On fertilisation and the creation of embryos

Question: When does the discarnate spirit connect itself with the embryo in the womb in which it is about to incarnate? Does it happen immediately upon fertilization following sexual intercourse or, as some think, three months after intercourse?
Answer: In order that fertilization can take place at all and the formation of an embryo can begin within the sphere of one-poled beings, the vibrations (the aura) from the discarnate spirit must connect with the vibrations from the feeling of bliss or pleasure which culminates during natural sexual intercourse between two beings of opposite sexes. This feeling of pleasure and the discarnate being's aura are of the same kind. This means that the two physical partners in sexual intercourse during the culmination of sensual pleasure have the same aura as a discarnate being of bliss who is ready to incarnate again in a physical organism. And there, where such a discarnate being's aura is on exactly the same wavelength or has the same individual nature as the joint aura from the two partners in their natural performance of sexual intercourse, the joint aura referred to makes a psycho-chemical connection with the discarnate being's aura. This connection is rooted in the male sperm which is introduced into the female sex organs during sexual intercourse, giving rise to fertilization and the beginning of the formation of an embryo. Through this rooting of its aura in the formation of an embryo the discarnate being - in conjunction with the organic power released in the womb in which the embryo is situated - animates the further development and creation of the embryo. The discarnate being's talents, developed in earlier lives, will now be decisive and will form the new organism perfectly or imperfectly according to the perfection and imperfection of those talents.
As the embryo is animated by its originator's spirit and so by its 'I', it is - from its first beginning as an embryo in the womb - 'a living being'. And any attempt on the life of this embryo, by either the complete or the partial destruction of its further growth and development in the womb, is to be described as murder or homicide, just as it would have been if the attempt had been made on a living being who was already born.
Question no. 20 First published in Danish in Kontaktbrev no. 1, 1950. Translation: Mary McGovern, 1985.
Article ID: M3020
Published in the English edition of Kosmos no. 1, 1985
© Martinus Institut 1981, www.martinus.dk
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