Why Do People Live in Excessive Fear?
By Martinus

1. Fear of death
In the minds of most uninitiated people there exists a fear of death. This fear can even be so great that it contributes to the breakdown of happiness or joy in living. Many illnesses can be traced back to this fear. No human being can actually be unaffected by being anxious, and it is neither natural nor right to be in such a state. Not harbouring fears is admittedly easier said than done when living in a world where there is apparently enough to be afraid of. But why then is one afraid to leave this world? If it is so formidable, would it not be almost a relief to die?
Nevertheless, one sees that even many old people who have reached the age where they have only death to look forward to can be very afraid of dying, thereby destroying the joy in living that would otherwise have been allotted to them in the last days of their physical old age. At the same time, they turn that process – which, not only for themselves but also for the people around them, could be a beautiful sunset from this world, a memory worth preserving – into an experience that they would rather forget. I once knew an old lady who was over 90 years of age. Having in other respects been comparatively healthy, she became ill and had a feeling that she would die. It absolutely terrified her. She did not even dare to lie down in bed but wanted to sit up all the time. And she simply cried out with terror. But why this terror? It cannot be the meaning of life that people should be afraid of dying.
2. Natural and unnatural death
It is completely unnatural to be afraid of a quite natural process. And death, just like birth, is quite a natural process for us all. In their old age the animals are not afraid when they feel death approaching. In many cases they even seek secluded places in order to die in peace. The kind of death animals are afraid of and seek to avoid by fleeing or defending themselves is that which is inflicted upon them by other beings. Such a death is a deprivation of life in that it is inflicted upon the being at an age when it is meant to enjoy physical existence and is not meant to die. Now the expression "deprivation of life" must not be misunderstood, since no living being can really lose its life. But it is a deprivation of the body inflicted upon the animals by other beings. When a beast of prey, led by its instinctive desire, kills the organism of another animal in order to assimilate it with its own flesh and blood, it deprives this being of many years of its physical life. This deprivation of the body, where the beast of prey cuts another living being off from its physical instrument for experiencing life, indicates a highly imperfect or unfinished state in evolution. It is the most conspicuous distinguishing feature of the lower and more primitive forms of existence. The animal does not harbour fears of dying of old age, but it harbours fears of losing its physical organism while it is still at its prime. The human being's fear of death, on the other hand, is not particularly focused on the possibility of being killed by another being or dying at an early age; its fear is focused on death as a whole, on the fact that it will die, even if it does not occur until it has reached an advanced age.
3. The human being as a beast of prey
The civilised human being is no longer subject to the law of the jungle and is not a beast of prey, many would claim. And yet the truth is that there is no worse beast of prey than the terrestrial human being and that this same being has extended or intensified the killing principle of the law of the jungle by combining it with intelligence and the ability to think. With its enormously developed tendency to murder and fantastic ingenuity when it comes to killing, the terrestrial human being outshines all other beings on this planet. Through the unfolding of its enormous capacity to hunt, fish and slaughter, the terrestrial human being has become the animals' enemy number one, their greatest and strongest body-snatcher who every single day without exception prematurely robs thousands, indeed, millions of animals of their physical tools for experiencing life. If the animals had the purely human ability to characterise and analyse, they would have to look upon this, the greatest and strongest pursuer of their flesh and blood, as a veritable devil-being.
The great difference between the meat-eating animal and the meat-eating human being is that meat-eating is a condition of life for the animal, whereas it is absolutely no longer a condition of life for the human being. That is the very reason why the fifth* commandment, "Thou shall not kill", exists. This commandment can of course apply to only such beings for whom killing is no longer a condition of life. To kill other beings, to rob them of their physical bodies, without this process of killing being an absolute condition of life for it, can be only a satanic act that exists on a far lower plane than the ethics or morals of the higher religions. It must be characterised as pure devil-consciousness.
4. "Devil-mentality" and "God-mentality"
When the "devil" or "Satan" is mentioned in the Bible or other holy books, it is not something that has been pulled out of thin air, even if it is not to be understood literally. There are realities behind this because forms of behaviour and mentality that capitalise on the death and destruction of other beings through the unfolding of intelligence and technical sophistication do obviously exist – without these millions of killings being a condition of life. It is not so remarkable that in mankind's first budding epoch as a human being there is so much talk of devils, Satan and hell because this epoch in the evolution or transformation of the animal to the human being is actually a "devil-epoch". The future human being in God's image lives through a devil-epoch and becomes an expert in devil-mentality in order to gradually be able to differentiate between devil-mentality and God-mentality. The "human being in God's image" has, of course, learned to tell the difference between good and evil because it has been through the so-called evil not only by practising it but also by feeling it in its own soul and in its own body.
All meat-eating beings have a side to their nature that must be characterised as a form of "devil-consciousness". Of course, the above-mentioned form of consciousness can express itself in very many other ways, for example, towards fellow human beings that one treats badly without going so far as killing them and absolutely without one being able to imagine appropriating their flesh and blood. I have mentioned this in so many lectures. This time, when I stress particularly that meat-eating is also part of "devil-consciousness", it is in no way to fanatically criticise the fact that most people still eat meat, but it is because it is an absolutely essential link in the series of analyses: "from animal to human being" to stress that meat-eating will quite naturally cease as the human being gradually develops more and more, since the "human being in God's image" is not a being who pursues other living beings in order to appropriate their flesh and blood and digest them in its own organism. And it is also in order to stress that the human being's excessive fear to a great extent derives from the fear that it inflicts upon the animals.
