The Eyes of God
- on the mission of Kosmos Holiday Centre (Now known as the Martinus Centre, Klint)
by Martinus

1. Inauguration of the new lecture hall, July 1, 1962
Today we are very happy to be able to start using our new lecture hall. It is hardly less than a miracle that this has finally happened. The love and the enormous helpfulness shown by several of the loyal men and women of the cause is the sole basis for this miracle. They have willingly devoted all their spare time to this purpose, not only willingly but joyfully. Their cooperation has actually been like a celebration, a festival. They have persevered in coming up here every weekend since January. They have worked in cold weather, frost, rain and darkness. They have done it because they shared our conviction that it ought to be done.
Now their work is completed and I will therefore, on behalf of the cause and our mutual mission, express my deepest and most sincere gratitude to those people who realised the great importance of our cause, lent us their loving hands and made it possible to finish the hall in time for the peak season beginning today.
In the future this house will not only be a lecture hall and a sacred place to us but it will also be a monument to the mutual love and the steadfast cooperation and peace through which it was created. According to the cosmic analyses it is our mission to introduce this very peace into people's behaviour. To me, the love and sacrifice of these loyal beings is a happy example of how the spirit of the cosmic analyses has turned into life, energy and power in their minds and in their behaviour. Once more - my heartfelt thanks!
2. To all living beings everywhere the completed process of creation is a joy and a blessing
The purpose of life is to develop or recreate us in "the image of God". Now, what is the "image of God"? The "image of God" is "God's behaviour". But how do we acquire insight into God's behaviour? We can do so by observing it. We are in the midst of God's behaviour, everything that happens around us is the manifestation or creative process of God. This creative process of God or nature proves to be immensely logical and perfect. In all the situations where these creative processes are complete, they are nothing less than a joy and a blessing to all living beings. We can establish this as a fact by observing our own organism. We have got wonderful eyes to see with, ears to hear with. We can create, we can experience, we have various senses and this miraculous organism where hundreds of automatic functions work in complete and ingenious perfection, provided we ourselves do not interfere and damage it. We see that the organisms of all living beings are ingeniously constructed and adapted to the conditions of life on the different levels.
3. Incomplete creative processes
Many of the creative process that we witness are not complete, indeed there is such an extraordinary amount of incomplete ones that it may seem that there is no God, that we are living in a terrible darkness, that everything is coincidence. But this is not true. We must stick to such experiences as enable us to perceive the completed creative processes. Wherever they are not completed they naturally cannot fulfil this purpose and be a joy and a blessing. Animals are still the objects of automatic guidance or development, since their lives are led by instinct. Man, still to a certain extent guided by instinct, has also attained the ability to create on his own. But the creations and behaviour of man are obviously not always a joy and a blessing, which just goes to show that he is still not perfect. If he were, his appearance would be all sunlight and warmth. His behaviour would be an enormous joy and blessing to everybody and everything around him. That is the goal, that is being "the image of God". As all God's creation ends up being a joy and a blessing, so must the creative ability of that the Godhead has begun to bestow on mankind. Where men do not use their creative ability in God's way, the result is suffering and disaster, and they have to live with the melancholy, sorrow, worry, illness, war, mutilation, misery and suicide that pervades human life.
4. The purpose of the cosmic analyses is to teach man to create like God
Man has got the ability to think and understand, to inquire, observe and draw conclusions. His intellectual ability is large enough to make him realise that he is not as innocent in everything that happens in his daily life as he himself may think. The purpose of the cosmic analyses which God has enabled me to carry out, is to enable people to create just like the Godhead, and to make them realise that the abilities and talents that they have are no longer to be used for killing, murdering, creating lethal weapons, waging war, slandering their fellow men and being offended, angry and bitter. The reason why so much darkness is still being displayed is that man is not perfect yet, and since he is imperfect, he must be more or less of a problem.
5. The mission of the Holiday Centre is to teach man to see with "God's eyes"
The Holiday Centre is an annex or additional part of our mission and our work at the institute in Copenhagen. The purpose of it is to give the people who hunger for understanding of the purpose of life an opportunity to study the cosmic analyses during their vacation and thus receive guidance in the creative processes of the Godhead. Through this guidance they are meant to see with the "eyes of God". The Godhead's perception of existence, man, animals, the earth and the universe is a special way of seeing, a supreme vision. This vision encompasses everything and cannot be wrong.
