correct definition of the word "Him" can but mean a living being, then the old well-known phrase, analysed, is the same as "In a living being we move, live and have our being". As this "Move, live and have our being" signifies breathing, eating and drinking, thinking and acting, and exists as a centre in all these manifestations, and all these things can only take place as interaction between ourselves and nature, then it must be this nature that is meant by "him" in the divine saying. This divine saying in its profound analysis is to be interpreted as: "nature is a living being with which we are in essential interaction. As interaction, however, in its most perfect form or culmination, is the same as correspondence, then our life or our being is thus a permanent correspondence with divinity or the living being which constitutes the universe or nature.
That this correspondence is not a dead or inanimate function caused by mere fortuity or chance is invariably vouched for by the radiance of intellectuality that scintillates and sparkles through each and every crystal, every precious stone, through every plant, every flower, as well as through that ingenious power of creation disclosed in the boundless ocean of organic life we call "animals and mankind". Chaos cannot possibly exist in the universe or in the fulfilment of life's great plan. All is compatible and appropriate in every respect and serves useful purposes. Being appropriate or purposeful it discloses cogitation and thought. And disclosure of thought is the same as a living being's evidence of its own self, its own being, or life. Thus God reveals his own Self, his Being and His life through the manifestation of a thousandfold of things. If you wish to find God, to comprehend His thoughts and being, then seek there where this Holy Being manifests Himself and makes Himself accessible for the son, the living being.
Chapter 3
Understanding of the divine address to each individual is a question of evolution.
Nature, our environments, daily life, our fate, all this constitutes God's special message to each and every one of us. Every detail in this message conveys words or expressions of enlightenment that God wishes to impart to our consciousness and thus initiate us into His knowledge, plans and motives and thus familiarize us with the love in which He himself is consummated and which provides that no one in the universe can actually suffer and that all is therefore "well with the world".
Understanding of this divine address or communication to each individual is but a question of evolution. The same being generally applies to father and son or parents and children. The babe in the cradle understands nothing at all of its parents talk to it. Not even the tender nursing bestowed upon it does it apprehend as love, but shrieks from time to time at the top of its voice. If we compare the relationship between God and the son of God or the living being, we see that the same stages are traversed. Neither primitive man, nor the civilized pure materialist is able to interpret nature as being God's message and the affectionate care of his life. Ofttimes the living being cries out exceedingly discontented. But as the little child when grown up is able to understand the discourse and ways of its parents, so terrestrial man, when sufficiently evolved, after having transcended the primitive emotional stages of religious dogmatic belief and having surpassed the worship of intelligence based on weight and measure, will begin to apprehend nature as the talk of God. He is no longer fettered by religious dogmas nor materialistic knowledge. He is emancipated. Thus, being non-attached to dogmas and science, he may begin to judge righteously and can judge all things justly. And the judgments or the results of reasoning arrived at are thus the very truth: it is God's consciousness, thoughts and being. And it is this experience of truth I term "cosmic consciousness" in my principal work "The Book of Life".
Chapter 4
The summer morning as an illustration in God's picture book
For the being, so far developed, that it has acquired cosmic consciousness, nature and life appear quite different from what it generally does to others who are still bound by the shroud of dogma and materialism. Life, for the cosmically initiated, is actually a great living picture book. No picture in this big book is devoid of either guidance, education, entertainment or caress.
And now I would like to adduce a single page from this big picture book, viz. the page that depicts one of the most beautiful days in our temperate hemisphere.
