On consciousness during sleep and after death

QUESTION: It there any natural, non-mediumistic connection between living beings and so-called "dead" beings?
ANSWER: Between the living and the "dead" there is a very great, vitally important and active connection. At death a being's awake, physical day-consciousness is transferred to its night-consciousness, which constitutes the same being's day-consciousness on the spiritual or mental plane. Since physical beings' day-consciousness during normal deep sleep is also transferred to their night-consciousness, they are, during this physical sleep, in a state where they have their awake day-consciousness on the same plane as the "deceased". Here the living and the "dead" can continue their mutual interchange of ideas and spend the time they want together that they no longer can have on the physical plane. Vital ideas, warnings, advice and guidance are mutually exchanged on a large scale between the beings of both planes. And even if the memory of such a spiritual time together and the experiences connected with it are totally lacking in its physical day-consciousness when such a being wakes up after sleeping, it will nevertheless be planted in this being's subconsciousness and, in given circumstances or situations, be transmitted from this to its awake, physical day-consciousness. It will then, in an intuitive-like way, fertilise this being's world of ideas with the knowledge and the spiritual or mental material that was the essential content of their spiritual time together.
In this way all living beings are connected with the spiritual world in a harmless and protected way. Death is not the great separation from one's "departed" beloved or those one is fond of that people here on Earth generally imagine. This will gradually become such a vivid perception or fact that all the pessimism, despair, tears and depression that today turn a funeral or burial into a ceremony of lamentation in black, black and more black will be changed so as to be what a funeral should be – a congratulatory celebration of light. Natural death will always be a release from the restriction of life-experience and the resulting mental prison that an immortal spirit's connection to a disabled, defective or decrepit organism that is unsuitable for the experience of life must be said to be. Such a release should not be lamented but congratulated.
Question no. 10 First published in Danish in Kontaktbrev no. 6, 1950. Translated by Mary McGovern, 1983, revised 2014.
Article ID: M3010
Published in the English edition of Kosmos no. 6, 1986
© Martinus Institut 1981, www.martinus.dk
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