Extract from Bisættelse (Funeral)
by Martinus

1. Thinking as the highest foundation for the creation of the blood and thereby for the health of the organism
What is then thinking, since it plays such a great role in the existence of the individual? Thinking is a concentrated release of "superphysical" forces through the organs of the brain and nerves of the individual. According to Livets Bog (The Book of Life) "superphysical" forces are in turn the same as higher electrical waves or vibrations. The reception and transmission of these waves through the organism is sensed as "thoughts". This sensation is in turn the same as the experience of life. When an individual thinks, it means that a stream of electrical waves travels through its nerves and organs of the brain, which in this case can be regarded as a "radio apparatus" of exceptionally fine construction, which in relation to the usual radio waves is very microscopic. While this stream is experienced inwardly as thought, as a sensation of life, it shows itself outwardly as "magnetism", which in turn"in this case is the same as what we call" vital force".
As thoughts are thus the same as fine electrical waves that stream through the organism, every kind of thinking will be identical with one form or another of "electrification" of the organism, which in turn in this case means a charging with "superphysical" power. This "electrification" or charging with power is elicited directly in the blood. Thinking thus becomes the highest foundation for the creation of the blood, and its quality must thereby stand and fall with the nature and quality of the thought. As the blood in turn thus constitutes the principal foundation for the creation, maintenance and well-being of the organism, thinking thus becomes the very highest manifestation-factor of life. What a being thinks, it becomes. If it has sick and abnormal thoughts its organism becomes sick or abnormally magnetised, whereby it to a corresponding degree must appear as unhealthy and weakened, while with light, healthy and normal thoughts it will inevitably come to appear as an expression of the highest normal well-being.
2. Thought is identical with all power and movement in Nature as well as in the organism
The fact that thought constitutes a force that binds or maintains the organism in a particular state become evident through, among other things, the individual's facial expressions. Merely the fact that these can vary shows that there exists a force behind the face deciding the expression of the facial muscles. A face can express anger and hate one moment, and mildness and love the next. It is a fact for every normal human being that there are angry thoughts behind anger, and that there are loving thoughts behind love. But if these thoughts were not a force, an energy, they could not influence anything whatsoever, and thereby not the facial musculature either. They would not, as is now sometimes the case, be able to make the blood "rush to the one's cheeks", make the heart beat more strongly or make the individual blush or go pale. Every face would be as stiff as a statue; it would be equally impossible to move the arms and legs. If a thought was absolute "non-movement", absolute stillness, it could not possibly affect the brain and nerves, and could therefore not possibly be sensed or experienced, for an effect cannot possibly take place without being identical to a movement.
So without movement there is no thinking, and without thinking no experience of existence. An eternal stillness, an eternal death would exist instead of life. The universe would be an unremitting "nothing". But as this is the opposite of what is a fact, thought is thus unshakably identical to movement. All movement in existence, whether it is the flight of the clouds, the breakers of the ocean, the cycle of the planets, the rush of the blood in our veins as well as our speech, action and appearance is thus the manifestation of thought, for "thought" is solely the I's sensing of the energy and movement surrounding it. When energy appears in vibrations or waves of such a nature that it goes directly through the brain and the organs of the nerves, and is thereby felt as identical to consciousness, it is experienced as "thought". When it on, however, appears in other forms, it can be experienced only indirectly or as something that is outside the organs of thought or separate and appears for the individual as "movement". "Thought" thus constitutes the innermost feeling of movement. "Movement" constitutes the outermost consequence of this feeling.
3. The terrestrial human being sometimes uses a climate of thought belonging to an environment it has long outgrown
As thinking is that magnetism, that vital force on which the consistency and quality of the blood, and thereby the individual's entire real happiness and well-being, is based, the kind, nature and quality of the thought is the main factor in every form of a living being's normal as well as abnormal appearance in existence. If the thoughts or thought-climates passing through the individual's organs of thought, thereby creating its way of willing or acting, are abnormal in character, the magnetising of the individual's blood or the transference of vital force, and thereby its organism, will as previously mentioned also be abnormal, as this transference of vital force is identical to thinking. As the development of terrestrial people in more recent decades has gone disproportionately quickly, these people find themselves to a corresponding degree in a zone of evolution with whose normal thought-climate they have not yet become familiar. The consequence of this is that they to a great extent use exceedingly old thought-climates (ideas) whose energy-releasing nature can be regarded only as normal magnetism or vital force for the organisms at low primitive animal stages, which the terrestrial people, with the highest part of the consciousness, have actually long since left. Between the terrestrial people's organisms and thought-climates there is thus to a corresponding degree a certain disharmony. A certain form of abnormal thinking and thereby transference of a corresponding abnormal vital force to the organisms will therefore be prevalent. These organisms become thereby to the same degree sick, weakened, non-resistant to infection and so on. The organisms are stamped with pain and suffering. "The fires of Hell" blaze over terrestrial human existence...
4. Why one should love one another
The final and absolute happiness-creating thought-climate exists only in its purest form when it represents a one hundred per cent experience of the reason or intelligence of existence or life itself regulated by a feeling equal to thus intelligence. When a thought-climate of this sort, which is in turn the same as the holy spirit, becomes the daily release of energy through the individuals organs of thought, its blood and organism thus becomes pervaded by the highest magnetism or vital force in existence, and thereby comes to be an expression for the highest health. But as this vital force through the organs of thought become identical to the very highest science, wisdom and love, the individual's spiritual bodies also become an expression for the highest health. The highest thought-climate thus unmistakably produces "a healthy mind in a healthy body", which in turn constitutes the irrefutable main condition for experiencing the real life behind the illusory world. Only "the pure" of heart can "see God". And the meaning of the great commandment "Love one another" here once again becomes unshakably confirmed.
Chapters 43, 44, 45 and 47 from Bisættelse.
First published in Dansish in 1934.
Translated by Mary McGovern, 1990.
Article ID: M0075
Published in the English edition of Kosmos no. 6, 1990
© Martinus Institut 1981, www.martinus.dk
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