The Principle of Reincarnation
The article: Through the Empty Space of the Universe
Chapter 4
Religious and intellectual primitivity
The infinite empty space of the universe thus consists of a world of invisible substances and is therefore just as realistic as the world that consists of the substances that are visible to the physical senses. But this does not of course mean that this invisible or psychic world, as it is also called, fits into all the many different religious ideas that have been formed about it. On the contrary there has been free scope here for unnatural imagination and pure superstition. The products of this have in turn caused many intellectual people to feel downright antipathy towards every imaginable notion about the existence of this invisible world. Many of these intellectual people or scientists regard everyone who occupies him- or herself with the spiritual world as primitive, thereby revealing their own intellectual deficiency. Their attitude thus reveals that they do not understand at all how by denying the existence of the spiritual world they are compelled to take the view, consciously or unconsciously, that something can come from nothing and that something can likewise become nothing. Because of this they indirectly confirm that they themselves are primitive. The spiritual or invisible world is a patent fact in the form of the infinite empty space of the universe.