The Immortality of Living Beings
The article: Primitiveness and Superstition
Chapter 5
The present modern culture's unfinished sides. No. 2: Man's fatal hunger for poison
Furthermore one also, from the perfect world of the finished or completed human being, looks back with astonishment at the present terrestrial human being's more or less uninhibited inhaling of poisonous, and thereby pathogenic, tobacco smoke. He in good faith undermines and destroys his lungs, those noble organs of life designed only for the inhaling of fresh air, which is an absolutely vital necessity for the being in question.
      In the same way an extraordinarily large number of unfinished human beings swallow other and even more dangerous poisonous substances: alcohol and drugs in many different forms. The completed human being of the future will read with horror about the modern human being's strange customs as regards these poisonous substances. He seals every joy, every feast, every agreement with "a glass", that is, a great amount of suicide or mental confusion, just as every depression is also sealed with the swallowing of a greater or smaller amount of similar mind-confusing or deadly poisonous substances. This continuous eating, drinking and inhaling of poisonous substances or the pouring of these into the main vital organs of the organism, which are designed solely for the promotion of the digestion of natural food and for the promotion of natural breathing (without the maintenance of the health of which the being could not possibly live and enjoy natural well-being on the physical plane), also reveal to the human being of the future a great area of primitiveness and superstition in the present civilised human being. He who controls millions of Nature's horsepower and compels them to work for him does not seem to be able to control a microscopic fraction of these powers when it is a matter of conquering life-destroying desires in his own psyche. He allows his organism, and thereby his capacity to experience life, to be hopelessly broken down and destroyed.
      As a counter-measure against the fatal diseases and health-destroying effects of their highly incomplete attitudes towards nourishment and their harmful habits of life, which cause an ocean of illness, there has been developed a very extensive medical science with large hospitals, serum institutes, operating theatres, medical wards, convalescent homes, nursing homes, and so on. This medical science fought night and day in a state of high mental tension in order to stamp out all suffering. But it was a hopeless fight. It was like fighting with a many-headed monster that had the ability to grow a new head where an old one had been removed. These "heads" showed themselves in the form of an unnatural and premature decrepitude, unnatural calcification and the formation of stones in the organism, digestive problems, metabolic disorders, paralysis, the formation of tumours, and so forth.
      One fought with the monster. Energetic researchers all over the world worked to find ways of killing the monster, that is, means of preventing new heads growing in place of the old. But the materialistic attitude in which one reckoned only with the physical side of the being, and to a certain degree even denied or ignored the idea of its soul and spirit, kept the gaze of science away from that area where the monster was vulnerable and could be hit in the heart. Since science did not want to and could not focus on this, the monster's only vulnerable place, one could not possibly kill it. This demonic being continued to undermine and destroy the health and well-being of mankind. In spite of persistent work night and day on the part of doctors and of science, in spite of huge institutions for research and vivisection, in spite of vaccines, powders and pills, not a single hospital became superfluous. On the contrary, one had to extend every hospital and build many new ones. The monster still had an immeasurable capacity for surviving. The human being of the future again shivers as he looks back at this hopeless struggle of the people of today. In the kingdom of the future, with its totally perfect world culture, one has long since discovered the monster's only vulnerable spot, that is its heart or core of life, and here found this area to be identical with the innermost causal source of not only all illnesses but also of all sufferings and unhappy fates that could possibly arise. But it is not so remarkable that, with a purely materialistic attitude, one could not find this monster's core of life, because it does not exist at all on the material or physical plane. It lies well hidden within the being's fateelement, which in turn lies within the being's superconsciousness beyond the physical organism. It is enlivened by the being's own immortal I. And as long as the I enlivens the monster's core of life it cannot be killed by other beings, regardless of how competent they may be as scientific specialists. Indeed, not even a Christ could kill the monster in the beings he helped. This was why he said to them the well known words "Your faith has saved you." The secret is thus that as long as the I, even if unconsciously, nourishes the monster, new heads will continue to grow where the old ones are removed, and the being goes on living in the areas of illness and unhappy fates, goes on creating a demon in its area of life. This demon is given life exclusively through the being's use of poisonous and deadly thought-substances. When a being thinks, a force goes from the superconsciousness of the I into the night-consciousness of its subconsciousness. Here this force becomes formed as a mental image and is then transmitted to the day-consciousness of the subconsciousness, which, when the being is not asleep, has its domicile in the physical brain. Here the thought goes on to become desire or will and gives rise to manifestation and creation in the material world. But at the same time as this thought-power vibrates into the physical brain and nerve system, it vibrates through the different areas of the physical body such as the blood, the musculature, the skeleton, and the glands and here constitutes a functioning power. This power constitutes the being's life-force. It promotes, as previously mentioned, the being's thought-function. But with the promotion of this function it can be weakened as a lifeforce. This weakening can even be so prominent that the above-mentioned power is no longer, a life-force but a deathforce. The weakening is in turn caused by the kinds of thought or thought-substance the being uses, since these pass through his brain or nerve system and likewise vibrate in his blood and other parts of the physical organism. Some kinds of thoughts can in fact be pure poison and undermine the life-force, whereby the nerves, blood and other parts of the physical organism are undermined. These cannot in fact exist without a permanent supply of healthy psychic power. For the terrestrial human being the kinds of thought belonging to the killing principle, such as thoughts of hatred, anger and bitterness, are poisonous. They destroy not only their originator's good relationship to his surroundings and fellow beings but they also destroy the being's original immunity to diseases and weaknesses in his own organism. Disease in the organism as well as an unhappy relation to one's surroundings has thus its absolute first cause here in the being's region of consciousness in the form of thought. Incorrect use of thought and the ensuing incorrect use of the will and incorrect creation thus constitute the one and only true cause of its originator's unhappy fate, whether it expresses itself as war with his fellow beings or as disease in the organism or the mind. In this way every being himself thus becomes the innermost cause of his unhappiness or suffering. By supplying his life-force with deadly kinds of thoughts the being, without knowing it, thus becomes his own deadly enemy. It is not so strange that the perfect human being of the future will shudder when looking back at the ordinary human being of today who in total ignorance sabotages and undermines his normal experience of life and at the same time hates and persecutes his neighbour in the blind belief that it is this neighbour who is his life's most bitter enemy, persecutor and saboteur.