The Kingdom of the Son of God. Guardian Angels in the Earth's Consciousness
by Martinus

1. When talent kernels fulfil their mission, the day consciousness is freed for other things
By analysing how talent kernels come into being we gain a living insight into how an organism is gradually built up. When a living being, as a result of a certain interest, devotes itself to some form of manifestation or other, thereby repeating the various types of movement or releases of energy that the particular form of manifestation is based on, these forms of movement or energy become habitual. Once a kind of movement has become habitual it means that it can more or less set itself in motion without the living being in question having to take part in the process. In this way the living being has gained the ability to move without having to be preoccupied with taking part in the movement. We can walk along a road and at the same time talk to another being without having to give the movement of our legs any particular awake, day-conscious attention. Only in cases where something unusual happens must our own I, which in one way can be described as the father-I, step in. The legs hurt in that area in which the unusual thing has taken place. And by means of the pain the father-I becomes aware of the phenomenon and has to do what is necessary to remove the trouble. Once this has been removed the day consciousness is once again free from the functioning of the legs. They can then themselves once again carry out their mission, or whatever is being asked of them.
2. Our organism is a combination of incarnated beings from underlying spirals
Every organ in the organism is actually built up and held in place by a talent kernel. In this way the functioning of the heart, the functioning of the lungs and the breathing, the functioning of the glands and so forth are each concentrated around and based on its own talent kernel, which in reality means an I and its superconsciousness. Such a talent kernel is a living being. A living being's organism therefore in reality consists of a series of living beings that are bound together due to their ability to co-operate in favour of a larger whole. The appearance of our own organism as a living being will therefore be a combination of incarnated living beings from underlying spirals. In this way all the organs, from the brain, the heart, the lungs and the stomach and all the way down to the very smallest glandular and cellular functions, are living beings that have incarnated in our organism, bound together according to our I's particular attitude, desire and step in the spiral cycle. They make use of these underlying living beings' co-operation in order to be able to fulfil their particular desires concerning creation and experience. And since the underlying living beings can also make use of precisely this co-operation, and are completely unable to satisfy their experience of manifestation and desire other than through precisely such a co-operation, we can see how divine the whole principle of life in fact is, and how necessary it is that all these micro-I's work together in the interest of the whole, just as we can also see how absolutely necessary it is that the macro-I also creates the conditions needed so that it does not itself disturb this co-operation.
3. The macro-I has the sovereign power to decide over its organism
So can the macro-I disturb these beings' co-operation and thereby their life? Yes it can, to the very highest degree. It is the chief I and possesses sovereign power over the whole organism. It decides whether this organism is taken care of according to the laws of health and wellbeing, or whether it is neglected and misused through the use of alcohol or any other unfortunate use of poisonous or harmful substances that are absolutely unsuitable as food. It can also decide whether or not the organism has the rest and sleep that it needs. It can neglect to create the conditions for the perfect co-operation of its micro-beings and it then itself becomes sick and helpless. An organism is therefore in fact an institution maintained by various groups of living beings. Each group of beings is therefore actually a kind of expert in carrying out a particular release of energy or a particular job that is necessary for the whole. This whole is the macro-I's organism, which is these micro-beings' universe. A living being's organism is therefore a setting, a world, in which an untold number of beings are given somewhere to live and the possibilities of employment, and hence the conditions that they need for life and the creation of their fates.
4. The macro-I's status as a king in microcosmos
An organism is a group of living beings on various steps and representing various over- and underlying spiral cycles. The I exists as the supreme authority over this group of living beings and is the sovereign controller of the organism, that is to say the "macro-I". In relation to this I all the other I's are seen as "subjects", as they all without exception belong to underlying cosmic spiral cycles. And as a result we perceive and express these beings as microcosmos. The macro-I is thereby the same as a "king", or the very highest ruling factor in this gathering of living beings that constitutes his organism. But since his sphere of interest represents many different kinds of desires and wishes, many different kinds of forms of life experience and creative processes, he has to have a great many helpers, in fact not just thousands, but so many beings that they can be counted in the millions. But the macro-I cannot possibly manage to correspond with every single individual among these millions of beings. The macro-I's co-operation with them is also maintained through a whole series of "lesser-kings", who in turn have under them helpers, administrators and leaders down among the beings in the underlying spiral cycles within the entire organism. Each of these lesser-kings of the macrobeing has its own domain to govern and lead in the interest of the whole or the macro-I, in the same way that the macro-I has been given supreme command over the whole of this immense kingdom in order that it can also govern and lead it in the interest of the whole, not only inwardly in the inner regions of this universe but also outwardly, in such a way that the wholeness or the appearance of this organism is a state, a kingdom, a universe, a milky way system that is totally in contact with the outer world and the interest of the whole.
5. The Earth's I's talent kernels for the killing principle
Our lesser kings, that is to say the governors of the domain of our characteristics and talents, are the I's of talent-kernels. As it is the job of these lesser kings to govern their domain in contact with the wholeness in the organism, we can call them "guardian angels". As the Earth is an organism that is on the terrestrial human step in its spiral cycle, it forms the same living conditions in this spiral cycle as terrestrial human beings do in theirs. We can therefore, by observing the Earth's I and its organism, which is provisionally our home in the universe, see the domain of our own organism, and thereby the domain of our own kingdom.
