World Religion and World Politics
The article: Why One Should Forgive One's Neighbour
Chapter 4
Christianity and the craft of war
The old Nordic god is worshipped today to a far greater extent than ever before. But this worship is carried out in the name of "Christianity". The Christian priests sometimes bless the weapons, that is "the hammer of Thor". The nation's youth are forced to be soldiers, which means craftsmen of war, and these young people are trained in the methods best suited to killing the "enemy" and destroying his possessions, his property and his culture.
      So the young are taught and qualified in the use of "Thor's hammer". Is this Christianity? And is it not the so-called Christian states that are the greatest and most effective warring peoples in the world? Which of the other world religions' peoples have such an immense capacity to murder and destroy? Absolutely none. Did we not see that the priestly vocation within the Christian church was not more stabile and had no more root in the mentality of the priests concerned than that many of these official representatives of Christ also became freedom-fighters, while others became their opponents, that is, went over to the side of the "enemy"? And was it not firearms, bombs and machines of hell, that is "Thor's hammer", that were the foundations of their existence?