What is the meaning of a summer day? What does God through this medium wish to tell us? What divine direct message to man is thus imparted? In order to solve the problem let us venture out into the clear summer night. We are going to observe a summer day from ere sunrise to after sunset. Therefore we must get up early. In mid-summer the sun rises just after 3 o clock. Therefore, our observations must begin as early as about 2 o'clock. In our degree of latitude we are neighbours to the kingdom of the midnight sun and have therefore the so-called "light nights". And as we wander in the summer night we are not in darkness, but are enveloped in beautiful twilight or rather a pale dawning gleam from the North-Eastern sky. It is the far-off periphery of that day's radiance that hastens towards us via Siberia, China and India. It is this very periphery of the morning lands' sunshine that brings us the dawn, causes the white mists of the meadows to disperse and brings forth from the birds their first delicate thrills towards the skies. Man is still asleep in his warm bed, but soon smoke from a chimney here and there will mingle with the departing mists of night and indicate the first awakening of man's daily life. In the meantime the Eastern sky has verily become a radiant orgy of colour, has indeed become symphonies of colour in gold, purple, opal and sapphire. The radiant day star has by this time reached far up above the horizon and has spread its wealth of warmth and light upon meadows, fields and woods. Young lads drive the cattle to graze. A milk-cart jolts along the wayside and the creaking of its wheels mingles with the far-off barking of a dog. And behold, the glowing sun has by this time transformed the mists of night into a carpet of dew-pearls that in bountiful exuberance sparkles its reflection of the well of life to all and everyone from flower, leaf and bush. Insects begin to buzz. Day has come. The sun shines alike on rich and poor, young and old. God has taken awakening life into his embrace.
Chapter 5
God's illustration of how we should meet our neighbour
Thus we have witnessed the first scene of a divine revelation in God's big picture book. We have seen night encounter day, darkness encounter light, or life's meeting with God. This meeting, in daily discourse, is generally termed "morning". This expression thus covers the meeting of "darkness" and "light". As darkness and light are the two greatest contrasting principles or phenomena in existence, in our experience of the encounter of night with day, we witnessed the greatest and most perfect form of meeting that can take place between two factors. And it was just in order to fully observe this "encounter" in its most perfect phase that we chose a summer morning where such a meeting culminates to perfection. In God's big picture book a summer morning is a living illustration of how a perfect meeting between two great contrasting factors should be manifested. This illustration is so much the more necessary for us as the principle "to meet" is an absolutely essential factor in daily life. Experience of life would be totally impossible without this factor. This experience is thus dependent upon how we shape our meeting with beings and things. We can shape our meeting in such a way that "dark" or "unhappy" destiny ensues, and we can mould it so as to ensure a "bright" fate. Our encounter with our fellow beings and things can be arranged so perfectly that it results in a summer day, bathed in warmth and sunshine, whereas it can be moulded so imperfectly that a dark sheet of clouds prevents the sun from breaking through to our consciousness. The dark night of sorrow and melancholy, by an erroneous moulding of our encounter with fellow beings and things will make our life joyless and thus unhappy and painful. We do, also, in this way, shut up our lives in mental slimy cellars far beyond the reach of light and warmth.
Then what does this great encounter between night and day on a summer morning teach us? We perceive that this meeting is incontestably a "sunrise". And in a like manner should meetings between beings and things take place. In what other manner should dark become light and happiness, how should the dark of night be otherwise dispersed?
