What is Animosity?
by Martinus

Animosity is the worst evil of mankind. It is a deadly spiritual feeling which has resulted in the destruction of all previous cultures of the world in blood sheds and horror. It has resulted in millions of people being forced to the battlefields, to the torture and death chambers. It has made millions of people cripples and has ruined numerous marriages, family relations, etc. owing to its demoralizing power. Melancholy, depression and suicide have followed in its wake. As long as this mental disease has not been removed from the human psyche and way of behaviour, it will prevent human beings from experiencing a life in the glorious world of culture and intellectual creation which modern science is able to offer mankind today. Everybody's war against everybody to derive personal benefit will therefore, unavoidably, as a result of this feeling, continue like a cancer disease to flourish in the culture created by man. Imagine what the two last world wars, which during this century have ravaged the world, have meant with regard to destruction of material values, quite apart from the death and lifelong disablement of millions of people. And what does it not cost community to use the majority of human being's creative power to produce war materials so ingenious that it is able to cause death and destruction a thousand times quicker than it is possible to create, any other kind of manifestation or creation? Millions of people together with their cultural values can be destroyed in a matter of seconds. Add to this, the expensive military power, army, navy and air force, which the countries think that they have to maintain, plus the teaching in the technique of killing and manslaughter to which these soldiers have to devote their life for several years. Indeed, the wrath or the animosity among human beings is expensive. On its altar are sacrificed more human lives and health than on any other altar in the world. No burden has been so heavy to human being as wrath or animosity. Not only among the countries, but also between every man. In no other case has been paid so high a price for so little as here. For animosity has not been defeated, has not been extirpated, has not even been diminished.
Now some people believe that human beings' ingenious technique of killing will prevent them from making war on each other, because they fear these weapons. But how should such a fear arise on this basis? It remains a fact that the more strength and ability one possesses to combat his counterpart, the less afraid one would be to attack him. And even if human beings could actually be forced to fear to wage war, and it was thus the fright alone which prevented them from doing it and fear was the only motive of not making war, it does not mean that animosity has been defeated, but only that you have become "straitjacketed". However, a straitjacket does not cure the lunatic, it only protects other people from his lunacy. A community of beings who only keep peace because they like the mad persons are straitjacketed is not a community of culture where peace, happiness and joy voluntarily prevail thanks to humane, natural talents. It is thus a community of perhaps not actually mad beings, but nevertheless dangerous beings. Murder, killing, and war will continue to flourish somewhere or other where the pressure of the straitjacket is not felt too strongly, and where the lunatic person is most insane. Indeed, the road to defeating wrath and animosity is not straitjackets, murder, punishments and executions. Animosity cannot be removed by animosity, just as weed cannot he destroyed by weed.
Now somebody will perhaps say that human beings cannot exist without the existence of military forces, police corps and administration of justice, imprisonments, punishments and executions as a defence work against crimes. And perfectly true that is. The community cannot be otherwise today than it is at present. The experience which will be gained tomorrow cannot be acted upon today. To demand that community together with its concepts and attitude towards life should be different today would be as foolish as to demand that "the lunatic" should suddenly become normal. Whether one is sane or insane is not determined by the will, for in that case probably no human being in the world would be insane and wish to hate, take revenge, murder and kill.
Now somebody will no doubt say that it is not possible to compare a community of people with a lunatic, because it gets angry in certain situations, wages wars and destroys its adversaries. How should it otherwise be able to maintain its culture? And that is perfectly true. But against whom is it one is to protect oneself? Is it not human beings who are angry too and who one fears is going to destroy oneself if one does not quickly destroy them? But human beings who want to kill or destroy others and take possession of their country, rob their property and cultural values cannot possibly be distinguished to a high degree from the lunatic. To start a war by throwing atomic and hydrogen bombs over a town with millions of inhabitants is that a sign of sanity or normality? Do not people cause such deadly situations of horror because they fear their adversaries would do the same thing first? They might do so if you do not hurry up and throw your own bomb before they do so. What happens in such a situation? Is it not the "mad" person who kills the "mad" person? Can anybody with real logic sense maintain that this is sanity? No, definitely not.
