Martinus answers a question from a reader (1951)

Will women's urge to give birth to and have children eventually decrease?
In order to shed light on this question one should first of all become clear about the fact that the number of the living beings' offspring is not entirely dependent on the will of the parents. Even though the parents within mankind are in possession of a certain ability to prevent conception it will however not be this ability that is the primary factor behind the principle that determines procreation. There exists a completely different principle in relation to which this ability can be only something secondary, something entirely local. This other principle is of course the pole-principle itself. Every living being's entire, both bodily and spiritual, structure is shaped, guided and maintained by two principles, the masculine and the feminine. These two principles or poles elicit in themselves a certain, measured state of change. In this way each of the two principles changes from a latent to a culminating state and back again, in order to repeat itself over and over again. They therefore form a circuit of movement that we call a cycle. Each of the poles in the living being are therefore subject to its own cycle. These two cycles are so coordinated that at the same time that one pole is at its culmination or maximum development the other pole is at a corresponding minimum or least development. When the masculine pole in its cycle culminates in the being, the feminine pole is in a latent state, and the being then appears as a masculine being, that is to say a male being, while the opposite is of course the case where the feminine pole is culminating and the masculine pole is latent. Here the being appears as a feminine being. And we then get the two kinds of beings that in the human race are called "man" and "woman".
But since the two poles still find themselves each in its cycle, the culminating pole will transform itself out of the culmination, while the other pole will increase in transforming towards a culmination. And in this way the constellation of the two poles' mutual relationship in the being, which determined the beings' one hundred percent state as male being and female being, is altered. At a certain place in the poles' mutual cycle their constellation will be a state of equilibrium, so that the being is now no longer a male being or a female being but appears on the other hand as a being that is equally conscious in both of its poles. It then becomes "cosmically conscious" in its existence. Such a being is the perfect human being, or the human being in God's image. As it is no longer a male being or a female being it can no longer feel the desire to possess, and cannot therefore feel jealous either. As the desire to possess and jealousy are the roots of all mental darkness in the world, the two-poled beings are raised above the kinds of thoughts that in the everyday existence create war, sorrow and illness. The peace and happiness that this pole constellation gives is the same as the "kingdom of heaven" or the peace on Earth and goodwill to all men of the Christmas gospel. It is this "peace" that mankind today desires but thinks it is able to gain with atomic weapons or other terrible machines of destruction. The terrestrial human being of today is, due to its sexual pole constellation, not a male being or a female being in the pure sense. It is in the process of diverging more and more from this state. And to the degree that it diverges from this state it becomes unfitted for marriage. The tendency to fall in love or the desire to possess the other sexual partner is to a greater or lesser extent in decline. And we have a mental zone in which marriage is degenerating. It is this zone that in Livets Bog is called the "zone of unhappy marriages". The beings are therefore on their way to a completely different sexual state of being in which the principle of procreation takes place differently.
Gradually as the transformation of the poles takes place, the woman's organism is also transformed somewhat in favour of the masculine principle that is now growing in her, and there is a corresponding growth of the feminine principle in the man. With this transformation the woman gets a more and more boyish, slim organism, just as the man's coarse and robust, muscular, masculine organism is also working its way towards the same boyish, slim body form, which is in essence an intermediate form between the strongly masculine man's body and the strongly feminine woman's body. With this change of body in the woman her organism becomes less and less adapted to giving birth to children. Indeed, it can even be life threatening for such a woman to give birth. Finally this ability will cease altogether in favour of a completely different state of procreation, that which belongs to mankind's future, new life-epoch, or the kingdom in which one does not marry. It is therefore this constellation of the poles that is decisive in the process of procreation. This is what directs the human being's will and is therefore the determining factor in marriages and relationships where one feels reluctant to give birth to children or to have children.
The above question and answer is taken from a regular feature in the Danish edition of Contact Letters 1950-51, where Martinus answered questions from the readers. Question no. 33 was published for the first time in Contact Letter no. 30, 1951. Article ID: M3033 Translated by Andrew Brown, 2019. First published in a translation by Mary McGovern in the English edition of Kosmos no. 2, 1992.
Article ID: M3033.
Published in the English edition of Kosmos no. 4, 2019.
© Martinus Institut 1981, www.martinus.dk
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