As the living being in practically all circumstances must encounter either beings or things, he must naturally be one or other of the participators in this meeting. Being most conscious of the part he himself plays in this meeting, as he cannot possibly be equally so aware or familiar in his contemporary's life and consciousness, he is the "sun or "day" in the mutual meeting, whereas the other is "night" or "darkness". If this meeting should be natural and normal he therefore has to play the role of the sun in order to ensure a really brilliant day for both parties. Nature has ordained this encounter to be a "sunrise". And nature's sunrise the beautiful and glorious summer morning just is a splendid illustration of how a "sunrise" or "meeting" should be in order to be perfect. Have we not seen how the sun enveloped the "darkness" or "night" in its warm embrace? The mists were transformed into a scintillating carpet of dew-pearls that multiplied the reflection of the sun's life on all and everybody. The sun emitted the warmth of its heart lavishly on young and old, rich and poor alike. It knows not of distinction of rank. Its munificence is not determined by egotistical prejudice. Everything was warmed in its embrace. No wonder that peace, joy and happiness and thus health and life awakened to consciousness where darkness and the cold of night had reigned. No wonder that every little thing, every detail in the morning's panorama, the chimney smoke, the jolting milk-cart, the far-off barking of a dog, the young lads with the cattle as well as the glittering dewdrops, all constitute aggregately indispensable details in creation of the peace of morning. In what other manner could this peace be indicated? How should we have been able to perceive the blessing and peace of morning, had not just these details been apparent? Had the sun not been so brilliant and glorified everything in its celestial light but had been darkened by lightning and thunder, had it been obscured by cyclones and hurricanes or by heavy rainfalls, who then would have been filled with mirth and thankfulness upon encounter with the new day? Who would have detected the serenity by which we became conscious of the mists of night or the smoke from a few chimneys or other details, in the crash and bang of the stormy weather? The beauty of the summer morning was so impressive due to the perfect peace and quietude it revealed, a serenity where even the faintest and most feeble sound was audible and could be detected. The meeting of the mighty star of day, this ocean of light, with the rotating surface of the earth and its seas, mountains and valleys was so beautifully harmonized that even the minutest and most delicate details in nature were able, unimpaired, to imprint themselves on our minds and thoughts. It was just this experience of the tiny and delicate things that afforded us happiness and pleasure in the knowledge of the coming of day. Imagine a meeting between two living beings just as exquisitely balanced? Just imagine the effect of such an encounter were terrestrial man, when meeting his fellows, to fashion the display of his powers in such a way that he permits the finest and most delicate shades, unimpaired to present their colouring. Do you not think that we would then witness a world full and resplendent of details and objects we could not possibly view were our minds a turbulent storm of anger and vengeance? Would not tempest rage so violently that the delicate and fine threads in the consciousness of the other party would be torn asunder? Would he not hurriedly close the shutters, windows and doors of his consciousness to protect his own private and intimate thoughts against his contemporary's mentality of swelling cyclones, hurricanes and eruptions? And do you not think that these shutters, doors and windows would assuredly be opened wide where warmth of heart, sympathy and love is radiated in such a cultured or serene manner that nothing can be lacerated, nothing can be crushed or ground of the contemporary's slightest acts? Do you not think that the dark mists of night in our contemporary's mental meadows would be transmuted into a pearl carpet of dewdrops by our warmth of heart, and the reflection of our love would scintillate abundantly from every flower, leaf and branch of his mentality? And there where the dewdrops reflect the abundance of light of the rising sun, there night will depart. There, where our neighbour's eyes reflect the light of our love, there day begins. And there alone real life is awakening.
As we have seen, our experience of a summer morning, though but a single page in God's great picture book, unveiled for us no little wisdom. We observed that an encounter between two great factors: Day and night, in its highest form was a model well worth copying by beings in their daily association with one another.
Chapter 6
There, where we are inadequate sunshine, the shadows of night cannot be dispersed
