The Principle of Reincarnation
The article: Through the Empty Space of the Universe
Chapter 7
"Birth" and "death"
As is evident from the above the empty space of the universe is in reality not an empty space. Such an empty space would be an impossibility in the universe. But in all situations where substance or matter is inaccessible to any kind of physical sensing whatsoever, empty space arises. What would a world or an area that is inaccessible to any kind of physical sensing look like otherwise?
      That the empty space is not an area within which absolutely nothing exists becomes a fact, as shown above, in that the physical world accessible to the senses, that is the galaxies, suns and planets, does not have its first cause or first source in the visible world in any case whatsoever or in any situation whatsoever. We see that from the darkness of the empty space or the invisible world a continuous stream of matter flows, a stream that condenses and becomes visible or accessible to physical senses. Likewise we also see how it again disintegrates and becomes inaccessible to the physical senses, whereby it becomes a part of the darkness of the empty space or the invisible world. We call this process "birth" and "death".
      We see that suns and worlds are born and die, we see mineral creations are born and die, just as we see vegetable and animal products are born and die. Everything that is accessible to physical sensing is born and dies. Here there are no exceptions. Since matter cannot come from nothing, just as it cannot either become nothing, this birth and death respectively are not any absolute beginning or end. Birth and death are thus in reality respectively an entrance to and an exit from the physical or visible world. We are thus witness to the transformation of this matter from a visible state to an invisible state.