How Can One Counteract One's Dark Fate?
by Martinus

1. All human beings are trying to create a happy fate for themselves
All living beings have a fate. This fate can appear in one of two forms – either as a sensation of happiness or as a sensation of unhappiness. By far the majority of human beings find themselves in a state where they do not feel particularly secure regarding their fate, and the result is they put a tremendous amount of energy into combating this insecurity. Most human beings' endeavour or daily activity is exclusively intended to create for themselves a happy fate or experience of life. With this aim, parents send their children to schools and colleges, or they have them learn a trade. And with this aim the majority of people hurry to earn money or gather wealth. The commonly accepted view is that if one is rich and has money one is safeguarded against misfortune. Other people try to safeguard themselves against a dark and unhappy fate by being connected to what we call religion. We can see how these people attach their lives to religious ceremonies, sacraments and so on, in order to thereby create a barrier against the suffering or the dark fate that they fear.
2. Human beings today are living in the epoch of the day of judgment
But what does the average human being's fate look like? Is it not full of sorrow and anxiety? Is not terrestrial human society full of suffering of every imaginable kind? Do not illness, hardship and misery, war, hatred and hostility flourish wherever we look? Is it not the case that we are today experiencing the Armageddon, the "day of judgment", that throughout the ages has been feared, and which should express the very culmination of suffering or dark fate, both for nations as well as single individuals. It is no wonder that the big question for all thinking human beings has become the question of how one can combat all this unhappiness, and with one's life contribute to the creation of peace and harmony in the world.
3. Human beings use the power they have acquired over physical matter in the service of egoism
If one looks back over the history of mankind one can see that the individuals – from the time when they lived as animals in the forest until the present day when they appear as human beings that can use their technical knowledge and enormous insight into purely physical matter to rule the elements – have made use of brutal power and superiority, ruthlessness and crude egoism, in order that they themselves get ahead and thereby secure their lives, health and so-called happiness.
War propaganda and battle cries have down through all the centuries continually led to war, oppression and mutilation, even to total annihilation of those that stood in the way of one's desire and one's happiness. That part of the terrestrial human being's life that was infected with war became so great that it quite simply became a religion, regardless of the fact that one had arrived at evolutionary steps where one christened one's children "in the name of the Father and the son and the holy spirit" in order to make them disciples of the one that said: "Put your sword in its place, for all who take the sword will perish by the sword". Indeed, is it not in fact the case that precisely those nations and races that are initiated into peace and love became the greatest experts in the art of killing? Which countries in the world are better equipped with murderous capability and inclinations to totally destroy than precisely the Christian countries?
4. The clergy in the Christian countries preach neighbourly love, but at the same time these countries have compulsory military service
Due to the state that they are in, these countries have however become quite a special kind of mental phenomenon. They have a highly developed Church with good schools and a clergy that proclaims from hundreds of thousands of pulpits to their million-strong congregation that you should love your neighbour as yourself, that you should love the one that hates and persecutes you, that you should turn the right cheek when you have been hit on the left and so on – and they at the same time have grand schools or military academies where the youth are trained to be specialists in the most refined killing techniques. Which countries have a bigger army, fleet and air force than the so-called "Christian countries"? And can anyone deny that the youth of these countries, that through baptism, confirmation and communion have been prepared to be disciples of Christianity, are later on compelled by court of law to do military service and to let themselves be trained in a form of behaviour that in every respect constitutes the diametrical opposite of Christianity? No, everyone knows this, and by far the majority believe that it cannot be otherwise.
5. The Christ mentality has to be born in every single human beings' exercising of will and concentration of thought
But a world that is built on such a special form of logic that this state reveals must of necessity get a fate like the one that life today gives us the opportunity of witnessing. And was it not precisely this that the world redeemer announced to his disciples when he wept at the destruction of Jerusalem, because he knew not the time of its visitation. And was it not the same inner knowledge that caused him to see the "day of judgment" that would come over terrestrial mankind? To him it was self-evident that the "kingdom of heaven" could not be a kind of external kingdom before it was completed internally in every single terrestrial human being. The "kingdom of heaven" can only become an external kingdom once every single citizen of that kingdom bears neighbourly love and unselfishness in his or her heart. That is the reason why Jesus saw that the "kingdom of heaven" could not become a true reality in the outer world through the formation of religions or church communities, through baptism or sacraments alone, but must be crowned and confirmed by "his coming in the clouds with great power and glory", which means with the birth of his mentality in every single individual human being's exercising of will and concentration of thought. And as it is thus this birth of the Christ mentality in every single individual's mental world that alone constitutes the "kingdom of heaven", that is to say the highest happiness in life that exists, terrestrial human beings have, in this "coming of Christ" that takes place in their own mentality, the one and only absolutely effective means of counteracting their misfortune and suffering or their disharmony with life.