It is true that individuals are very different and in many instances so exceptionally inimical that a kindly meeting between such people would seem impossible, but this contrariety is by no means greater than that of night and day. Having experienced the summer morning, we saw that the two greatest opposites in life were able to meet in delightful harmony and in exuberance of life. And yet the condition on which this harmony was based were not beyond the possibility of terrestrial man to fulfil. Naturally this is only accomplishable where man is so intellectual that he is able to interpret the divine story of the summer morning. All that really needs be done is to apply the same principle when encountering our fellow creatures as we, since time immemorial have learned to use in so many other physical situations, namely the art of adaption. If we wish to drive a nail into wood, in order to avoid splitting the timber we naturally turn the pointed end of the nail towards the wood and the round end faces the hammer. Moreover it is much easier to drive in the nail in this way When small children begin school they are not put into the highest but begin in the lowest classes and by degrees, as they gradually qualify and perfect themselves, they Continue their education in the higher classes. When we write with pencil we apply the sharpened point to the paper and not the other end. And thus we must adapt ourselves to all situations of life. If we fail to do so, disharmony, unhappiness and suffering will ensue. We are then inadequate sunshine and cannot disperse the shadows of night sufficiently. And a life filled with the shadows of night is like a stormy day with lightning, hurricanes, floods and earthquakes or with all obstacles that prevent the living being from living peacefully and happily in the rays of warmth and sunshine. Is "hell" or "bad fate" other than existence more or less remote from the said light? Sunrays are – of course – something more than just apparent physical white light that warms the surface of the earth and binds the darkness of the polar nights and the permanent expanses of ice to the extreme northern and southern peripheries. These rays are living currents which on their way across the earth from East to West invigorate its continents and oceans with consciousness, thought and spirit. Without this wonder of radiance and warming energy every physical thought would be motionless, inane. Who can see without light? And who can move without warmth? That we can see the play of colours in our environments, that we can hear the discourse of our neighbours, that we can embrace our fellow creatures, this is all but an arrangement in light and warmth, a work of art that distinguishes our identity as being apart from "fire" and "cold". It is that "Something" that experiences and shapes matter and therefore cannot be or constitute matter. The sun is therefore the greatest source of our life. From it we gather nutriment for our physical and psychical manifestations. The radiance of the solar cities is the blood of God's organism. We all abide in God's heart: his pulse is our experience of our eternal life.
Chapter 7
The speech of God through the medium of a summer morning directly translated to the language of terrestrial man
As you have seen the sunlight is not only material light which bring about merely physical effects, but is also in its profound nature a mental unfoldment, a manifestation of spirit addressed to spirit, an apparition of divinity to the living being. Naturally God has many ways of making his existence known to man. But – of course – it is not his existence alone that God wishes to convey to living beings or to the sons of God. He wishes to initiate them into His divine will, His wishes and plans. This is clearly apparent by the manifold ways in which he exhibits Himself. You have already seen how a summer morn was a revelation of wisdom, an object lesson in how a perfect meeting with fellow creatures and things should take place. Translated into the language of terrestrial man, God describes his activities on a summer morn as follows: "Just as I quietly encounter night and with the illuminating brilliance of my love convert the shadows of night into a sunlit day and in the very purity of my spirit take all and everything alike to my heart or watch over awakening life with my eternal peace, envelop it in the glorious enchantment of a summer day, and hence cause it to cry out with the joy of life and happiness, should you in a like manner quietly approach darkness by which is meant the adverse nature of your enemy. Let the warmest sympathy of your heart like a sun abound and surpass the mental heavens of your contemporary and in shades of gold, purple, opal and sapphire bring upon his continents and oceans of consciousness the glorious blessing and peace of a summer day, so that he may also cry with joy to heaven upon his encounter with you. Only thus can this meeting be a manifestation of altruism which is the fulfilment of all law, wherewith your flame of consciousness is perfectly absorbed in my eternal flame and unites you with my flame, thought and consciousness. Thus being identical with my spirit you will be able to radiate and illumine my supreme being upon worlds, solar cities, beings and objects and experience the enchantment of the eternal summer day which is my world, my countenance and my everlasting embrace."
And so does God speak to us through the medium of a radiant summer morning. He who shapes his encounter with beings and things in order to ensure a life-giving sunrise on a summer morning with a wealth of gladdening occurrences, or beatific harmony, making life seem like a surging flow of heavenly notes radiating all and everything with joy, he will consciously become as one with the father and recognise his identity as the immortal son of God. Wherever he ascends above the horizon, there day will break, because there God will gild the world, and there jubilant tones will rise towards the throne of the eternal one.
Chapter 8
Noon, or the culmination of day, like morning is an illustration in God's picture book
But we must proceed in our study of the next page in God's big picture book, a "summer day". We have now concluded our account of the host of the wisdom God has bestowed on us by the particular attributes of a summer morn. A summer morn, however, is but the beginning of a summer day. With the progress of day its nature changes more and more until it reaches its point of culmination. This culmination we term "midday". What message does God wish to impart by a summer day's noon?
