On experiencing spiritually scientific answers

Can far-reaching problems such as Providence, reincarnation and immortality be raised from the depths of mysticism and revealed as truly irrefutable facts or acceptable scientific conclusions suitable for intellectual research in the same way as other sciences?
Like all other spiritual problems these can be explained by the initiated or intellectually developed, cosmically conscious observer in the form of scientific conclusions which in themselves are irrefutable proofs for those who can follow the line of analysis. But problems or phenomena of such high order as these which are the supporting pillars of the structure of the universe and must accordingly be the solid, unshakeable foundation for the creation of all the highest forms of culture, must constitute phenomena which exist outside thinking or perception which is limited by time and space. The substantiation or proof concerning these subjects in the form of scientific conclusions -or, in other words, spiritual science -must therefore differ from the more familiar scientific conclusions in that, unlike these, they cannot be recognised by ordinary physical senses and the ensuing materialistically inclined intelligence.
It can only be recognised through a more highly developed structure of consciousness or spiritual structure. But a higher spiritual structure exists solely as a result of a more highly developed faculty for ethical and moral thinking and imagination. That the highest mystical problems can thus only be solved through a sensing based on humanity and love of truth is due precisely to the fact that they cannot be seen or experienced in a direct, physical way but only through thinking, intuition and imagination - that is to say, faculties which only become perfect through a living being's completely perfect spiritual or mental sovereignty, a condition which cannot possibly exist in a living being or person whose thoughts are too strongly controlled and formed by the wish to satisfy personal and egotistical desires. A being whose thought-function is a slave to all possible selfish desires cannot possibly experience or work out the absolute analysis of the eternal realities or truth.
The low animal or selfish desires cannot deceive or distort physical sensing. A tree can be seen equally well by a thief and an honest person. The same is true of physical sunshine. It is experienced equally well by the robber and the saint. Man's moral structure has no influence whatsoever upon such types of sensing. Only where the being juggles with experiencing or sensing on the intellectual or spiritual plane will the moral structure constitute a contributing factor in the creation of the ultimate conclusion about what is experienced. As long as the being's strong egotistical desires or wishes control its mentality, it will form its spiritual experience or sensing and therefore its experiences, its faculty of intelligence and imagination more in favour of satisfying these desires than in order to really unveil the truth. In this way its revelation of the truth will be more a picture of the being's mental weakness or instability than a picture of the real truth. Therefore only a being who is totally above all egotistical desires in his consciousness can experience and convey the truth in its radiant pure form.
There are thus two different sets of senses: a physical set and a spiritual one. Through the physical senses the being experiences only physical reactions, and it is the analysis of these reactions by the intelligence which forms the basis for modern materialistic science. Then there is spiritual sensing which is based upon intuition and the faculty for completely unselfish thinking and imagination. It is this latter form of sensing which will form the basis for the eternal world-picture, the incipient new world-epoch's creation of culture and the ensuing lasting peace on earth.
That the highest solutions of the mystery of life cannot be proved to a living being who is materialistic or selfish must here be a matter of course, as this being's spiritual structure is bound by the tentacles of its egotistical desires which torment the being into forming its thoughts and perceptions in their favour.
It is quite different for the liberated or sovereignly thinking man of spirit. Free from all selfish desires, his interest in sensing can have only one single goal - namely to unveil the truth in its absolute divine, brilliant reality. And for beings who have progressed far enough to aspire to this radiating nobility or life in truth and reality, the analysis of the mystery of life can be proved theoretically and the great eternal facts become revealed as obvious facts.
Question no. 14 First published in Danish in Kontaktbrev no. 8, 1950. Translated by Mary McGovern.
Article ID: M3014
Published in the English edition of Kosmos no. 3, 1984
© Martinus Institut 1981, www.martinus.dk
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