The article: Mankind at One with God
Chapter 9
The vitally necessary interdependence of the Godhead and the living beings
As the above-mentioned divine "something" or the "I" in the living beings is the same divine "something" as that which we saw was the I of the Godhead, and "X2" and "X3" in living beings are likewise the same as "X2" and "X3" in the Godhead's structure of consciousness, all living beings are identical to God and God is identical to the living beings. All living beings are thus God's tools for sensing and manifesting. Through the universe's oceans of living beings the Godhead manifests and experiences his life. And in this divine all-embracing sensory structure the living beings experience their life. This, the Godhead's sensory experience and manifestation, and the living beings' sensory experience and manifestation thus constitute one single great interplay. Without the one of these two states of sensing and manifesting the other could not possibly exist, and vice versa. Both these two sensory structures, that of the Godhead and that of the living beings, are absolutely equally necessary in order that experience and creation can at all take place for the Godhead as well as for the living beings. If the living beings did not exist, how would the Godhead then be able to sense and create? And if the Godhead did not exist as that unity in which all living beings are tied together in the vitally necessary interdependence precisely determining the beings' experience of life and manifestation, how then would they be able to experience life? The maintenance of the entire universe with its processes of creation, its movements of various kinds and its states of experience is thus a combined interplay between the Godhead and the living beings. This interplay constitutes the experience and manifestation of life for both the Godhead and the living beings.