At noon the influence of the day star is at its maximum. The long shadows of the morning have disappeared. In solitary majesty the well of life traverses the clear blue sky. The arrangement in gold and purple, opal and sapphire that adorned the sun's course has now disappeared. Its fire has changed into a golden-white shade. But earth has become a revelation of colour, light and life. Darkness is as far off as it can possibly be. Every corner, every abyss, every crevice from which a glimpse of the blue sky can be seen is bathed, more or less, in the white light of the sun. And wherever accessible in nature, there does the well of life exercise its glorious work unhampered. It makes the surface of the earth a worthy abode for the son of God. Rivers, streamlets and brooks have become silver threads in a vivid carpet of green woods, flowery meadows and undulating cornfields, fragrant gardens, sandy beaches by blue-green oceans, violet horizons, mountain peaks above the clouds, eternal snow, all bathed in celestial light. Quivering and vibrating a life-giving warmth passes through the atmosphere, over mankind, towns, temples, castles and cottages. But life is silent. It is midday. Men and animals are at rest. God wanders over the earth.
Man and beast must yield up to this glorious unfolding of divine ability. God's proximity dazzles them totally and weakens or stuns their energy. They long for rest and shade. Hence all is quiet in the adjacent farm. The farmer and his men are taking their "afternoon nap". Under shade of a large tree a few cows have sought from the burning sun and are now lying down peacefully, chewing the cud. Men, women and children, apparently half-conscious, doze on the beach under coloured parasols. They too, are dazzled for the moment by the heavenly light. A little lizard has come out from the brink to absorb the radiant light with the whole of its body, an insect buzzes in the distance, a butterfly flutters from flower to flower. All this, in reality but enhances the perfect quietude or sublimity that characterizes the culmination of day or what terrestrial man knows as the "midday hour" or "noon".
As we have observed, the culmination of day is far greater and far more sublime than being just a period for general physical repose. It is, alike morning, a communication from divinity exposing His divine consciousness to the living being.
Chapter 9
God illustrates how the manhood of man must be the culmination of love
What in particular of God's all-encircling wisdom does He then wish to impart to us by the culmination of day?
Is it not, indeed, an illustration of how man's own culmination in life should be? Does not the culmination of noon bear witness of exactly the same great illumination that characterizes the adolescent's ripening into manhood? What is so-called "manhood" other than mental noon. Is not the living being's manhood the same as its "culmination" or "noon"? Does not his mental light in this "hour" present itself in lonely majesty in a cloudless and bright sky? Does not such a matured being know what it wants and what it is able to do? If not, this manhood is not in contact with the noon in the outer world.
Then there must be dark clouds that mar the light in the consciousness of the being. Instead of clear and brilliant sunshine that should illumine all cracks and crevices and cause all rivers, streamlets and brooks to become silver threads in the being' s mind so that its consciousness may sparkle with amazing intellectuality, there will only be barren and frozen tundra. Perhaps, even the winter darkness of the polar night dominates the consciousness of such a being. Culmination of manhood is not perfect where the outcome is cold and darkness meaning behaviour where the being is full of irritation, envy, hatred and jealousy, unnatural desires, vice and illness. A manhood tainted by these deficiencies contrasts just as much from perfect "manhood" as do earthquakes, cyclones and floods from the quietude of a perfect summer day and sunlit noon. The serenity that allows the little butterfly to flutter from flower to flower undisturbed, the peace that lets the cow lie down leisurely and chew under the protecting shade of the tree, the abundance of supernatural power that makes holiday-makers by the seashore or the farm-hands wish to doze or rest, or makes living creatures feel disposed to rest while the celestial light passes by, is totally devoid in a manhood, which in itself is darkness, a storm or catastrophe. Noon is the "manhood" of day, just as "manhood" is the noon of a terrestrial life. Analogically, morning is the "birth" of day and "childhood", while birth and childhood is the "morning hour" and "sunrise" of terrestrial life. Terrestrial life means our experience from the cradle unto the grave or from birth to death. As the living being cannot actually die in the true sense of the word this process merely being a metamorphosis into the spiritual stage of experience, viz. the same form we experience and to which we are transferred when falling asleep at night, so shall he awaken again to physical consciousness just as he awakens in the morning to his waken physical state. From this state he again returns to the spiritual state, awakens again in the physical sphere and so this continues. Analogous to his sensing of physical days and nights, the living being thus experiences an eternal consecutive series of "cosmic days" and "nights". A terrestrial life is but one "cosmic day" while the period the living being sojourns in the spiritual world between two terrestrial lives is to be regarded as a "cosmic night" in his eternal existence.
