The Kingdom of the Son of God 2
by Martinus

1. The vast majority of people treat illnesses as a purely physical matter
The living being's organism is a place to live, a kingdom, for microbeings, to whom the son of God is therefore a macrobeing. This kingdom is therefore a light place to live or a dark place to live according to whether the macro-I constructs and maintains its organism in a healthy, natural and loving manner or whether it fails to look after it or even destroys it. In order to understand the importance of real health and hygiene it is therefore not enough to read endlessly about new methods of nutrition or external hygiene etc. Nor is it enough to consult a doctor or undergo surgery or any other external, physical treatment of the illnesses in the organism. Throughout the whole civilised world there are large hospitals where sick people can regain the use of their limbs and be healed of their illnesses, and this in itself is of course a divine arrangement. But it is foolish to believe that this is the final goal, and that we have now arrived at the perfect means of restoring the beings to absolute health or their normal state. What in reality are these hospitals the world over? What are the sick organisms, or more precisely the illnesses, that they are intending to treat? The commonly accepted view of these organisms, particularly among doctors, is that they are merely damaged physical objects that in some way can be repaired in the same way that we can repair a shoe, an article of clothing, a car, a house etc. In short we consider that the illness is merely a purely physical matter, a purely physical question of repairing, the sort of thing that one can deal with in a workshop.
2. Our organism is a kingdom or a universe for living beings
Nothing can be further from the truth than this lifeless acknowledgement or total misunderstanding of the realities. The fact is that all organic illnesses are a question of the mentality, a question of the spirit. An organism is not a dead thing, such as a shoe, an article of clothing, a house, a car etc. An organism is an assemblage or a host of living beings on various evolutionary steps and belonging to various over- and underlying spiral cycles. They are bound together into a unit by the macro-I's state of consciousness. They are attracted or summoned and repelled or removed according to whether the macro-I with its way of being creates the ideal conditions for co-operation or the destructive conditions for it. The entire living conditions, fate and wellbeing of this assemblage are therefore totally dependent on how the macro-I treats its organism, which food and which air, which light and which warmth the macro-I allows to fill its organism. The microbeings in the organism are dependent on all of these things. Whether the macro-I treats its organism correctly, allowing it to receive the correct food, the correct light and the correct warmth etc., will of course be dependent on the understanding and knowledge that the macro-I has of the true cosmic structure of its organism. If it does not understand that its organism is a kingdom or a universe for living beings and that all natural conditions, forces of Nature and living conditions in this universe are all totally dependent on its originator's will, cultural step and conditions of fate, this universe will still be nothing more than a dark sphere, whose king or originator is to some extent this sphere's greatest persecutor or enemy.
3. The one and only absolute medicine: knowledge, will and character
All the world's illnesses are not only a question of hospitals, but are to the very highest degree also a question of the mind. Illnesses or organic bodily suffering will never ever come to an end solely through external inventiveness. The true cause is in its basic analysis not something external but something internal. It is a question of knowledge, will and character. Every illness can only be "healed" through this one and only absolute medicine: knowledge, will and character. Without this medicine all other medical phenomena are untenable. Is it not a fact that everywhere hospitals are too small? There is no room for all the people who are ill, even though each hospital is a little town in itself, with many buildings, functions and managers, and many professors, doctors, consultants, nurses and porters etc. They are constantly having to be extended, with new buildings for ever being built, and yet there are still long waiting lists of people who want to be admitted. No, without spiritual science, without an understanding of the fact that neighbourly love also applies to the microbeings in the organisms, the demand for hospitals will grow and grow, and there will for ever be a need for more hospitals, doctors and nurses than can ever be provided.
4. When obstacles occur in the co-operation between the microbeings in our organism
Since in the final analysis no one can avoid the fact that the organism is an assemblage of living beings that require certain specific conditions in order to be able to be at ease in this organism, it stands to reason that these conditions must be fulfilled. If they are not fulfilled obstacles occur in the co-operation between these beings, and the wholeness that is the organism begins to be unsteady. In our capacity of being an originator of a universe, of being a king in a kingdom with millions of inhabitants, it is clear that we cannot ignore these inhabitants, since every one of them is a part of the cohesive unit that constitutes our organism. Consequently if we are used to taking harmful stimulants, such as alcohol, large doses of tobacco, morphine or other narcotics, we will create havoc in certain regions of our organism. And since in this organism there is no terrain at all, no matter how small, that does not in one way or another constitute something vital for our own wellbeing, this wellbeing will of course be disturbed when we to some extent destroy the conditions for the existence of this terrain. The same thing also applies if we eat certain foods that, when digested or transformed, are harmful to our small inhabitants. The terrains in question in our organism will then be weakened and cannot carry out their mission, which in turn leads to reduced life functioning for the macro-I. The fact that these disturbances are called cancer, gall stones, kidney stones, high blood pressure etc., is not the completely correct or appropriate description, but is in fact merely an expression of the outward effects. They should in fact be called "lack of intelligence", "superstition", "revolution", "sabotage" or "doomsday".