6. Man learns through his mistakes
Man lives in a world and a field of vision where he is often wrong and makes extremely unfortunate mistakes. But in a way they are fortunate because they are meant to show us what is wrong. Everywhere where our behaviour creates suffering pain, animosity and evil, we have acted wrongly. There is something in our behaviour which is not in contact with the creative processes of the Godhead. The Godhead creates in accordance with supreme logic, and since man also creates, there are two different creations. But if these are not in contact with each other - if one is logical and the other illogical - the result can only be a short circuit, and it is this short circuit we call anger and bitterness, war and mutilation, death and destruction. These short circuits just prove that man is still not in "the image of God". Naturally, man will ultimately become "the image of God", but to get there he has to learn to see things the same way the Godhead does and to experience the same divine condition of not being able to make mistakes.
7. With "God's eyes" one is able to see the true reality beyond the illusory
Already, through thousands of years, we have been told about the right way of life. One should be good and loving, "one should love one's neighbour as oneself and God above all things. This is the fulfilment of the law". The redeemer of the world also says "one should forgive one's neighbour not seven times a day but seventy times seven". This means that there is not a single situation when one should not forgive one's neighbour. If one does not forgive, there will naturally occur a short circuit with God's creation. The fact that people are not yet perfect does not justify anger, hatred or revengefulness. Feelings like those belong to the sphere of ignorance. Therefore it is of vital importance that one should discover the true reality beyond the illusory, where nothing is what is seems to be. Man has entered an era when, by developing this divine vision, he becomes able to see the true reality beyond the illusory, and the summer months here at the Holiday Centre provide an excellent opportunity for this development.
8. Do not judge...
Imperfect man has two dispositions, one being the instinct of self-preservation or "every man for himself inherited from the animals, and the other being the incipient truly human nature. It is important to gain insight into what is human and what is animal. Breaking oneself of the animal habit is the only way to a bright and happy future.
We are all tools in the Godhead's hands, some are the tools of slaughter and murder, and as such have to exist in a sphere where they can experience the same things in return. Others are in a phase when they cannot bring themselves to do evil things, they do not have the heart to take revenge, to hate or slander, and they are allowed to live in a brighter sphere. But in order to reach this high state one must leave behind the routine way of thinking about one's neighbours. When one gets angry and passes judgement and criticism on one's fellow men it only proves that one is not perfect either, that one is also in the same sphere. "For as you judge others, so will yourselves be judged". This is a really scientific truth, and in a few words the cosmic analyses show that "one should forgive one's neighbour".
9. The urge to slander is nothing less than a kind of mental cancer
By studying the analyses one can see how important it is to come to terms with oneself: "What is my view on man, existence and the Godhead? What is my place in this universe among all the various manifestations of living beings?" If one examines oneself honestly one may discover things like "I am too prone to slander, I find it very interesting to report news about other people, particularly if it is bad news or something humiliating or derogatory". If one has this tendency one must get rid of it as soon as possible, for it is nothing less than a form of mental cancer which is liable to contaminate whatever good one has been able to develop in one's mind. If one has any other deplorable tendencies one must try to get rid of them as well. The goal is to be able to see everything from God's point of view. That means that one must contribute to making life bright and happy for one's fellow men. If these fellow men are hostile towards us, they cannot help it. There is absolutely nothing that can happen to us that we ourselves have not caused, either in this lifetime or in previous ones. It is a matter of not perceiving people as crooks, criminals, hoodlums, gangsters, robbers or murderers, even if that is what they are. One has to perceive them as something that is in the process of being moulded by God. When an artist models a bust, there are stages when the face is not as beautiful and perfectly shaped as when it is finished. God moulds all unfinished people, they are all in his creating hand and have reached stages of perfection, and consequently it would be stupid to be angry and bitter at something that is not finished yet.
10. Disease results from errors in thinking
It is dangerous to have evil thoughts or to be angry and bitter and irritated with other people, and it is not only externally dangerous but also internally, because thoughts have the power to affect our inner organs. We may have thoughts that directly affect the heart, producing disease. This may happen without one being aware of it, just because one has been feeling hatred for years and is permanently angry or bitter for no real reason. One may have thoughts that affect the stomach, producing ulcers; others that affect the brain so that one eventually becomes mentally deficient; and yet others that may affect one's muscles, skin etc.
