The Godhead and the Courage to Embrace Life
by Martinus

1. The animal knows nothing about unnatural fear; its animated and courageous attitude to life and its harmonious relationship to the Godhead are principles that are encapsulated in its instinct
The most important things that a living being needs in order to have a perfectly healthy and happy life are the courage to embrace life and a harmonious relationship to the Godhead. In an animal these two principles exist encapsulated in the reality that we call instinct, and they are the actual causes of the animal's mental and physical health. The animal has no knowledge of unnatural fear, that is to say fear in areas where there is really absolutely no danger. The animal becomes anxious in dangerous situations and reacts automatically through instinct to avoid the danger. If it cannot avoid it, it lets out a cry of terror, which is its instinct's automatic prayer to the Godhead for help, and help does come to the animal on the psychic plane, where, just like human beings, the animal also has its guardian angels. However, if the animal manages to escape from the dangerous situation, once the danger has passed it does not brood in fear and trembling over when the danger will reappear. It does not lose its courageous and animated attitude to life or become troubled, getting into a nervous state through being permanently anxious about either life or death.
2. To a very large extent the human being lives in permanent fear of one thing or another
The human beings' situation is quite different. To a very large extent the human being lives in permanent fear of one thing or another. Very often what fills his mind is really only dreamed-up dangers or imagined difficulties that have no existence whatsoever, nor ever will. In the morning he is afraid of the day, he is afraid of not being able to survive economically, in fact this fear can even be present in people who have goods and gold in excess. He is afraid he is going to lose everything he has. Some people live with the tremendous fear that their marriage partner is being unfaithful, even though their partner has never had the slightest thought of being unfaithful. Some people fear that there will be too much rain, while others fear drought conditions. Many, many people live in fear of what people will say if they do this or that, they are afraid of gossip or slander, in fact there is almost no situation where there is not something that they are afraid of.
3. The terrestrial human being has no courage to embrace life and lacks a harmonious relationship to the eternal Godhead
These days there exists throughout the world a permanent fear of a war to come. It is the fear of other human beings that makes people think about how they can best become expert in killing and destroying. The terrestrial human being has no courage to embrace life, and also suffers from the lack of the other vital factor that promotes health and happiness, namely, harmony in its relationship to the eternal Godhead.
4. A really animated and courageous attitude to life, such as Christ displayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, will lead to a real triumph
For a human being to be without an animated and courageous attitude to life is the same thing as being without an important psychic organ, and in particular the very organ that maintains the health and normality of the being's normal, healthy experience on the physical plane. If a person has lost a foot, he makes up for it by using crutches. But when what he lacks is such an important organ as the courage to embrace life, which is even more important than a foot, what can he do? Also in this situation he tries to make up for it by using crutches, and the crutches he uses to try to make up for his lack of courage to embrace life are weapons of murder. A truly perfect human being would absolutely never take cover behind a weapon of murder, as he has no fear of other human beings' potential persecution, slander or other form of sabotage of his existence. He possesses a truly animated and courageous attitude to life which results in a real triumph. We have a shining example of this sort of mentality in Christ. If he had not willingly given himself up to the people who were persecuting and attacking him in the Garden of Gethsemane but had done the opposite and found a means of averting their attack, perhaps with a little war between them and his followers, which Peter was immediately ready for, he would not have become the prince or king of the spirit that he did. If he had caused his adversaries to number on their casualty list the high priest and several of his assistants or a number of Pharisees, would he have become a representative of the kingdom of Heaven or the humane world civilisation that will become the future destiny of the earth and mankind? No, he would have been worthy to represent the old Nordic mythology and would have been very well received in Valhalla in the company of the gods that reign there, headed by Odin and Thor.
5. Not even death on the cross could deter Christ from being a human being
But his courageous attitude to life took such a human form and was so strong that he had absolutely no need of crutches to stabilise his psyche. He was quite above any kind of animal behaviour. Not even death on the cross could deter Christ from being a human being. And therefore what some people thought of as a pitiful defeat was really a glowing triumph. A whole new world epoch was set in motion when Christ showed people that a truly courageous way of embracing life is not the kind of courage that we call fighting spirit, that is manifested when one overcomes and kills as many enemies as possible with one's weapons. The courage to embrace life is that power that overcomes hatred, vengeance, quick-temper, wrath and bitterness in one's mind, even when one is mocked and insulted or even tortured and put to death because of it. But this spirited and courageous attitude to life can only exist, as Christ demonstrated, on the basis that mankind feels at one with the power of the Godhead or the Father and with the Godhead's love for everything that lives.
