The article: Mankind at One with God
Chapter 8
The immortality of the living being
We have hereby come to the great question: what joy can people now living have in the fact that people in the future will become so perfect that there can be no war or suffering in their physical epoch? We who live today will be, of course, by then, like the people of the past, long since dead and gone. But is this true? Is there really anything that indicates this? No, in the absolute sense there is nothing whatsoever that indicates this. It is true that organisms "die", but organisms are only created phenomena. All created phenomena are time- and space-dimensional, and cannot therefore be eternal. They must all break down and perish, just as they were once created and built up. As they thus each constitute a created phenomenon, this cannot possibly constitute the living "something" or "I" for which it was a tool. It is not the organism that directs the I, but the I that directs the organism. We have already, in our previous analysis of the universe, seen that this universe constituted an organism and manifestation for a living being or the Godhead. In our own structure and appearance we meet precisely such an analysis of a living being. Here, too, we meet a "something" manifesting or revealing itself through the organism or physical body. As this body in all its details constitutes nothing but a tool through which a "something" can manifest itself, this "something" is thus the real essence of being behind the organism. As this "something" is the same as that which we express as the I, it can in itself have no analysis. If we say it is evil, or if we say it is good, these analyses will only indicate phenomena that the above-mentioned "something" creates through the organism. But the created cannot possibly be identical with the creator. The creator existed before the created and will live when the created no longer exists. The state of eternity that this "something" is in is its analysis. But this analysis can only be nameless and can only be termed "X1". As the above-mentioned "something" has a faculty of creating, this faculty must be just as eternal as this "something" itself, for if there had been a time when it had no faculty of creating how could this faculty have come into existence? It is therefore likewise to be expressed as a nameless "something", which we must then term "X2". But when "X1" and "X2" thus exist eternally, these two X's, just like "X1" and "X2" in the structure of the Godhead, are the source of a reality we must call "X3". Just as "X3" in the Godhead constitutes the eternal result of his manifestation or creation, so too is "X3" in the living beings the result of their manifestation and creation. As these three X's, just like the Godhead, constitute an inseparable unity, which in this case is the same as a living being, the living being is thus absolutely eternal. When the living being is thus an eternal reality, its present existence is not its entire life and appearance. The age that it has now is only the age of its present organism and not the age of its eternal structure itself. The present organism is thus not the only organism that this "something" has used. It must of necessity constitute merely a single link in a chain of organisms or physical bodies that it has had in its preceding eternal existence.
      As the above-mentioned "something" can thus create one physical body after another, this, its principle of organism, is likewise eternal or beyond time and space. In this, its eternal state, it constitutes, as previously mentioned, a triune principle in the form of the three X's, just like the Godhead. We thus see here how the terrestrial human being in his eternal structure already appears in "God's image". He consists of the same three eternal and indivisible principles as God does and is therefore guaranteed an eternal existence with an eternal experience of life or immortality. As this "something", which is the same as the I in the living being, is thus immortal and thereby survives the destruction of its organisms as well as their construction, we see here how the way is prepared for it, life after life in physical existence, to be perfected through God's process of creation in order finally to sparkle, shine and warm in the flood of rays from God's spirit as the finished human being in God's image after his likeness.