The article: Mankind at One with God
Chapter 3
Absolutely everything is an expression of life
No release of energy or creation can exist without being a manifestation of life or evidence for the existence of a living being. But this does not mean that people regard the source of the energies or forces as such. On the contrary, they regard only those energies or releases of force whose source they are able to sense with their physical senses as the manifestations of living beings. The forces of Nature, such as the surf of the ocean, the raging of storms, the flight of the clouds and the running of water, are certainly not regarded as manifestations of life or manifestations that have a living being as their source. But this is due only to the fact that people do not yet know the solution of the mystery of life. What does a fly moving about on the roof of a house know about the fact that this roof is a manifestation of life, the creation of a living being? If people do not yet regard the forces of Nature as a result of the manifestations of living beings, it is exclusively because the source of these forces is so gigantic that in relation to them people can be considered as merely specks of dust. Any movement is the most unequivocal characteristic of life, indeed it is irrefutable proof of life. What could otherwise create movement? Death is absolute stillness, absolute immobility, absolute unalterableness. It cannot possibly be the source of movement. But since the universe, everything that can at all be sensed, is movement, this absolute stillness does not thus occur in any time- and space-dimensional area that can be sensed. This in turn means that a real and absolute death does not exist. Everything is living, everything is an expression of life, everything constitutes the manifestation of living beings. And it is these manifestations or expressions of life that constitute the physical organisms of living beings and the manifestations brought about by virtue of these. It is these manifestations that together constitute the visible universe with all its created phenomena, its kinds of movement, its transformations, its building up and breaking down of substance or matter.