The Consequences of Overtaxing the Mediumistic Ability in Previous Lives
By Martinus
Dear Anon.,
Thank you for your friendly letter of the 29th of April and for the trust in me that you have shown in your letter. It is sad that your little boy should be encumbered with this tendency to go into a trance. The cause of his state is without a doubt that he has been exceptionally overtaxed as a spiritual medium in his previous terrestrial life. Such a preoccupation goes against the laws of Nature, since it can totally remove the power from mediums who have less resistance, resulting in them being born more or less psychologically defective in their new terrestrial life. They lack a particularly strong ability to resist possession by stronger and more robust spirits. Such mediums sometimes talk from themselves and other times, when they are possessed, from the spirit that is possessing. In fact, it can sometimes itself speak directly through the mouth of the medium. As doctors and psychologists know nothing of these states of possession, they think that their patient is, in such a case, to some degree mentally ill and they treat him accordingly. But since the patient is not really mentally ill at all, since he is possessed, to treat him as mentally ill will therefore not be completely correct.
That your little boy has shown his mediumistic abilities at such an early age is due to the same principle as the one that lies behind so-called "child prodigies". We have examples of a little child's musical talent finding expression at a very early age and becoming fully developed as an adult. A couple of years ago a little boy from Italy directed the full Orchestra of the Chapel Royal here in Copenhagen. That he was able to do this was due to the fact that he had dedicated himself to music almost to the point of overtaxing in his previous life. Your little boy is under the influence of the same principle. He has clearly been overtaxed in relation to his mediumistic ability in his previous life. I can of course not advise you to take him from the doctors, even though I believe that there is not much they can do for him. On the contrary, I believe that once he becomes a bit older, he can be helped to understand his situation, and he will then be able to use his will to shut out the possessing spirits. It takes an extreme amount of concentration of thought. But he must in this case be a bit older. Apart from praying to God for him provisionally, there is nothing I can do for your son. If the doctors can help him, it would be really wonderful. But it is very difficult for them, since they are not familiar with reincarnation and the fact that the causes of illnesses can stem from previous lives. But the doctors are at any rate extremely skilled in many areas.
As far as your little son is concerned, the best thing to do, in fact that which is absolutely necessary, is that he is among people who totally understand his situation.
And with that I send you my most loving greetings,
(signed by Martinus)
The article is a transcription of a letter from Martinus dated 27th May 1959. The title, fair copy and modern spelling by Torben Hedegaard, approved by the Council 26.03.2021. Translated by Andrew Brown and first published in the English edition of Kosmos no. 3, 2021. Article number: M30009.
© Martinus Institut 1981, www.martinus.dk
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