The article: Mankind at One with God
Chapter 5
The eternal source of the universe
Since absolutely all movements, all creation as well as all experiences have their roots in or derive from the above-mentioned stillness, it absolutely cannot be rightly regarded as "nothing". This stillness is therefore to be expressed as "something that is". This "something" is thus beyond all change, beyond all movement. It constitutes the source of all change or creation. It thus differs from all that is visible, from all that is created in the universe or cosmos, by being "the creator". Since it cannot itself be created, but is the source of all creation, it is likewise the source of all that comes under the terms "time" and "space". Since it is the source of time and space, it must itself exist beyond time and space. It thereby constitutes eternity and infinity themselves. We can thus here recognise an "eternal something" existing behind all the phenomena of the universe that constitute the source of the universe. This something reveals itself or manifests its consciousness through the elaboration and creation of the entire universe, experiencing life through this creation. This something can thus have no analysis whatsoever. If we say that it is large, or if we say that it is small, if we say that it is evil or that it is good, it is light or dark, black or white, these analyses will be analyses of something it has created and not of something that it is. It existed before it created this or that phenomenon. This cannot therefore possibly be its analysis. This something can therefore be expressed only as "something that is". This something thus exists as "an eternal something" that is in itself without analysis. It is therefore nameless. This "something" is de scribed in more detail in "Livets Bog (The Book of Life)" under the term "X1". Since it also reveals that it has a faculty of creating, this too must constitute "an eternal something", for if there had been a time when this faculty of creating did not exist, "X1" could not create it, and it could thus never have come into existence. Since it is eternal it cannot have any analysis either. It can be neither old nor young. It can be neither large nor small, for all the created things of the universe are created by it. All faculties of creating are identical to it. It is thus absolutely the only existing faculty of creating. It is therefore also nameless by nature, besides being "something that is". It is therefore in "Livets Bog" likewise termed "X2". But as "X1" and "X2" have existed eternally they are also an eternal result of the eternal existence and interplay of these two realities. This result and interplay constitute the visible universe, which is exclusively a combination of processes of creation and results of these processes. It is these results we see as identical to "created things". This eternal process of change or creation, building up and breaking down in matter or, in brief, the entire universe as it appears to the senses, cannot either, because of its eternal existence, have any analysis. It constitutes everything that exists. And there is thus nothing else to which it can be compared, and no comparison by virtue of which it could be recognised as large or small, as good or evil, or as identical to any other analysis whatsoever. We are therefore obliged to recognise it as nameless or simply as "something that is". It is therefore termed in "Livets Bog" "X3". These three nameless realities do not exist independently of each other. It is only in the analyses that we must differentiate between them in this way. They each constitute, however, such a well-adapted link in the connection with the two other nameless realities or "X's" that they together constitute an experiencing and creating reality. But an experiencing and creating reality is the same as "a living being". And so we here have before us the absolute solution of the riddle of existence. The most profound analysis of the universe is this, that it constitutes an all-embracing living being. And we have here come to the only existing almighty and absolute God, the eternal source and protector of all things.