The Principle of Reincarnation
The article: Through the Empty Space of the Universe
Chapter 5
Our world of thought is a part of the empty space or the invisible world
Now what is hidden behind this gigantic empty space? There must inevitably be hidden the something, the laws, principles and forces that cause the galaxies, planets or worlds and the living beings to emerge from darkness, from the invisible to the visible state. Likewise the invisible or spiritual world must also be a continuation of the process that leads these realities back out of the visible world and into the invisible world or state.
      There is thus a high level of activity or unfolding of energy within the great empty space of the universe, but in vibrations and wavelengths that cannot affect our physical senses. How can one know that great unfoldings of energy really do occur in this invisible world?
      We can know this by observing our own thought and the manifestation of our consciousness, which constitute that part of the invisible world that is directly linked to our experience of life. Prior to every word, every action, every movement that we want to carry out, a process of thought has taken place. We wish, think and imagine in advance the physical actions or manifestations that we wish to manifest, just as all the physical experiences that we meet leave behind thought activity and conceptual activity in our consciousness.
      Everything that people have manifested has first been manifested in their thought world, which means the invisible part of their person or appearance as living beings. So the living being does consist of a visible part and an invisible part. The visible part is thus the physical organism, while the invisible part constitutes the consciousness. But it is a fact that the visible part is directed and controlled by the invisible part. The invisible part is thus the primary part of the living being. But why should the same not be the case for the universe?