The Miraculous Power of Prayer
By Martinus

Dear Mrs Anon.,
Thank you for your friendly letter, from which I gather that your husband is very seriously ill. I entirely understand the great sorrow that this must have caused you and can only wish from the bottom of my heart that he should have the strength to come through his difficult illness without it leaving him in too great an inconvenience.
You asked me what you might have the courage to pray for. Dear Mrs Anon. you can safely pray to God for whatever is most on your heart. Prayer is an exceedingly great supporting force that God has given human beings as an innate gift. It is that force which is at work beyond fellow human beings' help, and especially where the help of doctors and science is unable to manage the particular situation. There are thousands of human beings all over the world who have been helped through this miraculous power, in cases in which all other help stood powerless. And it is exclusively through my prayer to God that I have been allowed to help all the many people that in their pain and suffering have come to me for help. And just as God has helped these people through my prayer, in the same way God will also help your husband through the power of prayer. And I will do what I can with my prayer and thought in order to help your husband in his unfortunate situation. I cannot work miracles, but I know that God sends his guardian angels to your husband's sickbed when I, in my prayer, pray for it. I know that these psychic, lovely and loving beings can in certain situations guide the doctor's hand and thought, who will make a diagnosis of your husband's illness, make a decision relating to his treatment, and possibly lead the surgical knife so that the action that is necessary for life has a fortunate outcome. If your husband prays to God for this help his guardian angels will be present just as your guardian angels will present at the sickbed, when you, dear Mrs Anon., pray to God for the same thing. All these beings will therefore do everything in their power to help your husband in his state of distress. But it is not always the case that the guardian angels can answer the prayer in the way that the person praying would like. In such a situation they then create a different kind of answer to the prayer. It consists of overshadowing the one making the prayer with so much spiritual comfort and joy, power and strength that it completely fills our minds, souls and thoughts. And with joy we thank God with our whole heart and feel the greatest joy that God's will has been done in our fate.
Dear Mrs Anon., it is a great help that heaven has ready for us, where no terrestrial power, knowledge and know how is sufficient. And with reference to the above I would be glad if you would convey my very warmest greetings to him and tell him that I have included him in my thoughts and in my prayer to God. And it is my firm belief that he will get the greatest spiritual help that it is possible for him to receive. Be therefore of good spirits, dear Mr and Mrs Anon. Despite everything, there are warm, sunny places ahead.
At the same time, I would hereby like to offer you heartfelt thanks for all the love and faithfulness that you have both over the years bestowed on myself and my cause. With the most loving greetings and the very best wishes and thoughts to you.
Martinus' signature
The article is a transcription of a letter from Martinus, dated the 9th of March 1955. Title, fair copy and new spelling by Torben Hedegaard. Approved by the Council 16.08.2021. Translated by Andrew Brown 2021 and first published in the English edition of Kosmos no. 3, 2021. Article No: M30828.
© Martinus Institut 1981, www.martinus.dk
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