The Road of Life
The article: The Secondary and the Primary Resurrection
Chapter 2
The real primary resurrection in the life of Jesus has been obscured by the Christian world's excitement over Jesus' secondary "resurrection" or materialisations before his disciples
This bodily, psychophysical event that Jesus, in the form of his "materialisations", manifested for his friends and disciples, is thus, for the cosmically initiated being, merely something secondary in Jesus' mission. There is another "resurrection" connected with Jesus' life and behaviour that is the primary and more significant one, but this fundamental resurrection has actually, within the Christian world, been placed entirely in the shade by the secondary or less significant bodily resurrection which was revealed in the form of Jesus' "materialisations".
      That Jesus appeared to his friends in bodily, visible and talking form after his physical body was publicly destroyed or killed must of course make a strong impression not only on those of Jesus' friends who witnessed it but also on the many later generations who came to admire and love the world redeemer. And this impression grew and grew until it, as it does today, totally obscured the real "resurrection" itself, of which Jesus was the very incarnation. It can therefore be of interest to look more closely at these two forms of "resurrection".