World Religion and World Politics
The article: Why One Should Forgive One's Neighbour
Chapter 13
Christ as the model for human nature
One thus understands the attitude of the world redeemer when he met the animal nature in the mentality of his persecutors. One understands why he, on the cross, prayed for his executioners, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do", instead of giving vent to hatred, anger and bitterness towards them.
      One understands why he says that one should forgive one's neighbour not only seven times a day, but seventy times seven times a day. One understands why he says to Peter, "Put up thy sword in its sheath, for they that take the sword will perish with the sword." He saw clearly the true reason for people acting in an "animal" way. He saw that it was entirely because they, in the field in question, had not yet attained a "human" mentality. And where they do not have a human mentality they cannot possibly act in a "human" way. He saw that punishing and taking revenge on a human being was flagrantly unjust. He saw that injustice could never lead to love, to happiness and joy in living. And where there is no love, happiness and joy in living there can be only hatred, brutality, unhappiness, sorrow and suffering. For this reason he turned the left cheek when he was smitten on the right, when he was crucified by his executioners. And for this reason he advised people to turn the left cheek too when they were smitten on the right. And it was for this reason that he himself as such a shining example went in advance and in everything he said and did told the people, "Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you and pray for them that despitefully use you and persecute you." He had experienced that this form of behaviour was absolutely the only one that led to the way, the truth and the life, that is to the goal for God's creation – "the human being in God's image".