World Religion and World Politics
The article: Why One Should Forgive One's Neighbour
Chapter 5
The contending parties' "prayer" for victory
It is possible that many of these people prayed to the Christian god, but what did they pray for? Did they not pray that they might succeed in sabotaging or destroying the factories, houses and weapons that were in the enemy's possession? Did they not pray that God would protect them while they were out on their nightly excursions to kill and sabotage their opponent? And might it not sometimes also have happened that a similar prayer rose up towards God from the opponent?
      In truth – a strange prayer for Christian people in general and for Christian priests in particular. Can one imagine a greater travesty of true Christianity? Is one not here witness to the fact that these priests of the twentieth century, just like the priests who became Jesus' executioners or murderers almost two thousand years ago, do not know what they are doing?
      The freedom-fighter-priests mentioned here, whether they belong to the so-called "legal" side or the "traitor" side, have shown openly by their deadly conduct that they really know nothing whatsoever about Christianity, for if they did they would know that the greatest true means of protection is not sabotage, mutilation and murder of other people. It is not the principle of Thor's hammer but is, on the contrary, solely the principle of not killing, of not mutilating, of not waging war. It is thus solely the creation of peace, joy and blessing.