5. In order to be healthy one should eat the right food and think lovingly
All illnesses are therefore in their deepest analysis illnesses of the consciousness. They are the result of their originator's ignorance, which dominates to a greater or lesser extent, and the resultant corresponding lack of neighbourly love. The first requirement for being truly healthy or for living in an organism that is not burdened with illnesses is of course to understand that inside our organism we are just as much surrounded by living beings and forces of Nature as we are surrounded by living beings and forces of Nature outside it and around us. Just as we are beginning to understand that it is necessary that here everything works as a whole, that everyone must work for everyone else and that all-out warfare must therefore come to an end, it is therefore also necessary that all microbeings end up working for everyone and that also here all-out warfare comes to an end. But whereas in the outer surroundings one does not have so much influence, in the inner world or in the terrains of our organism on the other hand our influence is all-important. Here we are the macrobeing. Here we can decide over the forces of Nature. Here we can decide what kind of conditions our microbeings live under, wherever they are in the body. Here by eating food that is absolutely healthy for the organism and by drinking the equivalent drinks, we can create wellbeing for our microbeings purely physically. And by thinking lovingly, by being understanding and thereby having a forgiving attitude towards everyone, and in so doing clearing our mentality of all hot temper, all envy, all hatred, all greed, all forms of annoyance and all fear of the future, we will then be creating a really healthy mental sense of wellbeing for our microbeings, we will be creating light mental regions in which our microbeings can be filled with mental energy and strength, so that they can be free of all restraints in their natural mission, in their co-operation in the creation of our life and wellbeing.
6. A journey with cosmic clear-sightedness into the sick human being's psyche and organism
When one embarks on a journey with cosmic consciousness or clear-sightedness into a present-day, sick human being's psyche and organism, we see a physical and mental microworld consisting of lifeless, fossilised, desert terrains, in fact totally cold and lifeless moon landscapes. We can see terrains that were originally wonderfully fertile landscapes, flourishing with life. Everyone was busy working, and everyone was serving everyone else. But then catastrophe struck. The necessary outer conditions began to disappear. A terrible natural catastrophe began to take place and the beings began to die out. Lower, more coarse, robust, primitive beings incarnated in the harsh terrains that were devastated by the catastrophe. But also for these beings the life conditions became insufficient and eventually no more living beings incarnated in these terrains, which in the end became dead, cold, rocky landscapes. The animal, flesh-and-blood-filled, healthy Nature had become barren, cemented, stony deserts, all as a result of the macro-I's unnatural lifestyle. In a hospital such illnesses would be known as calcification or sclerosis and would manifest as gall stones, bladder stones, kidney stones etc.
In other organisms on this cosmic journey we witness vast terrains in which there was once also a flourishing, rich cultural life, until the day when the first symptoms of a looming catastrophe began to make themselves felt. Enormous changes in the terrains and harmful elements came into play and began to create the conditions for the incarnation of life-forms that were not at all in harmony with the existence and maintenance of the organism. These life-forms spelled death and destruction for the organism's own micro-individuals. Enormous building, creative processes took place but at the expense of the organism, that is to say processes that were based on its destruction. Eventually the normal microbeings were displaced and deadly terrains that were new to the organism came about. In a hospital such deadly terrains in the organism are called tumours, polyps and such like. And it is the same story with all other illnesses that have arisen in the organism or body.
If we journey into the same organism's mental or spiritual worlds we see almost exclusively purgatorial terrains. Behind the micro-universes with the physical, death-inducing and already dead terrains, normal states of wellbeing cannot exist, since it is here that pleasure or displeasure from the physical world is experienced. For this reason there will be a rather hard and brutal, all-pervasive mental zone in which melancholy, sorrow, pain and torment dominate. It is of course self-evident that such terrains in a being's psyche contribute to destroying and overtaxing the macrobeing's nerves and restricting its mental wellbeing. These currents running through the nervous system from the subconsciousness or the body's mental activity contribute to creating the type of mental depression that can lead to nervous breakdown.
7. With love for everything and everyone all suffering, war and illness will cease in both the outer and the inner world
So this makes it clear to us how closely the macro-I is connected to its microbeings, and how strongly its will, tendencies and desires determine the creation of the conditions for the incarnation of microbeings that are vitally important in the organism. The organism's population of micro-individuals follows precisely the macro-I's mental activation, its mental attitude to life, to pleasure, to desires and to the satisfaction of desires. To the extent that in your mind you are without neighbourly love for your fellow beings in mesocosmos you will be subject to violent outbursts of temper, will have a disposition towards indignation and blaming and a tendency to persecute and seek revenge on others. You will therefore be permanently involved in legal proceedings and disputes with your surroundings, you will experience many forms of unpleasantness, you will experience yourself as a victim and that everyone is persecuting you. To live in the belief that you are an innocent victim cannot be the expression of normal wellbeing; it is the cause of all mental disturbances that are in turn transmitted further to the physical organism creating disturbances there. As long as neighbourly love, which is life's cosmic blood and nourishment, does not appear to a sufficient degree in the cultured human being's outer and inner world, one will not experience any degree of permanent ease. On the contrary, a lack of ease in the form of all sorts of illnesses will be so dominating, and the number of patients so overwhelming that all the hospitals in the world cannot possibly accommodate them, and that the building of hospitals, regardless of how energetic the building work may be, can only be described as moving at a snail's pace when compared to the development or growth of the overall need for these institutions. With love for everything and everyone all suffering, war and illness will come to an end in both the outer and the inner world.
Original Danish title: Gudesønnens kongerige 2. The article is the reproduction of a manuscript to a lecture given by Martinus in the Martinus Institute on Sunday 1st May 1949. Minor corrections and section titles by Torben Hedegaard, approved by the council 18th May 2014. Published for the first time in the Danish edition of Kosmos no. 10, 2014. Translated by Andrew Brown, 2014.
Article ID: M0538
Published in the English edition of Kosmos no. 1, 2015
© Martinus Institut 1981, www.martinus.dk
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