Manhood is thus the "noon" of the cosmic day of a living being. And as the noon of a physical day can but culminate in harmony and beauty on a quiet sunlit summer day, so does the noon of the "cosmic day" likewise culminate in harmony and beauty on a "sunlit cosmic summer day". By the noon of a physical sunlit summer day a model is rendered of the "noon of a cosmic day" which indicates how the manhood of a living being should be in order to be perfect or in contact with the highest form of living. "Manhood" must be radiant sunshine in order to attain this contact. The sunrays of manhood correspond to "high intellectuality" which manifested is equal to "love".
Chapter 10
God's message through the medium of noon on a summer day, delivered in the tongue of man
God' s message to terrestrial man through the medium of a perfect noon on a sunny summer day, delivered in the tongue of man is expressed as follows:
"Just as I wander over the earth on the noon of a sunny day and on my course envelop continents and oceans in a golden hue, cast my divine light deep into ravines, crevices and abysses, and with the radiance of my light, warmth and effulgence illumine all and everything so that all living creatures in my course do not feel the cold of winter or the dark of night, but rest secure in my heavenly embrace, thus shall your spirit become brilliant light that illumines the continents and oceans of your neighbour's consciousness and penetrates deep into his dark ravines and crevices. And as I by my radiance caused the warmth of my heart to quiver and vibrate over the earth and over all beings on the noon of a summer day, likewise must your light be a revelation of intense warmth of heart that can melt mental ice-regions, bring forth the spring and cause a sunny summer to vibrate and abound over the earth and over the regions of your neighbour's consciousness. Only there where you function as radiant midday sunshine do you constitute my light, my spirit, my love. Only there will you see my countenance in your own likeness".
Hence, the noon of a perfect summer day is God's highest physical expression of how the living being's manhood presents itself when at its acme of unfoldment. A living being, having reached manhood, has passed the stages of childhood and adolescence and now stands equipped with the experiences harvested. These are the experiences that make "manhood" luminous. These experiences make a being at this stage hardly so susceptible to pure material tuition. On the merits of his knowledge he is more disposed to teach, to impart knowledge. When entering into the rank of manhood the living being is of age and does no longer need the lessons or guidance of his parents. He is a being who now has children of his own to be brought up and educated. Manhood is thus a term for maturity, a flower in full bloom. This blossoming, this unfolding, in its highest and perfect form is intellectuality or in other words altruism or loving kindness. The mature grown-up must by virtue of this his love give light to youth and protect the aged. He must be the brilliant example the child longs to resemble when he comes of age and in whose proximity others are proud and happy to be. Only in this way can the living being become "midday sun" for his environments. As long as humanity does not realize this, it will be devoid of true culture. Dark cyclones and storms of hate and war will rage over its doings, and blood, invalidity and ruin will taint its footsteps.
Chapter 11
The summer night is an illustration in God's picture book of how a human being's evening of life should be fashioned
But we will wander on in our analysis of God's picture book. The summer day is not yet ended. There is still a wonderfully illustrated page left for us to look at. It is the day's encounter with night, the meeting of light and darkness. After the sun has passed the meridian, day gradually declines and passes away ultimately on the Western horizon. And this, the meeting of a warm summer day and night is one of the most beautiful and glorious sights to witness in the physical world. Indeed, it is a wonderful sequence to the splendid morning and midday we have already dwelt upon. It is nothing less than a divine depicting of how the human being's own life should be fashioned, how the course of his spirit into other zones, into other spheres should be which, like the declining summer sun by its beauty and effect in the scenery of the light summer eve, brings with it a concentration of peace, harmony and happiness. Surely, in a more beautiful atmosphere the meeting of day and night, the meeting of life and death cannot take place!