The Earth's I is therefore our number one guardian angel, our king. Next come the Earth's I's talent kernels for the release of the killing principle, which are to date the most superior and dominant within the area of its organism. This guardian angel has over time been named "the evil one" or "the devil". It is a guardian angel and is absolutely indispensable in the cycle principle's creation of experience and manifestation of life. From the cosmic point of view this guardian angel is therefore not a devil or something absolutely evil, but is by nature just as divine as angels in the light. Without such a guardian angel absolutely no experience of life could come about. In that case should one not thank and praise God that such a guardian angel exists, even though it is the source of everything that comes under the concept of mental darkness? Yes certainly, because were it not for the fact that this being expresses itself, there would be absolutely no basis for the experience of light. How would the beings be able to experience themselves and their surroundings without contrasts? All experience of life is merely nuances or degrees of combinations of light and darkness. It is this guardian angel that is called in the Bible "the serpent", and which caused Adam and Eve, or the living beings, to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. This is the very guardian angel that is behind the management of the creation of all modern weaponry and the resultant perfect, culminatory knowledge that terrestrial human beings now represent in this field.
6. The Earth's talent kernels for the manifestation of light
An extremely strong, dark background has now been created in the mentality or psyche of terrestrial humankind, against which the light can be distinguished and thereby become accessible to the senses and to experience. But as a result, the dark guardian angel is gradually not being needed any more in the psyche of the Earth's I. To the extent that this background grew and became compact and strong, it became possible to distinguish the light and it thereby became accessible to experience. And the Earth's sphere of interest then became, to a corresponding degree, light. The result was an increasing number of repeated manifestations of light, which made it possible for a king of light to incarnate, that is to say a talent kernel that could take responsibility for the Earth's I's sphere of interest that has to do with the creation of light within its domain. Such a deputy king is therefore incarnated in the psyche of the Earth's I and is the number one guardian angel of all light manifestations. The initial creation of all humane religions, in fact of all humane phenomena, is responsible to this king and guardian angel. Everything that comes under the category of higher culture, the promised new heaven and new earth, which is in fact the same as the world peace that all human beings on Earth long for, will become reality under this guardian angel of humankind or the Earth's talent kernel for the manifestation of light. World redeemers come from the domain of this guardian angel, just as the dark world redeemers come from the dark guardian angel.
7. Guardian angels' physical incarnation
At this point you might well ask whether these light and dark guardian angels incarnate, and where their physical bodies are. These guardian angels are of course also subject to the laws of reincarnation and have to incarnate in matter just like all other living beings. They also have to make use of microbeings in their domain, otherwise they could not create an organism, and without an organism they could not possibly do their work. These guardian angels' microbeings are the living physical beings that can find inspiration in their spirit, or the beings for whom it is enlivening to release the particular forms of manifestation that are responsible to the light and dark guardian angels. With respect to the dark guardian angel's physical body or organism, this appears as identical to all the living beings that we categorise as animals. Animals are animated by the dark guardian angel's consciousness and constitute this angel's physical body. Since the dark guardian angel's consciousness also reaches quite some way into the sphere of terrestrial humankind and finds the tools and talent kernels for the manifestation of darkness in the psyche of terrestrial human beings, these beings are also to a corresponding degree microbeings in the dark guardian angel's consciousness or psyche. They are therefore in reality this guardian angel's children. Just think of Valhalla and other forms of religion that involve killing. Wherever they appear, the zones of the killing principle are the domain of the dark guardian angel. While the dark guardian angel's incarnation begins in insect-eating plants and continues into animals and terrestrial human beings, where it will die out, the light guardian angel's birth begins in the terrestrial human beings that are beginning to be humane and to love their neighbour. The light guardian angel's domain constitutes everything that comes under the category of the creation of culture, the abolition of war, the promotion of humanity and neighbourly love. This spirit is incarnated in all those beings that to varying degrees make themselves tools for the manifestations of light and love.
8. The highest experience of life
If the macro-I releases its status as a king in the interest of the whole inwardly in the areas and domains of its organism's microbeings and outwardly towards its surroundings and fellow beings, this macro-I will with its appearance exist as a living being in God's image. To understand this macro-I's responsibility towards microbeings, fellow beings and macrobeings is to understand the mystery of life. To understand the mystery of life in an awake, day-conscious state is in turn the same as to possess "cosmic consciousness", which is in turn the same as the holy spirit or God's consciousness. As this state offers the individual the highest experience of life, the highest sense of wellbeing, the highest experience of knowledge, power and ability, it is the very culmination of life and the goal that all human beings on Earth are speeding towards. Each and every one of us is a king in our kingdom and is aspiring to a form of government within this kingdom that is analogous to the form of government that is used by the highest macrobeing, or the king of the universe, the eternal Godhead.
Original Danish title: Gudesønnes kongerige. Skytsengle i jordbevidstheden. This article is the reproduction of a manuscript to a lecture given by Martinus at the Martinus Institute on Sunday 24th April 1949. Minor corrections and section titles by Ole Therkelsen, approved by the council 22nd April 1997. Published for the first time in the Danish edition of Kosmos no. 3, 1998. Translated by Andrew Brown, 2014.
Article ID: M0537
Published in the English edition of Kosmos no. 1, 2015
© Martinus Institut 1981, www.martinus.dk
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