The Godhead and the Courage to Embrace Life
by Martinus

1. Human beings live in a permanent state of fear
The absolute requirements for a perfectly healthy and happy life for a human being are the two principles: the Godhead and the courage to embrace life. In the animal these two principles exist encapsulated in the reality we call instinct, and here they determine in the animal's consciousness, albeit unconsciously, good health and the courage to embrace life. The animal knows nothing of unnatural fear, which means fear in those areas in which there is actually no danger at all. The animal is terrified only when it is in a dangerous situation, but due to its instinct it reacts automatically so that it can avoid the danger. And once the danger is over the animal does not speculate in fear and dread that the danger will arise once again. It does not lose its courage to embrace life and commits suicide. The situation is quite different in the case of human beings. They live, to a very large extent, in a permanent state of fear of one thing or another. And as a rule, they are really only imaginary dangers, dangers that in reality absolutely do not exist, or will never ever exist. They are fearful of tomorrow, they are fearful that they will not be able to make ends meet, in fact this fear can even be present not least among the beings that have an abundance of earthly property and gold. They are fearful that their marriage partner will be unfaithful, they are fearful that there will be too much rain and they are fearful that there will be too much drought. They are fearful of what people will say, they are afraid of gossip and such like. They are fearful of more or less all situations in life. Indeed, is there not at present a world-wide permanent state of fear of a war that is to come? Is it not the fear of human beings that causes human beings to speculate about the best way of becoming skilled in destroying human beings?
2. Perfect human beings have no knowledge of fear
Terrestrial human beings lack the courage to embrace life. But to lack the courage to embrace life is the same as to lack a vitally important mental organ. This is all the more important since it is this organ that should keep the beings' mentality healthy and normal and that therefore should form the deciding basis of these beings' normal and healthy experience on the physical plane. When the being lacks some prominent physical organ or other, what do they do? If they lack a foot, for example, they walk with the help of crutches, and this also applies when the being lacks such an important organ as the courage to embrace life, which is far more important than a foot. Also here the being seeks to remedy the situation with help of crutches. The crutches that human beings use to replace the courage to embrace life are murder weapons. The truly perfect human being definitely does not take cover behind murder weapons. It is so superior to the things that other beings conjure up in order to persecute, malign or sabotage one's existence that in such a situation they have absolutely no knowledge of fear. It is this courage that it has, that over the centuries has made it unfailingly victorious over millions of human beings. Take the case of Christ, for example. If he had not gone openly towards his persecutors and attackers in the garden of Gethsemane and had given himself up to them – but instead had come up with a method by which he could have in some way or other sabotaged their plot, perhaps with a minor war between them and his followers – is it conceivable that he would have become a prince or a king of the spirit with his millions of worshippers and admirers the world over? If he had been able to produce a list of the high priests and their assistants that had been killed, is it conceivable that he could have become a representative of the kingdom of heaven or the humane world culture that is destined to be the future fate of the Earth and mankind? I can see only that he would have become a worthy representative of the Nordic mythology and would have been honoured with a great reception in Valhalla among the ruling, killing company of gods, with Odin and Thor at the head. He had a human courage to face life that was so strong that he absolutely did not need to stabilise his mentality with crutches. He was completely superior to all animal initiatives. Indeed, not even a crucifixion could deter him from being a human being. And he therefore easily triumphed over all animal schemes.
3. Fear increases as the ability to create more and more ingenious weapons of murder increases
But what about present-day terrestrial human beings? How much of this Christ mentality do they have today? It seems as if they have none at all. They have none of Christ's great courage to embrace life and they therefore have to stimulate their psyche or mentality with crutches. Indeed, have not human beings become geniuses in making such crutches? Is not an atom bomb a colossal crutch? Are not all the ingenious instruments of murder that we know in the form of all the other killing instruments – warships, cannons, torpedoes, submarines and firearms of every kind and so on and so on – colossal crutches? Can all these murder weapons, this entire accumulation of terrestrial human mobilisation of animal possibilities of attack and defence, give mankind the courage to embrace life? Do human beings have less fear today than in the past when we were, regarding the physical, intellectual knowledge and capability that today we have to excess, still sleeping beings? I can only see that fear increases as the ability to create more and more ingenious weapons of murder or the possibilities of proliferating the manifestations of killing increases. If human beings, like Christ, discarded their weapons, is it not conceivable that mankind would likewise arise victorious from the grave, in a sunlit resurrection? Is it not towards this state that human beings should be brought? There is no getting around it. Human beings can neither defend themselves not get rid of their fear of life as long as they maintain or base their lives on murder weapons and superior brute force and are completely without any absolutely impartial concept of justice in their actions.
4. Fear creates unhealthy blood
Human beings are definitely not following in Jesus' footsteps from the garden of Gethsemane. Neither can they expect some kind of resurrection from the killing life of the animal. Their everyday existence must exclusively be the animal mentality of the jungle. And with such a mentality human beings cannot be happy or free from fear. Here they are bound to live in a state of everyone being at war with everyone else. Human beings are definitely no longer animals, and as a result they become fearful when they find themselves in an animal kingdom. They are in the initial stages of becoming human and will be able to find happiness or the existence that is normal for such a being only in the true human kingdom where they are together with human beings with human consciousness, and not with human beings with a jungle- or animal-mentality. And as long as they do not fulfil, or are truly conscious in, their destiny they will be bound to live in a state of fear. Fear is actually what makes human beings act wrongly, and the wrong actions give rise to a faulty experience of life. Human beings become derailed from the road of Christ. And it is their travelling on this derailed road, that is the road of heathenism, that constantly creates fear. In turn, fear creates unhealthy blood. Unhealthy blood results in debility or the undermining of resistance against illness and all kinds of ill health in the organism. And what can one do with a tired, tumour-infected and over-calcified organism? Such an organism gives rise in turn to a new terrain of fear, which in turn gives rise to fear, and so it continues until the being in fact suffocates or dies of fear.
5. To be one with the Godhead
Mankind cannot therefore avoid arriving at the point at which it must turn back to the road of Christ. But the road of Christ is the road of God. The road of God is the holy spirit. The holy spirit is the knowledge of eternal life that will raise mankind out of the ignorance that today allows the future human being in God's likeness to languish in all kinds of derailments from the true life. Mankind must arrive at the point at which it and the Father, or the Godhead, are one. So what does it mean to be one with the Godhead? It means to live a life based on an absolutely thorough knowledge of the world picture itself or of eternal life. As long as human beings believe that life is something merely temporal, fear is bound to exist. When human beings begin to experience that their life is eternal and that in them lives something of the Godhead, fear will then begin to disappear. With God built into all our actions and manifestations fear will fade away from the path of our lives in the same way that the damp mists of the night evaporate once the bright sunlight of the day breaks through. And every one of us will experience within ourselves the eternal sensation: I am the resurrection and the life; he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.
The article is a transcription of a manuscript that Martinus wrote in preparation for a lecture at the Martinus Institute on Sunday the 30th of March 1952. The fair copy and section titles are by Torben Hedegaard and were approved by the Council on 09 12 2018. Original Danish title: Guddommen og livsmodet. Article translated by Andrew Brown. The manuscript has also been edited under the same title by Mogens Møller (M0530) and was published in English Kosmos 1997, no 2.
Article ID: M0533.
Published in the English edition of Kosmos no. 3, 2019.
© Martinus Institut 1981, www.martinus.dk
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