What is it then we observe in the summer night? Let us venture out, hear and see.
The chimes from a distant church bell tell us that day is soon at a close. Life in the workshops, fields and meadows has ceased Work is over and leisure time has come. Youth goes its own way. Here and there elders sit in front of their houses or in their gardens and ofttimes cherish in the evening's serenity reminiscences of their doings while they were young. By this time the day star has almost reached the rim of the horizon. The shadows grow longer: they are the night's pioneers. Slowly they creep forth from dales, moors and meadows to unite and envelop all territory. Mist rises and follows hard upon them. The white mists that are the wings and scenery for the plays and frolics of fairies and elves or other midsummer night's dreams must be set up.
We now turn our gaze towards the West. The sun has disappeared from our latitudes. It now throws light over the Atlantic Ocean, over the American Continent and envelops the inhabitants of Hawaii and Honolulu in its golden morning glow. It is the light of these summer regions that illumines our summer nights. The day star has not entirely forsaken us although it has set and is below the horizon. From the other side of the globe its sparkling light penetrates into the shadows of the earth and transforms the dark night into a lovely fairy tale, an arrangement in magic silhouettes against a golden background, strange whisperings in trees, branches and bushes, the scent of balsamic fragrance from flowers and plants hidden from view, an inspiration to lovers in their yearning, yea, a revelation of the proximity of God in the darkness of night. Heavenly light can, indeed, give colouring to the night or darkness. The light summer night is no jejune illustration of the greatness and omnipotence of God. It is nothing less than an open declaration of how a parting between two beings should take place to be completely in contact with perfection which is the law of intellectuality and love. As the influence of the sun transforms the dark night into a beautiful dream, into a love-inspiring fairy tale, into the impression of the vision of paradise amid the region of darkness, so should departure with those left behind be in an atmosphere so filled with love that it transmutes the consciousness of those beings into a bright and clear summer night. This particularly refers to the long voyage, the voyage far into the beyond when our spirit shall shine in other regions, in other spheres and zones, while our "night side", the winter-cold part of ourselves in the shape of a corpse, a collection of inanimate organs, a pair of lifeless eyes, is all that faces our friends on the physical plane.
Chapter 12
The divine message transferred directly to human speech through the medium of a midsummer night's fairy-like dreamland
In the midsummer night's dreamland which the day star in its heavenly light from the opposite side of the globe conjures forth upon our latitudes we meet the eternal voice from above. Arrayed in the clear summer night this fairyland adorned with caresses and the atmosphere of which is the unifying of yearning souls in innocent love, the almighty God sends his sublime goodnight greeting.
From out the golden evening heaven, behind the magic silhouettes, through the whispering scenes of the summer night, inebriating and infusing everything on its way with blessedness, the following divine revelation is vibrated in the form of a celestial greeting to terrestrial man:
"Just as I, in the form of a summer day sun in the evening must leave your regions and spheres to make the day bright on other continents and oceans or on other beings and things, so must you also wander from your zone of life, from relatives and friends to throw your light on other spheres, beings and things. As I with my heavenly light gilded my departure from you with such celestial gleam that our parting was not a time of grief but of felicity that transmuted the shadows of night into a glorious dreamland adorned with the most beautiful caresses of love, and made my departure in the form of a summer night scene against the golden heavens a clear documentation of my proximity. In a like manner must you make your departure a radiant event, your behaviour must be so expressive of the sunshine of love that it cannot fail to gild every parting from your neighbour and likewise your departure to the beyond, so that the dark night of death will be glorified in your light. The sunshine of your love must be so penetratingly powerful that the beyond can make parting the golden heaven in which reminiscences of yourself in the minds of those left behind must be the inspiring magic silhouette of caresses, the dreamland of bliss which I revealed to you in the scene of a clear summer night. Thereby will also you in the climax of your separation give proof of your proximity and thus represent my very likeness, revealing my countenance where lies the earthly remains of your body, your inanimate organs and lifeless eyes and which otherwise would have meant bereavement, loss, sorrow, grief and the dark night of hopelessness for your friends. And thus, united with me, your passage into the beyond will be a journey over the highest peaks of happiness. Deep below are time and space, but we, you and I are eternity, infinity and omnipotence."