6. Present day terrestrial human beings have none of the courage and love of life that Christ had
How much of this Christ-like mentality does the present day terrestrial human being have in his mind? Apparently absolutely none. He has none of his courage to embrace life and so has to stimulate his psyche or mentality using crutches. People have actually become geniuses at making these crutches. All the ingenious instruments of murder that we know as warships, tanks, cannons, torpedoes, submarines, bombers and atom or hydrogen bombs, are all colossal crutches with which people attempt to stimulate themselves; but these weapons of murder will never be able to liberate them from anxiety and fear, quite on the contrary.
7. The terrestrial human being has to learn to use his power of thought in harmony with the laws of the universe. The law of the jungle is only appropriate in the animal kingdom
Are people less frightened these days than they were in the past, when they were still only beings who were asleep with regard to physical or intellectual knowledge and ability? No, fear has grown to keep pace with people's ability to create more and more ingenious weapons of murder and greater and greater possibilities for proliferating ways of killing. The human being will have to use his intellectual ability in a completely different way in order for there to be security and peace in the world. He will have to learn to use his power of thought in harmony with the laws of the universe. The law of the jungle is only appropriate in the animal kingdom, which is the very kingdom that mankind is on the point of growing out of. In it, the right of the strongest holds sway and human life, as it is at the moment, is an intellectualised extension of a jungle. Animals experience fear only for a moment at the point of danger, if they survive the danger their vitality and courageous attitude to life remain intact. But human beings, as beings who think and have imagination, are afraid both before and after a dangerous situation and at the same time often just imagine that they are in danger. They take precautions and defend themselves using their intellectual ability to create weapons that, without them knowing it - for their thinking does not stretch that far - only makes the situation even more dangerous.
8. Every person who uses a weapon is really turning the weapon against himself
People can neither defend themselves nor be free from the fear of losing their own lives as long as they take cover behind weapons of murder and base their lives on brute force, having absolutely no impartial concept of justice with respect to their actions. Every person who uses a weapon is really turning the weapon against himself. The same applies to states and communities, with the result that present-day civilisation is heading for ruin. A new civilisation that will supersede it is on the point of being born; it is still in embryonic state, and is to be found in the human being's mind as a longing for peace. Christ spoke about it when he said, "The kingdom of heaven is within you". But as people do not follow in Jesus' footsteps leading from the garden of Gethsemane, they cannot expect to be resurrected from the animal life of killing. Their everyday existence will inevitably form an animal, jungle mentality, transformed by intellect into a far worse state than that found in the animal's jungle. Here people live in all-out war and are unable to be happy or free from fear. Terrestrial man is no longer purely and simply an animal, and that is the reason why he will be afraid as long as he is in the animal kingdom. He is in the initial stages of being a human being and will only be able to find what is really a joy and a blessing for him in a true human kingdom, where he is together with beings that have a pure human consciousness rather than a partially animal or jungle mentality. But first he has to create the state of the pure human being in his own consciousness, and as long as he does not fulfill these conditions or become truly conscious of them he will to a greater or lesser extent have to live in fear.