If this is not madness in a cultural community it would be on an early primitive stage of development where, for instance, the gods were worshipped in the Valhalla and where killing and being killed was considered the highest bliss. But this is not the case. Human beings are most desperate at being forced to commit acts to which their inner humane faculties or conscience are adverse, things which have caused many of their previous performers their peace of mind for the rest of their life. These humane faculties which are thus complete contrasts of the performance of brutality, murder and killing are the humane aspect of human being, or what is actually meant to be the most important part of human mentality. Nevertheless, the reason why human being gets angry or flies into a passion is that it feels to a greater or smaller degree that in this particular situation of its security, its right or perhaps its life is threatened, that its common sense and humane talent cannot remedy it. And war, struggle or brutal power will be the decisive factor. And this method is exactly the same as that which is natural for the animals. Thus it becomes a fact that human beings in their special situation have not outgrown the mentality of the animal, even if they are in all other mental ways human beings. But the fact that the burst of anger is something from which the being has not outgrown and consequently in the said domain of its mentality is underdeveloped, is it evident that the will of this anger must be dictated by this domain in the situation where it is stronger than the reason or the humane instinct of the human being, and where this primitive domain inherited from the animal is stronger than the humane domain of human being and thereby does away with the reason, human being will appear as a "criminal". It demands unjust or absurd things from its fellow beings. It attacks, plunders, rapes, lies, steals and cheats according as the animal domain of its mentality is prevailing. The same thing applies to every people, every race all according as the underdeveloped domain of the mentality is dictating its will, policy and administration.
Together with this underdeveloped domain of the mentality which causes the anger and animosity and thus the war, quite a different mentality is appearing in the human mentality, namely the humane aspect according to which it has got the name of "human being". This new domain is logic thinking, which leads to science, art, humanism, peace or to what is the meaning of human life. We have now arrived at the two profoundest mental faculties, which exclusively constitute the foundation of its character and behaviour. They constitute the sovereign rulers of will. The character and the behaviour of human being are thus not ruled by its will, but by the two said mental faculties. The will of human being cannot decide whether it will appear as a Bushman or a Christ, as a criminal or a saint. It is solely decided by the two said mental faculties, all according as the combination of these faculties are to the benefit of one or the other of the mentioned kinds of character or behaviour. In proportion to this, they master the act of will and further human being's appearance as Bushman or Christ, as criminal or saint, all according as it is the animal or human faculties that are superior in the human psyche. Whether it is the animal or the human domain in its mentality or mental structure that is superior, it has as much influence on as it can influence on whether it is twenty or thirty years old, in the same way as it is not possible for anybody to decide his own age, neither is it possible to decide one's own mental structure and mental capacity. As every mental capacity can only be attained by growth, i.e. development, thus a human being's mental structure and capacity, its character and behaviour are not a matter of will, but a matter of development. Whether a man will appear as a Bushman or a Christ, as a criminal or a saint it cannot help more than it can help being born with blue or brown eyes. The transition from a lower to a higher mental stage can definitely only take place by development and not by any kind of fear or anger, revenge or punishment, just as it is not possible to transform a child into a grown-up by anger, revenge or punishment, it is not possible by war, legal or illegal, punishment, torture or death penalty to remove the animal faculties or primitive faculties from the human mentality to enable the human being to become intellectual from an underdeveloped stage, to be transformed into a Christ from a Bushman, to become a saint from a criminal. Therefore, the development will unavoidably lead modern jurisdiction ahead to such a level of psychological knowledge that it is changed into a psychological institution for education and protection instead of, as is now the case, exclusively an institution for revenge or punishment. It will be possible to understand that community must of course be protected against people who are still governed by dangerous, primitive or underdeveloped affects, such as irascibility, wrath and hatred in their way of behaviour just as the community must today be protected against people with dangerous, contagious diseases. But at the same time it will be obvious that primitivity or underdevelopment cannot possibly be a "crime", and that "punishment" for this is just as stupid as it would be stupid to punish a child because it does not possess the same amount of insight of the life problems as the grown-up.
You will now understand why Christ warned us strongly against judging other human beings, as well as you will understand the world-saving truth of his words "Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you, bless them that curse you and pray for them which despitefully use you, and your reward shall be great and ye shall be the children of the Highest, for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil".
If the communities through education, schools and colleges make this insight in the human mentality science and practical way of behaviour then the last roar of war will ebb out and hatred and animosity will be transformed into the fulfilment of the Christmas Gospel, "Peace on Earth, and Love's, great Delight to Human Beings".
Original Danish title: Hvad er fjendskab? Edited from a lecture given at the Martinus Institute. First published in Danish in Kontaktbrev no. 13, 1956.
Article ID: M0710
Published in the English edition of Contact letter, April 1964
© Martinus Institut 1981, www.martinus.dk
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