So great a divine discourse, such tremendous culminating fatherly love, such profound promises to terrestrial man has the almighty God ascribed to the strange enchantment of the clear summer night. Never has a dream, a fairy-tale, an account or talk been of more divine content! From afar, from the opposite side of the earth, the day star emits its heavenly light on the dark night-skies of our latitudes, making it the background for Divinity's address to his own son. An address that not only expresses culminating fatherly love, but is also to the very highest degree a divine manifestation of wisdom: it was a holy initiation of the son of God into that all-radiant glory which the divine Father had in store for his highly beloved son.
Chapter 13
How God through his picture book initiates the living being, makes it one with Himself, with eternity, infinity and omnipotence
Our trip into the dreamland of the summer night was thus a sacred meeting with the Father who in the form of the sun had to light and reflect the radiant clarity of the day over other regions, spheres and beings than those where we reside. Moreover do we observe despite the absence of the almighty heavenly body from our latitudes, that they are nevertheless made the scene for its loving proximity. What a wondrous thing it will be when terrestrial man can do the same. Imagine when man is so infused with altruism and charity that he can function like a clear summer night's dream whose colouring is embrace, whose voice is bliss and whose structure is wisdom for those who are to sit round his death-bed or bury his body. Just imagine being able to make one's burial place or posthumous name into such an exceedingly bright and radiant sphere in the sorrow and grief occasioned by our physical departure from this zone, in the hearts of those we have left behind, that this mental darkness is transformed into a golden evening heaven. Memories like enchanted silhouettes become a summer night's panorama of caresses with which we can intoxicate and enrich the minds of our friends on the physical plane and create around them that beatitude which is the only contrast to the dark night of bereavement and sorrow. Imagine what a divine picture of divinity we then represent!
But it was not only inspiration for the fulfilment of the divine manifestation of love that God revealed to us in the bright summer night. We were also told in the most beauteous manner of the enrapturing experience it is to become "at one with God", which experience is the result of love. To love one's neighbour to such a degree or with so great a surplus of loving kindness that it infuses him with bliss no matter if he be with us or away from us: regardless of his antipathy or sympathy for us our conduct will be like rays of the sun that shine over all living creatures irrespective of their organisms or the appearance of their bodies. Sunshine is in our doings. The black and uninteresting night exists no longer. There, where with our high-intellectuality we are not in the process of creating a summer morn by the gentle golden dispersing of the dark of night for our neighbour, or with the culmination of our effulgence of light create the glorious midday-hour of a summer day over his mental continents, there do we gild with our love the very darkness in his sphere of consciousness and transform his mental light into a beautiful midsummer night's dream, a magic world coloured with caresses, a sphere full of bliss. There are we the great source of light in the midst of night. And there where we are the great source of light in the midst of night we are at one with God. And where we, at one with God go over the continents of night, there felicity awakens. We are now the master, the ruler of day and night. We have ascended above time and space. Our outlook is eternity, infinity and almightiness.
Original Danish title: Blade af Guds billedbog. From a lecture given on 26th July 1943. First published in Danish in Kontaktbrev nos. 47-51, 1943 (pp. 175 -193). Published in the Danish edition of Kosmos nos. 1-2, 1949 and as a part of book no. 6 Blade af Guds Billedbog in 1967. Published as a booklet in English in 1955. Translated by Anna Ørnsholt.
Article ID: M0080
Book 6A
© Martinus Institut 1981, www.martinus.dk
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