9. Fear and anxiety do not only cause the human being to get into a nervous state; they can also be the cause of serious physical illnesses
Anxiety and fear are really what cause the human being to act wrongly, and these wrong actions give a completely mistaken perspective on life. Terrestrial man believes that weapons, money and power over other people can form a protection against the dangers that threaten them from all sides; he believes that he can create peace through weapon power. People in the west call themselves Christians but they have become separated from the road of Christ, and their wandering away from Christ's mentality unceasingly creates fear. Fear and anxiety do not only cause the human being to get into a nervous state; they can also be the cause of serious physical illnesses. Fear creates unhealthy blood, which weakens the organism and reduces the immunity to illness, in fact it can even bring about a person's death. An organism should not only be maintained with physical nourishment but also with the kinds of thoughts we have. The whole nature of our consciousness plays an even greater part. Consciousness as a whole is a field of radiation and from it energies stream into the atoms of the physical organism giving them an electrical charge. These in turn fertilise the electrons, which make up the blood and the whole of the physical organism. If the field of radiation, that is to say the empty space between the physical particles is filled with negative energy and this enters the blood and circulates in the organism, the person will be unable to experience a healthy, normal life in the physical world. This state brings about further fear in the being so that it is possible to eventually die of anxiety and fear.
10. The fear of both life and death can disappear entirely from man's consciousness
Providence does not intend those beings, whom, it is said, are created in God's image after his likeness, to continue to live a pitiful existence full of anxiety and fear about both real and imaginary dangers. That is why a man was born who was able to show them the way out of the animal kingdom, to which they, with a large part of their consciousness, no longer belong. The road of Christ is the road of God and the power that leads the being along this road is the holy spirit. The holy spirit is the knowledge of life's eternal laws that will raise the human being out of the state of ignorance, which today causes the future human being in God's image to languish in all kinds of derailments from the path of real life. The fear of both life and death can completely disappear from peoples' consciousness when they begin to experience that their life is eternal and that dwelling within them is something of the Godhead, and that they are really one with the Father. The whole of mankind has to come to the point where mankind and the Father, or the Godhead, are one. What does being one with the Godhead mean? It means living life based on an absolutely thorough knowledge of the world picture and eternal life itself.
11. Real courage to embrace life is a part of the holy spirit, the creative power of the Godhead or the keynote of the universe
Christ has shown people how to live such a life. His relationship to the Father gave him the courage to embrace life no matter what situation he was in, even in the very hour of his death. He demonstrated that the only death that exists is that state of fear, hatred and selfishness that the terrestrial human being locks himself into like a mental prison, that at the same time isolates him from the holy spirit, the creative power of the Godhead or the keynote of the universe. Real courage to embrace life is a part of this power and unless we ourselves open our minds to it, fear takes over, which causes us to stimulate ourselves with crutches. These crutches, these weapons of murder need not necessarily be revolvers or bombs, they can also be mental weapons that are in everyday usage such as gossip and poisonous remarks or persecution through intrigue and slander. They can in fact be apparently innocent remarks that contain a hidden sting that bores its way into the victim's psychic body. Most people can at times be inclined to kill something of another person's happiness and joy in living, and as long as these microscopic murders take place, the person who still has it in him to commit them must live in terrestrial man's jungle of anxiety.
12. The cosmic analyses point out to the seeking human being his position on the eternal path of life
Only by pulling up in his own mind the mental roots of this jungle can Man be free of the fear and terror of the jungle, and acquire the real courage to embrace life. But this is not something that modern man can do just by saying, "you have to believe", or "you must do this and not do that". People in our times also want to understand why, by using their power of thought and sense of logic. And it has been my task to show people this through the cosmic analyses, so that they themselves can follow with their intellectual faculty the logical chains of thought that everywhere result in the great commandment to love one another. The cosmic analyses point out to the seeking human being his position on the eternal path of life and why he is precisely there. They also show what possibilities are opened up for whoever breaks out of his mental prison and follows the road of Christ. The person who in every situation can say "Father, not my will but thy will be done", will have the courage to embrace life and will be able to come through difficulties and dark states. With God built into all our actions and manifestations fear will vanish from our path of life in the same way that the damp mists of the night vanish as the morning sunshine breaks through. And people will individually experience the truth contained in the words, "I am the resurrection and the life, all who follow me shall be given life, even though they die".
Original Danish title: Guddommen og livsmodet. A lecture given at the Martinus Institute on 30th March 1952. Manuscript for the lecture edited by Mogens Møller and approved by Martinus. First published in the Danish in Kontaktbrev no. 12, 1957. Translated by Andrew Brown, 1997.
Article ID: M0530
Published in the English edition of Kosmos no. 2, 1997
© Martinus Institut 1981, www.martinus.dk
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