6. All terrestrial human beings should prepare themselves for the "coming of Christ" in their own mentality
All terrestrial human beings should therefore, whether they are Buddhist, Moslem or Christian, make the effort of preparing themselves for this "coming of Christ" in their own mentality or world of thought. In so doing they will be supporting and consolidating, not only their own happiness in living or light fate, but they will thereby also be making themselves into the kind of citizen that a country must consist of if the kingdom of heaven is going to be a real, outward reality.
7. Where ignorance is removed so-called "evil" ceases to exist
So how do we prepare for this "coming of Christ" in our own inner world, in our own mentality or thinking? First and foremost, by bringing the experience of the knowledge of the laws of life, on which all experience of fate depends, within the range of the functioning of our brain, so that we can, with our intelligence or our awake, clear reason and logical judgment, arrive at the point where we understand the cause of our neighbour's mentality and way of being, and thereby learn to see the foolishness in every form of hatred, revenge or persecution of this neighbour. Every unhappy fate has its roots and cause in ignorance. Wherever we are ignorant we are thinking wrongly, and if we are thinking wrongly we are also exercising our will wrongly. Since a wrong exercising of will inevitable induces reactions that cause misery or pain, it will not be possible on this basis to create the contact between oneself and one's surroundings that results in harmony and happiness. And where there is no peace, harmony or happiness between oneself and one's surroundings there is war. And war means suffering and death or the very opposite of the "kingdom of heaven" that we wanted to create. And this opposite is hell.
8. Human beings have to learn about the cosmic laws and principles and they thereby also have to learn about themselves
There are therefore only two ways of living one's life, namely the wrong way and the right way. Since the wrong way results in the experience of "hell" and the right way results in the experience of the "kingdom of heaven", it is not difficult to ascertain for oneself whether one is in contact with the right or the wrong way of life or behaviour. The fact that the average terrestrial human being, due to its lack of knowledge of the spiritual laws and principles of existence, mostly practises the wrong way of being, is revealed through the more or less unhappy fate that it is experiencing.
To many of these human beings it can therefore be of great importance to learn that the cause of this state of affairs is to be found exclusively in themselves. Without knowledge of the deeper laws of fate, by far the majority of human beings will look for the cause of their unhappy fate outside themselves or in phenomena that they have no influence over. Such human beings will always believe that it is "the others" that are the cause of their painful experience, and that they themselves are suffering unjustly and are persecuted or are, in some other way, the victims of the hatred and malice of their surroundings. This attitude breeds bitterness and self-pity, and always ends in making its victim into a martyr.
It is this attitude to life that leads human beings into a "viscous circle", since it unavoidably leads to endlessly new conflicts. This is why it is of the greatest importance that human beings undergo a cosmic learning process in which they get to know themselves and learn to understand the connection between their way of thinking and their experience of life. Without the knowledge of this connection, one all too easily falls prey to a way of thinking that leads to self-worship and an exaggerated sensitivity concerning oneself, and consequently to a psychological state that is by nature the most ideal breeding ground for tendencies that are destructive to life and happiness. Only the person that "watches and prays", which means only the person that constantly has their thoughts, wishes and desires under control and is as a whole focused on following the world redeemer in their life and way of being, has the possibility of avoiding becoming a victim of wrong thinking. And only such a human being will be able to meet every dark release of fate with that mental peace and superiority, that deep humility, that lies hidden behind the immortal words of the world redeemer: "Father, not my will but thy divine will be done".
The article is based on a lecture given at the Martinus Institute on Sunday 11th May 1947. Manuscript edited by Erik Gerner Larsson, approved by Martinus. Translated by Andrew Brown, 2018. Original Danish title: Hvordan modarbejder man sin mørke skæbne?
Article ID: M0750.
Published in the English edition of Kosmos no. 4, 2018.
© Martinus Institut 1981, www.martinus.dk
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