The article: Mankind at One with God
Chapter 7
The Godhead's consciousness or the universe is a revelation of love
It is not easy for the unskilled researcher to see any logical meaning in the epoch of Doomsday or of the unhappy fates. But not being able to see the meaning of a thing does not mean that this thing is a curse. There can well be a meaning in it, indeed there can even be a loving purpose to its manifestation or creation. In order to understand the meaning or purpose of Nature's processes of creation or manifestations one must learn to distinguish the finished manifestations from those still unfinished. By observing all those of Nature's processes of creation that are finished and fulfil their purpose we will never come to witness that they are not a joy and a blessing, either directly or indirectly, for living beings. But in Nature or God's creation there is an ocean of manifestations that are not finished. That these manifestations can fulfil their purpose just as little as people's unfinished manifestations can is a matter of course. Those of Nature's manifestations or processes of creation that span hundreds or thousands of years forward in time before reaching their ultimate result cannot of course today be a joy and a blessing for the living beings in the way that they will be when they have reached their ultimate result and completed their creation. Today they can even seem to be a curse. But all those processes of creation that Nature manages to complete within a period of time during which we can follow them to their ultimate completion are all without exception a joy and a blessing for living beings of one sort or another. Here we need only think, as previously mentioned, of our own organism and the other blessings of Nature creating the conditions for living and existing in healthy well-being. To those processes of creation that we cannot follow with our physical senses from the beginning to the end of their course, due to their spanning a period of time much greater than that of our own present physical terrestrial existence, belong, for example, the perfecting of mankind, its development of morality and its creation of culture. It is easy to see that these phenomena have in far from all instances reached their ultimate result, having become a joy and a blessing for living beings. If the opposite were the case, there would be neither war, illness, starvation, poverty nor other forms of misery. Everyone would love everyone else. When everyone is, so to speak, at war with everyone else it is due exclusively to the fact that the mentality of beings and their ensuing behaviour are still very far from being perfect or complete. Everywhere that suffering arises there is something whose creation is not completed by Nature or the Godhead. The fact that animals have to kill in order to live, that people hate, murder, kill, mutilate and make war is an absolute expression of the fact that here Nature's great process of creation is not finished.
      As all the ultimate results of Nature's process of creation or God's manifestations that we are able to see constitute, in all instances, a joy and a blessing, and as there thus in the above-mentioned situations does not occur one single instance where the opposite is the case, we here witness the fact that Nature's or God's purpose with all creation is exclusively to transform everything into a joy and a blessing for living beings. Everything is an expression of the immutability of this analysis. We thus here get an absolute confirmation of the presence of an almighty and all-wise creator or Godhead behind all creation, manifestation and experience of life. As this Godhead is behind all manifestation and creation, and this manifestation and creation constitute so immutably a joy and a blessing for all living beings, the thousands-of-years-old idea that this Godhead's way of being is love becomes here a reality.