Does the Human Being Have a Free Will?
by Martinus

1. The terrestrial human being's free will seems to be very limited
Regarding the sensation of having "free will", which means being able to entirely decide for oneself one's daily actions, to be completely one's own master, this is certainly not something of general validity. The majority of human beings find themselves extremely restricted, they in fact find themselves enslaved both physically and spiritually. They must sweat and toil for the daily necessities: for shelter, food and clothing and sometimes not only for themselves but also for their home and children. They are dependent on employers, they are dependent on trade union movements, they are dependent on the laws of society, which are dependent on religion or politics, these latter factors are certainly sensed as voluntary, but in reality they are absolutely not. In addition there are also sometimes diseases, both acute and chronic, that also restrict the fulfilment of many wishes. Indeed, the sensation of free will is extremely small. Even the very rich man who can almost have everything that he wants in the way of material goods, often has a much more restricted will than the impoverished tramp. Wealth can often be a colossally restrictive bind for the will. The rich man is very often panic-struck of becoming poor and is, to a corresponding degree, a slave of this wealth*. He would certainly be more free if he did not have this fear.
In all the world cultures that have so far passed over the Earth and have ruled human beings, the vast majority has not had any free will, but has had to slave for its daily food, it has been subject to the power of the state and the legal system, it has been bound by the established social order, it has been subject to the opinions of the flock. And how is the modern human being or the human being of today? Does it not also feel that its will is clipped in a great many areas. From a purely superficial, local viewpoint there exists no free will for the human being. Everyone is bound by everyone. But this analysis is not the true analysis of will if we see a human being in a larger perspective. The terrestrial human being is then in reality a sovereign and free being. It is not bound by bonds other than those that it itself has become entangled in.
2. The will has no influence over the eternal realities of life
In order to understand free will one must be clear that there exist certain things in the living being that are eternal realities and that have therefore never ever been created by will. For example, the fact that it exists. It cannot in any way whatsoever influence its eternal existence with its will. It makes no difference that it has the desire or the wish to obliterate itself. It cannot be done. Even though it can bring its organism to obliteration or dissolution, it nevertheless exists. That it cannot annihilate its existence or the eternal details that it depends on, does not mean that it has no free will. It just means that here it has touched on an abnormal thought. The fact that it exists has nothing to do with either bound or free will. It lies completely outside the field of the will. To wish that the absolutely unchangeable be changed is to wish for the impossible, but to wish for the impossible is in turn insanity or madness. That one cannot with one's will destroy the moon or cause the sun to change its course has nothing to do with the living being's complex of will, and therefore cannot be an expression of a lack of free will in the being.
3. Will guided by desire and will guided by reason
Where we can talk about bound will is where the being by nature has free will, but through faulty actions, faulty use of its free will, has bound itself to effects that are for the time being restrictive or obstructive bonds for a further development of free will. It is this restriction of the will that we call an unhappy fate. So what is it, when taken as a whole, that releases the manifestation of will? In the first place it is the desire. One desires something or other without knowing whether the satisfaction of this desire is beneficial or harmful to oneself, and it is only in hindsight that one discovers the extent to which the satisfaction of the desire was beneficial or harmful. We can express this method of releasing the will as will guided by desire. Among human beings there are a great many of this kind of releases of will. At this point mention eating meat and bad habits such as tobacco, spirits and narcotics etc. Mention also assault on one's neighbour, robbery, theft, war, murder, killing etc. All these phenomena are in reality merely will guided by desire. But will guided by desire brings about the dark karma, the dark experiences that are the same as wisdom. Wisdom brings about reason, and reason is the perfect foundation of the manifestation of will. Will guided by reason is everything that serves to create life and joy, blessing and wellbeing for our fellow beings and surroundings or the act of loving our neighbour as our self, and that leads to sovereignty of consciousness, freedom from all mental prisons, and that initiates human beings and makes them one with God.
* "poverty" changed to "wealth".
The article is a reproduction of a manuscript that Martinus wrote in preparation for a lecture at the Martinus Institute on Sunday 4th of May 1952. Fair copy and section headings by Torben Hedegaard, approved by the council 08.09.2019. Original Danish title: Har mennesket en fri vilje? Translation by Andrew Brown, 2020. Published for the first time in the English edition of Kosmos 3-2020. Article ID: M0648. Martinus has given another lecture with the same title on 01.08.1955 (M0590).
© Martinus Institut 1981, www.martinus.dk
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