Flying Saucers
Martinus answers

Time and time again the institute receives questions about the existence of "flying saucers" and about where they come from. People also ask if they can conquer the distance to the moon and go on living there.
I would like to let it be known here that devoting my time to this subject and others like it lies totally outside the scope of my mission. Since the question, however, seems to mean a lot to many people I will here, once and for all, express my view of this matter.
The absolutely natural and perfect way for advanced living beings to experience visiting other worlds, planets and suns is through a cosmic experience. Therefore, it can normally be experienced only by spiritual means when the beings are free of their physical body. They then will belong on the spiritual plane, where the beings are liberated from the restricting hindrances of the physical organism, distances, time and space. That is why spiritual beings can reveal themselves for beings on the physical plane whenever and wherever that subject to whom they reveal themselves happens to be. They then show themselves in a temporary physical, visible body made for the occasion. This body is a materialised body and can be dematerialised just as quickly as it was materialised. If the flying saucers and their originators are not absolutely physical and do not belong here on the terrestrial physical plane, they can be only spiritual beings in temporary physical materialisations. Then they do not come from the universe but reveal themselves directly from the spiritual or cosmic plane. They can well be spiritual beings that in one way or another are connected to the spiritual planes of Mars and Venus, even though the physical planes of these worlds are not fit for habitation for physical human beings or other very highly developed physical beings.
It must be admitted that man's ability to travel in the universe is very limited. The earth's nearest neighbouring sun is four light years away, which means that it is about 37,843,200,000,000 kilometres away. Even if people could get up to a speed of 30,000 kilometres per hour, it would take 144,000 years to cover this enormous distance. Here it becomes evident as an irrefutable fact that such a macrocosmic, physical undertaking, indeed at even two or three times this speed, would be a total impossibility for the relatively small, microscopic physical human being.
The organism of the terrestrial human being is not created as an instrument for its originator's flight from its normal vitally necessary residence or sphere of life. It is not built to live in weightless areas without oxygen or in areas where there is no up or down, no east or west, no south or north. These areas and many others that are mortally dangerous for the physical human being cannot possibly be overcome to such an extent that it can create a permanent and normal experience of life on the moon, Mars or Venus, or on the other planets in our solar system. To this must be added the fourteen-day long day on the moon, where the sun shines its deadly heat directly onto the atmosphereless lunar surface, just as the correspondingly long lunar night gives free rein to the deadly freezing temperatures of the universe, making the physical vital conditions for animal or physical beings more or less impossible. The earth is a divine paradise compared to this stony desert of death.
I have hereby given a little insight into the law for cosmic space travel. I cannot say whether the much-talked-about flying saucers are cosmic visions clothed in physical manifestation, or if they are merely ordinary material, physical phenomena with a secret domicile here on the earth because I have had no intuitive or cosmic impulses whatsoever to devote my time to these saucer manifestations, nor have I ever been in intimate contact with them.
Yours sincerely,
Original Danish title: Flyvende tallerkener. First published in Danish in Kontaktbrev no. 18, 1966. Translated by Mary McGovern, 1995, slightly revised, 2022. Published for the first time in the English edition of Kosmos no. 2, 2022. Article ID: M3039
© Martinus Institut 1981, www.martinus.dk
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