The Immortality of Living Beings
The article: Primitiveness and Superstition
Chapter 4
The present modern culture's unfinished sides. No. 1: The human being's deadly relationship with animals
With this divine panorama over God's completed human being and his world culture as a backdrop, it is not difficult to see how incomplete the present modern human being and his so highly praised culture really are. And it is precisely with this panorama as daily life and behaviour that the human beings of the future will judge the human being of today and his behaviour, not as an expression of real culture but as unfinished and barbaric behaviour, indeed, something simply appalling. But since the human beings of the future we are talking about here will be initiated beings who therefore know why the people of today are as they are, they will be understanding and gentle judges.
      In a world in which one for millenniums has never expressed an intolerant or hostile or killing intention towards one's neighbour and does not know illness or any other form whatsoever of unhappy fates, because one has long since acquired a way of behaving that makes a being immune to these phenomena, one will with some wonder read about present day Man's barbaric cultural epoch, which for the reader will be the long lost past. And for those studying this past there will be enough to be horrified about. One will be particularly astonished by the huge area of mentality that people of today had in common with the animals. They murdered and flayed these beings in order to eat them just like beasts of prey. In one's own nature one had long since outdone these latter beings' capacity to murder with invented, artificial murder-weapons such as rifles, pistols and butcher's knives. Indeed, one had entire murder-factories (slaughterhouses) where one on a conveyor-belt, so to speak, could kill, flay and dismember a certain number of animals per hour. But this was not enough. One even reared the animals and multiplied their reproduction in order to get enough food to satisfy the still dominant hunger for meat and the ensuing animal tendencies in the would-be human being. But one was not satisfied with robbing the animals of their free life in Nature by hunting and killing them merely to satisfy one's hunger for meat. No, one also reared certain animals and multiplied their reproduction exclusively in order to get leather and furs. One reared these unhappy animals in small, confined spaces in which they sat imprisoned until they reached a certain age. They were then flayed and their skins sold for further processing into "modern" coats and furs. Imagine this entire murder-system set in motion by beings who were so superior to the animal's existence that this degrading system was not a life-condition at all, neither as regards nutrition nor clothing. The would-be human being in God's image here maintained for the animals an absolute hell quite unnecessary for the maintenance of his own existence. The human being did not even need to live on meat; it was actually downright harmful food for this refined being. But these people could not be blamed for being as they were. They lived in the very strongly fossilized superstition that it was necessary to eat meat or animal food in order to live. It was therefore in good faith that the feasts they held included orgies of the devouring of other living beings' organisms. One can see from the cultural stage of the real or completed human beings a primitiveness and superstition in the advanced, modern civilised human being of today that are not to any extent whatsoever less than those that the human being of today looks back to in people of the stone age or other primitive peoples of the past.