11. Ways of thinking that lead to miraculous recovery
Through the cosmic analyses one gets insight into these ways of thinking and consequently experiences miraculous recovery. But in order to get there man must learn to think in this exalted way and realise, in every situation, that "nobody can suffer unjustly and nobody can do anyone an injustice", and that everything is arranged in such a cosmically perfect manner that everything in the divine final analysis is a joy and a blessing to all mankind. It may not be a joy and a blessing right from the start but through suffering the faculty for humaneness develops. In order to escape suffering one must realise the reason for it and the purpose of it. One is supposed to learn to see everything with God's eyes.
12. At this moment everything is as perfect as it can be
In the Bible we have an expression of how God looks at things. In the story of the creation God says, "Behold, everything is very good." At this moment everything is as perfect as it can possibly be, considering its past and what it is going to become in the future. Today it is not as it will be in the future, but it is as perfect as it can be.
13. Where ignorance is removed, the so-called evil ceases to exist
We must learn to escape the notion that somebody is to be punished or that God punishes man. There is no "punishment" at all, only "cause and effect". If you put salt in your coffee, it becomes salty. If you put sugar in it, it becomes sweet. It is no "sin" to make a mistake and consequently what we usually call "sins" are just mistakes. But erroneous actions cause wisdom and experience, and the divine thing about suffering is that it causes the development of the faculty for humaneness or the budding neighbourly love. The proof of this capacity for love is that one ceases to find it in one's heart to do the evil one could do before. One reaches the point where one gladly suffers an insult. One would rather suffer oneself than have other people suffer. This divine capacity for love will protect one, because one receives protection to the same extent as one protects others.
14. Intuition is a great gift from Providence
In addition to the ability to love, man receives another great gift from Providence, i.e. "intuition". "Intuition" is the faculty through which he is meant to experience the Godhead and the existence that is beyond time and space. It is the faculty needed to make a science out of man's spiritual experience. Spiritual science can only result from intuition, not from intelligence like materialistic science. It is intuition that enables man to experience the true reality beyond the physical reality, time and space. It is this faculty that makes him see with the eyes of God and be in contact with the Godhead. When Christ declares in his Sermon on the Mount that "My father and I are one" it proves that he had reached this state.
15. What prevents intuition
It is important for people to learn to look at life in a different way. As long as one is angry and bitter, bears grudges and irritates others one is cosmically blind. Anger, bitterness and grudges prevent intuition. In order to be able to see with the eyes of God one must get away from those feelings. If one has nothing good to say about a person, one had better remain silent. If one participates in killing, directly or indirectly one must also consider getting away from that. By eating meat one contributes to the killing of animals. Here in Denmark we kill thousands upon thousands of animals every day in order to eat them, but this is not what provides the highest vision. Men must not continue to eat the bodies or corpses of other animals. I do not say this in order to criticise people who eat animal foods. Of course people must do what they want. My only task is to explain how one comes to see with God's eyes.
16. What the studies of the cosmic analyses are all about
One has to learn to understand the conception of the world and see that the keynote of the cosmos is love. The cosmos is God's organism, and we are all organs in this organism, we are all the tools of God. The Godhead has tools that can manifest darkness because a contrasting darkness must be brought about, but it is merely something secondary. The primary life in the Godhead's consciousness is love, wisdom and beauty, and this is what will make a human being out of the animal. The purpose of our own mission and cause is to study the cosmic analyses and realise that the way to the light is to give up all those old degrading embarrassing traditions and to develop the the ability to see God in all beings and God's plan in all creative processes. All created things must go through an unfinished stage. Fruits go through a sour state before they become ripe and tasty. A house that is being built also goes through an unfinished or "sour" stage. During the construction of this house we have recently seen mortar tubs, boards, bricks and other things in a seemingly chaotic mess. But now it is finished and ready to use so that it can be of benefit to the people who wish to come here and learn.
17. The Holiday Centre is an area of education and an enormous training ground at the same time
The Holiday Centre is not meant to be just a holiday resort where people come merely to swim and lie on the beach. These are nice things to do but this holiday resort is intended as an educational area where, during one's vacation, one can receive instruction on a daily basis and thereby gain insight into what one sees when "looking with the eyes of God". Here one can learn to see that "everything is very good".
