The Immortality of Living Beings
The article: Primitiveness and Superstition
Chapter 3
The perfect human being in God's image and his perfect world culture or kingdom on earth
Now, some will perhaps object and point out that according to this one could never be finished; everything could go on being improved without end. But this is not true. Every perfect creation is a completed unit. It has the sole purpose of bringing the object of creation to its finished stage so that it fulfils the purpose for which the creation was started. When this purpose has been fulfilled the creation is superfluous in the field concerned. This holds true just as much in the creative field of Nature as in the creative field of the human being. Trees do not grow up into heaven, and the apple does not develop beyond its fully ripe stage. In the human being's creative undertakings the completed stage is also the goal or ultimate result. If it were not so, nothing whatsoever, such as houses, cars, clothes, shoes, would be finished and benefit people. As regards the creation of the mentality of the living being, this creation is not infinite either but is intended solely to fulfil a purpose. This purpose has been expressed in the divine words "Let us create a human being in our image after our likeness". The mentality and conduct of the living being will thus be developed to be totally perfect. When this goal has been reached there is nothing more to be reached in this field. What is more perfect than total perfection? And what is total perfection as regards the living being? It is in thought, mind and conduct to be so that one does not exist in any situation whatsoever without being a real joy and blessing to all living beings and, like the sun, shining on and giving warmth to the unjust as well as the just. Then one loves one's neighbour as oneself and illustrates that behaviour which is the "fulfilment of all the laws". Greater than this love and its ensuing behaviour cannot be. To the same extent as people reach this perfection they will experience the peace and goodwill of the Christmas gospel in their daily physical lives. Then the kingdom of heaven is not only something within the being; it also sparkles and shines outside the being and unites all hearts and brains in love's immeasurable flood of rays; and God again wanders with Adam in the Garden of Eden. Here we have reached the fulfilment of God's promise about the future of Man. "The seed of the woman" has "crushed the head of the serpent". (Human behaviour has crushed the animal behaviour in the human being.) "Cain" has discarded his evil being. He no longer does evil. "Sin is no longer lying at the door." He can now "lift his head freely".* (The human being is no longer a murderer and is therefore not held to the earth by pangs of conscience and unhappy fates.) And God's words to Abraham have here been fulfilled: "In Abraham all the generations of the earth have been blessed." The Christ child in terrestrial man's mentality has grown up. "The human being in God's image" rules the terrain of the earth, its continents and seas. The flood of rays of God's countenance sparkles in all ventures, in all eyes, gives warmth in every handshake. Everything is a caress. "The prodigal son" has returned to his father. In truth, God's creation is completed. The human being has become one with God. Over the tracks of the fields of war, the death-scenery of the battlefields, the weeping and gnashing of teeth, the cries and pains of the past, a new world sparkles. Wisdom and love have united all the people and states of the world into one people and one state, into "one flock" and "one shepherd". We are in the domain of peace. The kingdom of God has become an all-conquering life-force in flesh and blood, in manifestation and creation, in culture and conduct.
* Translator's note: a quotation from Genesis 4:7 commonly rendered in English Bibles as "be accepted" but in Danish as "look freely up" or "lift his head freely".