The Absolutely only Effective Method of Becoming Free of a Possession

Dear Anon.,
[…] Regarding possession, which you wrote about in your most recent letter, my experiences have shown that the absolutely only correct and effective way of overcoming such a nuisance is through the possessed person using the entire force of its soul to ignore it. A woman came here late one night and begged me to help her to [missing text] became freed from it in the space of a month. This took place solely through the power of prayer and by absolutely ignoring the spirit that possessed her. This spirit had raped the woman in question already four times that day, before she came out to see me. Of course, she became severely disturbed in her work at the office, which was perfectly understandable under the terrible circumstances. She did not dare to go to the doctor, which would without doubt have resulted in her being admitted to the "St. Hans" psychiatric hospital in Roskilde. She came to me every time she needed support to ignore the spirit. But as I have said, she became totally freed. And this method is the absolutely entirely correct one, as long as the person possessed can get sufficient support to ignore the possessing spirit. The doctors do not understand possession but they sometimes give the [possessed person] an electric shock. This can sometimes help because as a rule the spirits do not like these shocks. But I do not believe that they can help in all situations. If you, dear Anon, can really impress on the possessed lady in question the necessity of totally ignoring the spirit, as if she had absolutely nothing to do with it, this could then give a good result. I hope and pray that it will be successful.
Please receive my most loving and heartfelt greetings
The article is an extract from a letter written by Martinus on the 16th June 1959. Title, fair copy and modern spelling by Torben Hedegaard. The words between the square brackets are inserted during the course of creating the fair copy. Approved by the Council in 26.03.2021. Translated by Andrew Brown 2021 and first published in the English edition of Kosmos no. 3, 2021. Article number: M30414.
© Martinus Institut 1981, www.martinus.dk
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