There are many people here. Many different characters, talents and abilities are represented. We may not all be on the same level, but this is exactly what makes it a training ground - the fact that one meets many different people here. The minds of these people are less developed in some areas and are thus not as brilliant as in the completed areas, but one should not immediately start feeling animosity because they have such imperfect traits. Here one can learn not to speak badly of others. Here one can learn to develop friendships with people of the same way of thinking, people who share the same interests. That is the point, and that is why this lecture hall has been built. During the summer months, when it is not so easy to give courses in the big cities people can come here to spend their vacation and at the same time gain benefit and joy for their consciousness.
18. Only light can eliminate the shadows
It is a joy and a blessing to have wisdom grow in one's consciousness, to gain insight into the mistakes one has made and how one can correct them. Then it is not long before one sees that one has grown and obtained a happier life. Things that could previously seem provocative and irritating do not bother one any more. Little by little one stops being able to feel resentment. There are people who feel resentment both when it is logical to do so, and when it is not. There are people who feel sympathy for certain types of people and antipathy towards others. This is also completely wrong. One must learn to realise that all human beings are the sons of the Godhead. The Godhead lives within all of us, and what is our "I" is also the "I" of the Godhead.
The primary or best thing for us is to become instruments that produce light and warmth for people in a world where doomsday, war and suffering prevail. It is a divine pleasure to be able to be a source of light and warmth for people, and this brings not only light and warmth to them but also produces light and warmth in one's own consciousness, so that everything bad and bitter disappears. It is important to remain at all times a source of light and warmth where one sees something that is imperfect. Only the light can eliminate the shadows.
19. Thou shalt love thy God above all things - prayer and conversation with the Godhead
Through evolution we are gradually enabled to create in a logical way so that we will only use our abilities and talents to produce joy and blessings for all beings, for men, animals and plants. Indeed, we will even send loving thoughts to the microcosmos and the macrocosmos. This is "loving God above all things". We have to learn this, since the Godhead is the living "I" who possesses the logic, intelligence and consciousness that we observe creating around us and that is re-creating man "in his own image". Consequently, we see that we are in God's creative hands and that in the future we will experience even brighter light.
Talking to this divine being does not mean talking to a being high up in the heavens or in a distant galaxy. Talking to the Godhead means caressing one's neighbour, be it man or animal. It means being kind and good, forgiving and so on. When seeing with "the eyes of God" one knows that people of today cannot be any different from what they are. Then one is participating in God's creative process, and there is no longer anything that can cause distress and sorrow. One trusts life implicitly, a trust or consciousness based on actual experience and not on faith in some statement or other. That is how we will experience things, if we hold on to the following thoughts: "How does God see him?", "How does God see her?", "How does God see that?". If we direct our prayer towards the Godhead there are sure to be guardian angels who will show us how God sees things.
All through my life my attention has been directed towards the Godhead in this way. Even before I reached cosmic consciousness I held on to thoughts like "Would Christ do this?" Then I might sense: "No, he would not". Sometimes I would sense "Yes, he would". This way of thinking later led me to the state when I had my spiritual experience.
20. My cause has become a great common cause
This spiritual experience enabled me to grasp the cosmic analyses, the spreading of which to the rest of the world has become my mission, and also to a certain extent your mission - so that my cause has become a great common cause. These are the first beginnings of the really divine world kingdom which is to come. It is the beginning of the ultimate result that God intends to create with the lives of the human beings. According to our abilities and talents, according to our ability to see with "God's eyes", we are helping God to create a far more exalted culture and a far more beautiful form of existence.
21. How the Godhead remains alive in our consciousness
Thus we can see that practice is necessary in order to learn to see with "God's eyes". This inevitably leads to one's becoming a brilliant and warming sun for one's environment. One is filled with this tremendous urge: "I want to be a joy and a blessing to everything that I come into contact with!". When we get this urge the Godhead starts coming alive in our consciousness. This is our mission. It is the mission of the Holiday Centre to help people develop this willingness and urge to be a joy and a blessing for their environment.
With these words I would like to declare this lecture hall inaugurated and open for our future work in my mission.
Original Danish title: Guds øjne. Om feriebyens mission. From a lecture given at the inauguration of the new lecture hall at Kosmos Holiday Centre, Klint on July 1 1962. Tape transcription edited by Ole Therkelsen and approved by the Council of the Martinus Institute. First published in the Danish edition of Kosmos no. 7, 1992. Translated by Gunilla Lindblad, 1994.
Article ID: M0565.
Published in the English edition of Kosmos no. 4, 1994.
© Martinus Institut 1981, www.martinus.dk
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