5. The meat-eater as the "hidden spirit behind the killing trade"
If terrestrial human beings eat meat and in so doing take part in pursuing and destroying the life of the more highly developed animals and inevitably bring about fear in animals, how could they themselves live in an atmosphere where there is no fear? They sow fear, and they must reap what they have sown. Must not all living beings find themselves in an element or atmosphere that matches their particular unfolding of energy? Must not the fish live in the water and the bird in the air? One finds this natural. But it is just as natural that the expert in murder or the killer lives in an atmosphere of killing and murder, and the expert in producing fear lives in a world where fear predominates. Where else would he find a suitable fulfilment of his life's potential? Is it not also for this reason that the "devil-mentality" is assigned to "hell" and the "God-mentality" to the "kingdom of heaven", which are not places but states? Just as a being must live in the physical atmosphere and in the physical element where it naturally belongs, so must it just as naturally live in the spiritual atmosphere that matches the wavelength of the greater part of its consciousness. Here we are faced with physical and spiritual laws of nature. Now, it should not be so difficult to find out why people live in excessive fear, where not least the fear of death is exaggerated in quite an unnatural way. They do so because they surround themselves with killing, which is preceded by the inevitable phenomenon of the animals' cry of terror and fear of death.
That a meat-eater lets a hunter, fisherman or butcher carry out the killing of the animals whose meat he or she wants to eat does not exempt the person in question from being a transgressor of the fifth* commandment. On the contrary, the "devil-consciousness" of the person in question has become only even more refined. He is the hidden spirit or driving force behind the killing trade of the hunter, fisherman or butcher. Have we not here reached the culmination of "devil-mentality"? Have we not learned that the devil is the hidden tempter and seducer, the anonymous, the unknown but absolutely present initiator of "evil"? And since the meat-eater itself is the hidden spirit and driving-force behind other people's murder of those animals whose flesh and blood one wants to devour, then the terrestrial human beings are simply skilled in sophisticated "devil-mentality". One lives like a nice person who, indeed, would not hurt a fly, and, if one has animals oneself, one pampers them beyond all limits, but one can nonetheless have the heart to allow thousands of animals to be killed each year so that one can get one's daily food.
6. The individual human being must overcome fear
As long as religion, science and politics disregard the importance of a change from animal to vegetarian food then "devil-consciousness" is still taking part in ruling people. War and other "devilry" of course show the same. But one must not believe that if people were indeed able to cease their mutual wars and revolutions, they would therefore be freed from living in excessive fear. Even if the "hell of war" were to disappear (and it will one day), "devil-consciousness" would still remain in the form of meat-eating, among other things. And where there is devil-consciousness, there is hell. And where there is hell, there must be fear and terror. There one will find real "weeping and gnashing of teeth". Fear is, so to speak, the dominant thought-climate in the world today. People fear people more than ever. This fear in turn gives rise to tremendous inventiveness in techniques of murder and the expansion of the art of war. People believe that they can achieve something through attack and defence, which of course belong to the jungle and its world.
People will gradually learn that fear cannot be overcome by defeating others in a war; it cannot either be overcome by attack or defence. Fear can be overcome only from within the individual human being's mind, by the human being ceasing to sow fear, to create fear, sufferings, sorrows and pain for other living beings. During its evolution, the individual human being should not be dependent on the flock or the prevailing opinion of the currently dominant religion, politics or science. It must itself begin to transform the cast of its mind. It itself must begin to create peace through its daily way of being, and it itself must overcome fear by working towards getting away from the sphere of killing and in so doing keeping the fifth* commandment.
7. Vegetarianism – not as a fanatical conversion but as a natural way of being
Now, one must not believe that, with this lecture, I am recommending anyone to become a fanatical vegetarian who zealously wishes to convert others from "eating corpses" or whatever other drastic expressions such a fanatic might use. I am also completely aware that merely abandoning animal food for vegetarian food is not sufficient to remove fear from a human being's mind if that being continues to sow fear and pain around itself in many other ways. But the transition to vegetarian food will in time become an absolute necessity for the whole of terrestrial mankind. And who will begin? Of course, those people who are beginning to really understand the laws of life and can grasp the whole of the great process of transformation that terrestrial mankind is at present undergoing. If you are not already a vegetarian, it is not my wish that you should become one because I say you should. My task is to show you that what happens in life around you and in your own mind is a link in the process of transformation from animal to human being, from "devil-consciousness" to "God-consciousness". I must point out those areas on which every single human being that wants to make an effort for its own sake and for the sake of the whole of mankind can concentrate its efforts to work on itself. And even if one cannot say that changing one's eating habits is the most important thing for removing fear from the human being's minds, then it is in any case something very important about which every individual sooner or later must make a decision. And one day every single human being will have to follow the path where it is not the cause of any kind of murder or suffering but learns, like the sun, to shine and give warmth and life all around. Then fear will no longer exist in its mentality; it has nothing to fear, and nothing will fear it because universal love is its natural way of being, something it sows and must therefore also reap.
* Translator's note: "Thou shalt not kill" is referred to as the fifth commandment in Danish bibles and is commonly referred to as the sixth in English bibles.
Original Danish title: Hvorfor lever mennesker i en overdimensioneret frygt? A lecture given at the Martinus Institute, Copenhagen 3rd May 1953. Manuscript for the lecture edited by Mogens Møller and approved by Martinus. First published in the Danish edition of Kosmos No. 18, 1968. Translated by Mary McGovern and Harald Berglund, 1986, and published in the English edition of Kosmos no. 1, 1986. Translation revised by Mary McGovern and published in the English edition of Kosmos 3-2020. Article ID: M0760.
© Martinus Institut 1981, www.martinus.dk
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